Apr 28, 2003

What a beautiful day. It is 77° in NYC right now and I am loving it!!! This is my kind of weather: sunny and warm, the perfect day.

And I need it to be a good day today, I am so tired from last night. I went to work at the club; it was the first Sunday night we're open and it was horrible. There was no one there.... excuse me, there were four people there. wow. Gerard had told me that they'd been promoting the club, that they were advertising for Sunday and Monday and we should expect a small crowd, but four people is hardly a crowd. In any case, I made a little money and came home at 2am instead of 4am. I hope it will be better tonight, but I guess I have to wait and see. I know next weekend will be very busy because there's a party booked already, so I have next Sunday to look forward to. *sigh*

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