Apr 3, 2003

Things to do today:
~Meet Anna at the Dr.'s office, then go with her to her lawyer's office.
~Look in the map to see how to get to the post office exam tomorrow.
~Call dad. (maybe)
~Upload Arizona pictures.
~Translate 50 Things About Colombia into Spanish.
~ER @ 10pm.
~Go to sleep early. I need to be rested for tomorrow morning.

I had so much fun last night at Alice's birthday party; we ended up leaving at around 10 pm. And we were stuffed, J. prepared such a wonderful meal, as always... he's such a good chef and I'm so lucky he always wants to cook for me.hehehe So Billy came by with Jean, Mathew came with Christina, Maureen invited Tamara, and a couple of Alice's church friends came over. We were about 13 people altogether, and there was not a morsel of food left. That's how good it was. I was sad the kids couldn't stay for dinner and cake, but their mom wanted to take them home and it's best not to argue with her. We didn't need a scene in the middle of a birthday party.

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