Mar 19, 2003

Well, another depressing and dissappointing day; I got turned down for another job. I don't know where I'm going to end up if this situation doesn't change, but I don't see anything happening in the immediate future. Between the weak economy, our president pushing for war instead of taking charge of the internal problems in this nation, such us UNEMPLOYMENT, and my unfortunate status as a resident alien I don't know what to do. The catering business J. and I started is not exactly blooming (jobs for parties are hard to find in this economy), but we're still trying to make a go of it. I just hope I get my appointment for my citizenship exam soon, once that's done, I will have an opportunity to go after jobs that are out of my reach right now. Like the one I didn't get today. *sigh*

In other news, my boyfriend doesn't like the fact that I started this blog. He's very concerned about all the personal information I'm giving out thru this medium. So, from here on he will be reffered to as J. and the kids will just be the kids. I won't let him tell me what to do, but if he is so concerned, I'll just try not to write about him. -Kind of hard, considering he's my boyfriend and a big part of my life. But I'm not going to argue with him about it.

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