Mar 9, 2003

I spoke to Chuck today, he called to let me know he got my e-mail about the wedding pictures. He said they love them, they were thrilled to see their pictures and wants me to e-mail him the others I didn't post. They especially loved the "Wedding Breakfast" picture, and I must agree it is very cute. So that's my to-do for tonight. I also have to e-mail the pictures' link to Faye and Alice, I'm sure they're going to love them. And I know they'll be surprised to hear from me. I'm so bad, I never e-mail them back when they write to me... I feel bad about it. But this will make up for some of my ingratitude. It's not that I don't think about them, I'm just too lazy to write. Anyway, that's two things I have to do tonight.

I did some major cleaning in my apartment today. The only thing I didn't do was the laundry, which needs to get done desperately, but I was just too tired after doing the bathroom, the kitchen, the floors... a woman's work is never done, hehehe. Besides, I got a late start because I was up very late last night fiddling with my web-page. I'm having fun working on it. I just wish my computer wasn't so slow. What I really wish is to have the money to get a new computer in May when my people-pc membership is over. I would love to upgrade, but those $25 a month are gonna be hard to fit in my budget. I hope something good happens soon (money wise).

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