Dear Lord, I pray for:
Wisdom, To understand a man
Love, To forgive him and
Patience, For his moods
Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength
I'll just beat him to death.
Via Partial to the bean
Dec 23, 2003
Secret Santa
I received my blog secret santa tonight. I'm so excited, I think I'm going to open it right now...... yey!
It's almost over
Yes, the crazy x-mas season is almost over and I survived. With my crazy work schedule I haven't had time to be worried about x-mas this year (thank God). Unfortunately I am one of those unfortunate souls that become depressed this time of year. Right now I'm just looking forward to spending x-mas day in bed watching tv; resting and catching up on some sleep will be my gift to my self.
Dec 14, 2003
I stayed up tonight and played with my blog. I like these colors, although I started "chrismassy". Now I just have to figure out how to blog from my cell, hopefully I'll do it in a day or two.
Can you hear me now?
Yeah, baby!! I got my cell phone a couple of days ago. I am so happy I am finally coming out of this rut I've been in. I'm starting to get my hands on enough money that I can do little things for my self.
Life is good.
Life is good.
Dec 1, 2003
It's been a long time
Seriously, I haven't had time to blog in a month. I'm just too tired from work, and too worried about money. What else is new, right?....
Thanksgiving was ok. I went to Joseph's to have dinner with his family..... I was very stressed. They're just so different; I love Joseph, but they're so different from us, from my family.... I couldn't wait to leave. Afterwards we went to my dad's and we had lots of fun, until Joseph and Juan started on the second bottle and it all went to hell. Joseph got drunk and I felt like I wanted to run out of the house. I was so embarrassed......
And it's not over.... Christmas is coming.
God help me.
Thanksgiving was ok. I went to Joseph's to have dinner with his family..... I was very stressed. They're just so different; I love Joseph, but they're so different from us, from my family.... I couldn't wait to leave. Afterwards we went to my dad's and we had lots of fun, until Joseph and Juan started on the second bottle and it all went to hell. Joseph got drunk and I felt like I wanted to run out of the house. I was so embarrassed......
And it's not over.... Christmas is coming.
God help me.
Oct 28, 2003
New doctor
I have an appointment this afternoon, and I'm a little anxious. My doctor reffered me to a new gyn, and you know the first time is always uncomfortable.... who am I kidding? every visit is uncomfortable; I'm just glad it's only once a year.
What now?
Not much going on these days except work, work, work. And on that note, we have the Pre-Holliday "party" this Saturday. The good thing is I surpassed my pre-sale goal by 50% *woohoo*, the bad thing is I'm still 2k short to make my month's goal. Yikes!
Then on Sunday we're having our "employee" party. Louis is taking us to Bowlorama after work which should be fun. The only problem is that I'm not going. *boohoo* I mentioned the party to Joseph the other night and he went ballistic. Apparently he had a very bad experience with a holiday party which excluded spouces, and now I'm going to miss ours because spouces are not invited. This sucks!!
Then on Sunday we're having our "employee" party. Louis is taking us to Bowlorama after work which should be fun. The only problem is that I'm not going. *boohoo* I mentioned the party to Joseph the other night and he went ballistic. Apparently he had a very bad experience with a holiday party which excluded spouces, and now I'm going to miss ours because spouces are not invited. This sucks!!
Oct 14, 2003
I went looking for car insurance...
and was shocked at the quotes I got. The lowest I found was $1900 just for liability. That can't be right! I was paying $2000 for full coverage for my new car a few years ago. It looks like I'll have to take a defensive driver's class (which will cost me $50 anyway), and maybe I'll ask my landlord to install an alarm in the car, since he has an electronics business. Hopefully he'll do it for a good price.
And when will I be able to save the money for this????.....
And when will I be able to save the money for this????.....
Sep 28, 2003
Happy Birthday to me!
That's right, today's my day. I won't be doing anything special to celebrate, but I am amazingly glad to be in much better shape than I was last year. I still can't treat myself to my "usual" birthday gifts, but at least I'm not worried about making the bills for the month.
I was thinking about my mom when I was cooking tonight. 36 years ago seems like an eternity. I wish she was here, there's so much I want to ask her.
Thanks mom. I love you.
