Apr 25, 2003

TGIF. I'm glad I don't have to be up at 5am tomorrow and I get to stay in my neighborhood.

I had a rough day in Brooklyn today. I guess I was so tired by the afternoon that I started banging myself against things, you know how when you're tired you get clumsy... well that was me. First I went out for a slice of pizza at 2pm and on the way back tripped and fell on my hands and knees. I fell so hard that I ripped my jeans on the knees and got a relly bad scrape on my right hand. And of course, I'm right handed. *ouchy*. (but I saved the pizza hahaha). Then about an hour later I was cleaning up something on the bathroom floor and banged my head on the sink counter when I got up. I got a monster bump on my head. I'm in pain and uncomfortable... and taking a shower when I got home was just horrible. I'm so glad it's Friday and don't have to go back to Brooklyn until Wednesday. Yey!

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