Jun 17, 2003

This or That
1. Newspapers or magazines? Newspapers.
2. Books-on-tape or regular books? Real books. I love the feel and smell of a new book.
3. Paperback or hardcover? Hardcover.
4. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction.
5. Sci-Fi/Fantasy or romance novels? If I must choose between the two: romance novels.
6. Borrow from library or buy books (either new or used)? Buy new books (except due to my financial situation in the past year, I've been visiting the library a lot).
7. Subscribe to magazines or buy on newsstand? Newstand.
8. Current best-sellers or classic literature? Classic literature.
9. Read books once, or re-read favorites every so often? Re-read favorites.
10. Here in the U.S., we have two hot best-sellers...former First Lady Hillary Clinton's memoirs, and the new Harry Potter book (coming out June 21). If you had to read one, which one...Hillary or Harry? Why? I prefer to read Hillary Clinton's book. I find her interesting and have enjoyed watching her doing interviews while promoting her book. I like the way she expresses herself.

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