I was thinking about my mom when I was cooking tonight. 36 years ago seems like an eternity. I wish she was here, there's so much I want to ask her.
Thanks mom. I love you.
Sep 27, 2003
Singing in the Rain
Early celebrations
That's right, I got to celebrate my birthday at work today. My co-workers surprised me with a delicious cheesecake and a card. Nothing fancy, but very sweet and fun. Besides that, I had a good selling day... yey!
Then after work I went to Macy's to pick up a few items I had on hold. Double discount for employees today; I love shopping when I get super discounts.
Then after work I went to Macy's to pick up a few items I had on hold. Double discount for employees today; I love shopping when I get super discounts.
Sep 25, 2003
Be still my heart
I am on cloud nine today.... I came home last night and I found the most wonderful thing in my mailbox: my appointment for my citizenship interview. yahoo!! I was so excited, I thought my heart would jump out of my chest; I got so emotional and happy I couldn't stop giggling. Joseph was here, so we shared a nice night together.
Today I am happy, and looking forward to January. - Life is good.
Today I am happy, and looking forward to January. - Life is good.
Sep 23, 2003
Got wheels?
My dad called me last night and during the conversation mentioned he's buying his new car/truck. He'll probably have it by the week's end, which is a good thing. An even better thing is that he asked me if I'd be interested in buying his "old" car. It's a '93 Taurus, but it's in mint condition... ofcourse I jumped and said yes!, except I don't have the money to buy it now. So, what does he say?... well, just find out about the insurance first and see if you can handle that, we'll talk about the rest later. woo hoo He's offering me his car..... I'm so excited. I'm going to find out about the insurance this weekend, and in the meantime I'm just crossing my fingers that it's not going to be an arm and a leg.
I would really love to get the car. It would make my life so much easier, and would definitely give me the "pick me up" I need.
I would really love to get the car. It would make my life so much easier, and would definitely give me the "pick me up" I need.
Counting down...
Yes, I am... My birthday is next Monday and I'm looking forward to it. I have the day off from work, and I'm taking a ride upstate with Joseph. I love driving up the Palisades this time of year. The air is starting to have a chill to it, the leaves are starting to turn, the skies are clear and the sun is bright.... I love it.
I hope we have good weather for my b-day so we can walk around and make some happy memories. :)
I hope we have good weather for my b-day so we can walk around and make some happy memories. :)
Another day, another dollar
Yeah, yeah... I haven't been around in a couple of weeks, but I have a good excuse reason. I've been working so hard, I haven't had much time for fun stuff. I don't even have enough time to do my "every day" stuff... my laundry basket seems to be permanently overflowing, the bathroom and kitchen seem to be the only place I spend time besides work. My computer desk looks like a disaster area...
*sigh* I feel better now, I guess I just needed to vent a little... Now, if I could just do something about that laundry basket....
*sigh* I feel better now, I guess I just needed to vent a little... Now, if I could just do something about that laundry basket....
Sep 1, 2003
Who's got time?
Lately, not me. I've actually started considering giving up my part time job. Right now I only have one day to do house work and run errands, and don't have much time left over for me. I'm going to try to stick it out for as long as I can, but I am so tired every day that I just want to make excuses not to go to Macy's.
Aug 16, 2003
I made it
Here I am, getting over the "blackout 2003". I was at work when the lights went out and left work for Brooklyn (to Joseph's house) at 5:30pm. I walked south from 23rd st. to the Manhattan Bridge, into Brooklyn and all the way to Windsor Terrace. It took me 4 hours.... in that horrible heat and humidity, not knowing just what exactly had happened, and worried because the sun was setting and I was afraind to be walking alone in total darkness in streets I didn't know. Don't get me wrong, I knew how to get to where I was going, but I had never traveled that route before and I was a bit scared.
After getting to Brooklyn and cleaning up, eating and resting for a while, the phone rings........ it was Anna. She was waiting for me at my house in Queens *&%*#@&%@* Joseph had to borrow a car and drive me to queens at midnight, in the dark, to rescue my crazy aunt.
Tired as I was after Thursday night's "adventure", I had to go to work yesterday. Can you believe that! It was my day off and I had to be there at 8:30 am! I was at the store, along with 3 other co-workers and my manager until 3pm and today I worked again. I am beat. And the worse part is that I work again tomorrow.
