May 1, 2003

The Thursday Threesome
:: See Spot Run::
Onesome: See- What do you see when you look out your kitchen window? Just curious... The garages and backs of houses and an alley. Not a very inspiring view.
Twosome: Spot- Okay, pet names... Come on; not everyone has a "Sparky" or a"Fluffy". If you have a pet or two, what did you name them? Hmmm... No pets? How about a 'pet name' for someone close to you? My first pet was a cat called Tigre, my second pet was another cat named Kitty (I still miss him), then there was Lori, a German Shepherd who now lives at my dad's house. And my pet name for my boyfriend is "baby". I love him so.... *sigh*
Threesome: Run- Hey, what's your favorite 'run over to' place? You know, the "Honey,I'll be back in a bit, I need to run over to..." That place! "Trade Fair for ice-cream".... "Trade Fair for donuts".... "Trade Fair for pop-corn"....

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