Mar 20, 2003

Thursday Threesome

::Mountain Spring Water::

Mountain: Hey, summer's on the way! If you can get away, is it to the mountains or to the beaches? ...and even if you cannot: if you could, which would you go for?
Living in NYC, I prefer the mountains. The clean air, the quiet sounds of nature... I love it.

Spring: Enough is enough! Are you ready for Spring yet? ...or are you one of the lucky ones who are aleady smelling the roses? Oh, yeah!! I'm sooo ready for spring. I noticed my neighbor's garden sprouting the first signs of spring two days ago and it made me smile.

Water: Domestic or bottled? Are you one of those who just cannot drink tap water and absolutely has to have bottled? ...or does any source that has some chlorine in it to okay with you? I love drinking water, and don't mind tap water at all, except when I travel. New York has some of the cleanest and best treated water in the country, but I don't know about the water in other places, so when I'm away... I bottle it baby!

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