I can't wait till Monday........ finally, a day off!
After getting to Brooklyn and cleaning up, eating and resting for a while, the phone rings........ it was Anna. She was waiting for me at my house in Queens *&%*#@&%@* Joseph had to borrow a car and drive me to queens at midnight, in the dark, to rescue my crazy aunt.
Tired as I was after Thursday night's "adventure", I had to go to work yesterday. Can you believe that! It was my day off and I had to be there at 8:30 am! I was at the store, along with 3 other co-workers and my manager until 3pm and today I worked again. I am beat. And the worse part is that I work again tomorrow.
I can't wait till Monday........ finally, a day off!
Aug 11, 2003
I just noticed.... my birthday is only 49 days away. Yikes! I'm not sure how I feel about celebrating another year gone by. I just hope Joseph will make it a fun day, he usually does.
I'm baaack...
I haven't been around in a couple of weeks, but with good reason. I have been very busy studying and jugling my schedule so I can keep my Macy's job as part-time. I started my new job last Friday and am feeling good about it. I'm proud of myself because I've managed to motivate myself and haven't had any anxiety attacks. I usually have a very hard time when I find myself in new situations, but I'm handling it really well this time. I've made a few sales, and am learning so much that I haven't had time to be nervous.
I'm so grateful for this opportunity... I have to make the most of it.
I'm so grateful for this opportunity... I have to make the most of it.
Jul 28, 2003
Must I wear those funny glasses?
I went to the movies with Joseph and the kids last night. We saw Spy Kids 3-D, and I must say I was happy that it was a real "movie for kids". I'm quite old fashioned when it comes to raising kids and don't think it's necessary to throw in adult content in what's suppossed to be a kid's movie, eg: Scooby Doo. And the excuse that "you have to make it likeable or appealing to adults too" doesn't wash.
This movie keeps them entertained, has no real violence, absolutely no sex (except Juni starts to like a girl, I thought that was cute). They should make more movies like this one. If I had a rating system, I'd give it a 4 out of 5, just because those 3D glasses leave me cross-eyed.
This movie keeps them entertained, has no real violence, absolutely no sex (except Juni starts to like a girl, I thought that was cute). They should make more movies like this one. If I had a rating system, I'd give it a 4 out of 5, just because those 3D glasses leave me cross-eyed.
To begin with...
Earlier today I spoke to the man who offered me that job last week. I'm trying to get a little more money (which is still far from the salary I had at the Club three years ago). He asked me to call him back tomorrow morning to see what he can work out with his boss; I hope he can will agree to what I asked for, which really isn't a lot of money. The good thing is that I would will be working on commission, so that will supplement my weekly salary.
Honestly, I'm a little nervous about the commission part of the job. I'm going to have to go in there hungry if I want to make money, I just don't know if I have it in me. Then again, they set sales goals for their sales people, so that's a way to be sure I'll have to hussle.
I have my fingers crossed.
Honestly, I'm a little nervous about the commission part of the job. I'm going to have to go in there hungry if I want to make money, I just don't know if I have it in me. Then again, they set sales goals for their sales people, so that's a way to be sure I'll have to hussle.
I have my fingers crossed.
Jul 21, 2003
Old black & white
And here we are.... we must have been 3 & 8 years old or something like that. Weren't we cute?
Happy Birthday, Chuck!
My brother celebrated his 31st birthday yesterday; and now I'm starting to feel old. How could I have a 31 year old "little brother"? Really, to me he is still my little brother... I could still pick on him (if I wanted to), I still worry about him and want to look out for him. I know that's Cara's job now, but I can't help myself.
Now I'm thinking, my birthday in only 2½ months away.... I'll be 36 *gasp*. I'm not sure I want to celebrate this year. Specially when I think about the one goal I had set for myself during my 35th year, and I didn't accomplish it. My only hope is that my financial situation changes very soon and I can start thinking about it again.
Now I'm thinking, my birthday in only 2½ months away.... I'll be 36 *gasp*. I'm not sure I want to celebrate this year. Specially when I think about the one goal I had set for myself during my 35th year, and I didn't accomplish it. My only hope is that my financial situation changes very soon and I can start thinking about it again.
