Apr 13, 2003

Well, it turns out I didn't have to go to work tonight; they didn't open the club. How disappointing, I was looking forward to getting some money. *pout* So instead I watched a little tv, a show on A&E about the life of Jesus (I love those shows), and then I remembered I haven't done my taxes.... eekkkkk. I totally forgot about it, and it's the 13th already. So I took out my paperwork, the form the IRS sent me, my calculator and pencil and sat down to do them. Well, I hadn't realized that the form I received was a 1040A which I cannot use, so I had to get online to print the 1040 and look over the instructions. I was doing ok, until I needed the Taxable Income Chart. Guess what, they don't include the charts with the instructions online. What is that about? So I had to stop and now my taxes are only half done. I have to go to the library tomorrow, pick up the instruction book, finish with my forms and then send them. What a drag.

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