Jul 28, 2003

Must I wear those funny glasses?

I went to the movies with Joseph and the kids last night. We saw Spy Kids 3-D, and I must say I was happy that it was a real "movie for kids". I'm quite old fashioned when it comes to raising kids and don't think it's necessary to throw in adult content in what's suppossed to be a kid's movie, eg: Scooby Doo. And the excuse that "you have to make it likeable or appealing to adults too" doesn't wash.

This movie keeps them entertained, has no real violence, absolutely no sex (except Juni starts to like a girl, I thought that was cute). They should make more movies like this one. If I had a rating system, I'd give it a 4 out of 5, just because those 3D glasses leave me cross-eyed.

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