Could I be so lucky?
So I went to work on Saturday and my foot felt ok, apparently there are no broken bones. That's the good news.... now the exciting news is that I was incredibly busy and in the middle of the hazzle and buzzle a man approached me and tried to recruit me, practicly offered me a job at a well known diamond store. Apparently he had been watching me and was very impressed with me....*grin&blush*. I took his business card and rushed to call Joseph and tell him what happened; needless to say I was so excited I couldn't wait for Monday morning to make the call. So I called this morning and got myself an interview for tomorrow. Could it be that my luck is finally changing?
I'm so excited I keep can't stop smiling.
I'm so excited I keep can't stop smiling.
Jul 18, 2003
It happened today again, I hurt my foot at work. This time it was the right foot. Just as I was walking towards the elevators to the cafeteria to have my lunch, one of the tradesmen working in the building collided with me. Yes, we didn't bumpt into eachother, he collided with me. If I hadn't tried to avoid bumping into him I probably would have bounced. You see, he hit me like a brick wall and kicked the top of my right foot. Although it was an accident, I got really pissed (about an hour later when the pain started to go away a bit). It hurt so bad I had to file an accident report and left work three hours early. Much as I need the money, I couldn't imagine staying at work where I have to be on my feet and walk back and forth behind my counter. The only good thing is that I have already accumulated 3½ hours overtime so far this week and I won't be short on next week's check.
The last time I had a "stupid foot accident" was at the Club (my last job) about three years ago. I left my office and started to walk down the stairs when I slipped and twisted my foot in a way that I landed on the tip of my toes (the left foot that time). I hurt my big toe and the one next to it so bad that I had to take a cab home. I couldn't even get my boot back on my foot. Although I didn't break anything my toes never healed properly, and they still hurt sometimes.
So tonight I laid on my couch with an icepack on my elevated foot and am hoping to feel better tomorrow.
I must feel better.... I can't miss work.
The last time I had a "stupid foot accident" was at the Club (my last job) about three years ago. I left my office and started to walk down the stairs when I slipped and twisted my foot in a way that I landed on the tip of my toes (the left foot that time). I hurt my big toe and the one next to it so bad that I had to take a cab home. I couldn't even get my boot back on my foot. Although I didn't break anything my toes never healed properly, and they still hurt sometimes.
So tonight I laid on my couch with an icepack on my elevated foot and am hoping to feel better tomorrow.
I must feel better.... I can't miss work.
Jul 17, 2003
No se ni donde estoy parada
Hay dias en que no tengo pasiencia ni para escuchar la voz de mi novio. No se si quiero continuar en esta situacion, sin tener ninguna seguridad; tan solo una promesa, igual a tantas que he escuchado antes y que nunca se hicieron realidad. Estoy cansada y decepcionada, pero al mismo tiempo indecisa.
Jul 14, 2003
She stood me up!
She did it again; my crazy aunt stood me up today. Call me crazy, but I don't understand how a 50 year old has no sence of time. To her there's no difference between showing up 10 minutes or 1 hour late. And then she wonders why I lose my patience with her. grrrr.....
Jul 13, 2003
Hear the wheels turning
I guess I woke up feeling creative today, because I got online and decided to make some changes to my virtual-home. It's not everyday that I'm up to poking around trying to figure out where to go and what to do, but today was a good day.... I even found a cute font for my title.
Productive blog-time? Yeah, I would say so.
Productive blog-time? Yeah, I would say so.
Jul 11, 2003
I just stopped by the 26 things page (just in case there are any news), and I noticed the page has had 42,666 hits. Yikes! I wonder what percentage of people will actually go back in August and post their "26 things"? For the May Day Project they had over 400 entries.... interesting....
Like water thru the fingers
That's how money behaves when it touches my hands. *sigh* It takes me longer to earn it, than for it to be spent. Imagine, I got paid today and after taking care of a couple of necessities, I am left with the grand sum of $20 for the week. I really need to get my hands on some real money; actually what I need is a real job with real money.
Jul 10, 2003
Dedicacion a los Colombianos
RAZONES Para Luchar por Colombia:
~Oh Gloria Inmarcesible, Oh Jubilo inmortal...
~Por los lunes festivos.
