Jun 6, 2003

Teresa, I miss your food
J is coming over for dinner and asked me to make him spaguetti and meatballs. He loves it when I cook Italian food and is just crazy about my sauce. I decided to buy some Italian sausage and add it to the menu.

That reminded me of the wonderful food my aunt* Teresa used to cook. She was Colombian (de Boyaca) but was married to an Italian man for over 25 years. To tell the truth she cooked better Italian than Colombian food. And I can say she made the best sausage and meatballs I have ever eaten. Every time I make meatballs I think of her and remember being in her kitchen watching her and salivating in anticipation of the great food she was going to serve.

I wish I had known her better, I miss her. I know she loved me the most out of all the kids in the family (my brother and two cousins, not her kids) and I never knew why. I just figured it was because I was the oldest.

On the menu tonight.... spaguetti with sausage and meatballs, flavored with a tear of nostalgia.

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