Jun 17, 2003

I'm back
I haven't been around in over a week. I've been a little busy with my dad's birthday and father's day. Plus I started working full time at Macy's.... finally. It's not great money, but it pays the rent until I get something better.

I went to visit my dad on Father's Day. I only visited with him for a couple of hours, because he had been invited to a breakfast and I had to be in Brooklyn by 4pm. In those two hours I helped him put together a bbq grill he got for his birthday and we talked a little bit. It was a very short visit, but it's the best I could do that day.

Katie had her dance recital later that afternoon. She looked very beautiful and danced like a princes. I just love her. After her recital we all went back to J's for dinner and as usual, I stuffed myself. He is such a great cook, it's a wonder I'm not fat.

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