~Por la tienda de la esquina.
~Por cantar Tutaina Tuturumaina en navidad.
~Por los chitos, la colombiana, el tamarindo Lux, y los jugos en agua o en leche.
~Por el pan con salchichón y gaseosa,
~Por el olor a tierra caliente cuando se viaja (viajaba?) por carretera,
~Por el mirador de las Palmas,
~Por los paseos de olla,
~Por el sancocho y la bandeja paisa, hasta en el Amazonas.
~Por el Divino Niño y la Virgen del Carmen.
~Por el tamal tolimense.
~Por los algodones rosados con azúcar,
~Por el equipo del alma (LA MECHITA!!)
~Por el patacón y el plátano maduro,
~Por el mercado de las pulgas, los buñuelos, y la arepita con queso,
~Por la fritanga.
~Porque "se acabo el año"
~Cuando vamos por la calle al oÃr "cambio botellas.... papel..." o " se arregla la olla de presión...! o se arregla la de presión"
~Por el bocadillo con queso, por la arepa de huevo, por las fresas con crema,
~Por la costeñita, aguila, la club Colombia, y cristal oro.
~Por el rebuscador que en el bus te dice: "Esta bolsita de manà tiene un costo u valor de 300 pesos, para mayor economÃa, puede oler la bolsita sin compromiso."
~Por una siesta en hamaca,
~Por el manÃmoto y el Bom Bom Bum.
~Por la papa sala', carne asa', y el ajà picante.
~Por el aguacate, la uchuva, el mamoncillo, la sandia, la guama...
~Rin rin renacuajo salió esta mañana muy tieso y muy majo...
~El guaro con agua y una coquita con ensalada en la mesa.
~Por los " Eh AvemarÃa", o los " dele, dele, dele" y los "mira ve"...
~hay hombeeee!!!!
~Por que siempre habrá alguien que le ayude a encontrar una dirección, y se despida con una sonrisa.
~Por ir a cine con 3000 pesos.
~Por el copito de nieve o el raspado de pueblo con lechera.
~Por Cartagena, el BoletÃn del Consumidor, y el Minuto de Dios (en tus manos colocamos este dÃa que ya paso y la noche que llega)
~Por pagar promesas al Divino Niño.
~Por Sábados Felices.
~Por las frunas, por las milhojas, por las chocolatinas, por el masato.
~Por la ciclovÃa, los domingos y festivos.
~Por la mazorca con mantequilla y sal.
~Por las tÃas cariñosas.
~Por que los vendedores en Colombia parecen culebreros.
~Por la lechona tolimense.
~Por los caramelos de las chocolatinas jet.
~Por que el frÃo de Bogotá contrasta con el calorcito de Melgar.
~Por los reinados.
~Por comer crispetas en las plazas de los pueblos.
~Por la cantidad de mujeres lindas.
~Por la verdura fresca y barata todo el año.
~Por que aquà se toma el mejor tinto y el más baratico.
~Por las empanadas de iglesia (con carne de zancudo)
~Por el Metro de MedellÃn.
~Por la feria de CalÃ.
~Por la feria de las flores (Vivan los silleteros hijueputa! ) y su frase celebre: Cuando pasan los silleteros es Antioquia la que pasa...
~Por las serenatas.
~Por la cuajada con melado.
~Por jugar cartas hasta la madrugada en los paseos.
~Por sentarse a tomar una cerveza en un bulto de papa.
~Por el jugo de nÃspero en el parque de Tolú.
~Por la agupanela para la gripa y el frÃo.
~Por la subida al alto de Minas en bicicleta.
~Por las cometas en enero.
~Por Discos Fuentes que nos hacen bailar todo el año con sus 14 cañonazos.
~Por los 50 de Joselito!
~Por el show de Jorge Barón.
~Por embolar los zapatos por 1000 pesos.
~Por que en la tienda de la esquina le fÃan (si es buena paga)
~Por " Es la negra soledad la que goza mi cumbia..."
~Por el chocorramo.
~Por una taza de chocolate con queso.
~Por el paseo en chiva.
~Por la papa chorriada.
~Por el fútbol (los mejores!!)
~Por Juan Pablo Montoya (ese si gana)
~Por las guascas, las obleas y el arequipe.
~Por la ruana.
~Por el sanjuanero (En mi tierra todo es gloria cuando se canta el joropo, cuando se canta el joropo)
~Por las rumbas.
~Por el " Dulce Jesús mio mi niño adorado, ven a nuestras almas..."
~Por las novenas bailables con el Combo de las Estrellas.
~Por las cabalgatas.
~Por los campesinos.
~Por los paros.
~Por que la gente te mira a la cara cuando vas por la calle.
~Por que cuando vas al campo la gente que pasa por ahÃ, dice: Bueeenas??
~Por que no se sabe que clima va hacer en dos semanas.
~Por que uno no para de sorprenderse.
~Por que la gente aplaude cuando aterriza el avión.
~Por que la gente hace chiste de todo.
~Por que siempre se ven montañas.
~Por que se pueden comprar cigarrillos sueltos.
~Por los alumbrados de diciembre.
~Por los músicos de los buses.
~Por las modelos made in Colombia (MAMIIIITASSS!!!!!)
~Por viajar por los pueblos.
~Por el kumis y la mantecada.
~Por la parranda del 31 y la quemada del muñeco: Feliz año, feliz año!
~Por MarÃa Isabel Urrutia.
~Por Juanes, Shakira y el Binomio de Oro....
~Por Botero.
~Por las Islas del Rosario.
~Por que se pueden pedir serenatas a cualquier hora.
~Por los años viejos y la pólvora.
~Por que todavÃa se ven R-4, R-6 y R-12 andando.
~Por que aquà se habla el mejor español del mundo.
~Por Manuel Elkin Patarroyo.
~Por la ponymalta con pan de caseta.
~Por los caramelitos de mil y de panela.
~Por que los Colombianos NUNCA nos rendimos.
~Por que siempre le encontramos "la comba al palo".
~Por ustedes (nosotros), que llevan(mos) consigo al extranjero y a cualquier lugar todas estas cosa y muchas más.
~Por que son (somos) el mejor producto de este paÃs y le demuestran (demostramos) al mundo todos los dÃas que por cada criminal hay millones de Colombianos que trabajan , estudian y se esfuerzan por progresar y sacar a Colombia adelante.
Despues de leer todo esto me dieron ganas de llorar, por tanto que extraño y tanto que nunca recuperaré. Gracias por enviarmelo, Nena.
~Oh Gloria Inmarcesible, Oh Jubilo inmortal...
~Por los lunes festivos.
~Por la tienda de la esquina.
~Por cantar Tutaina Tuturumaina en navidad.
~Por los chitos, la colombiana, el tamarindo Lux, y los jugos en agua o en leche.
~Por el pan con salchichón y gaseosa,
~Por el olor a tierra caliente cuando se viaja (viajaba?) por carretera,
~Por el mirador de las Palmas,
~Por los paseos de olla,
~Por el sancocho y la bandeja paisa, hasta en el Amazonas.
~Por el Divino Niño y la Virgen del Carmen.
~Por el tamal tolimense.
~Por los algodones rosados con azúcar,
~Por el equipo del alma (LA MECHITA!!)
~Por el patacón y el plátano maduro,
~Por el mercado de las pulgas, los buñuelos, y la arepita con queso,
~Por la fritanga.
~Porque "se acabo el año"
~Cuando vamos por la calle al oÃr "cambio botellas.... papel..." o " se arregla la olla de presión...! o se arregla la de presión"
~Por el bocadillo con queso, por la arepa de huevo, por las fresas con crema,
~Por la costeñita, aguila, la club Colombia, y cristal oro.
~Por el rebuscador que en el bus te dice: "Esta bolsita de manà tiene un costo u valor de 300 pesos, para mayor economÃa, puede oler la bolsita sin compromiso."
~Por una siesta en hamaca,
~Por el manÃmoto y el Bom Bom Bum.
~Por la papa sala', carne asa', y el ajà picante.
~Por el aguacate, la uchuva, el mamoncillo, la sandia, la guama...
~Rin rin renacuajo salió esta mañana muy tieso y muy majo...
~El guaro con agua y una coquita con ensalada en la mesa.
~Por los " Eh AvemarÃa", o los " dele, dele, dele" y los "mira ve"...
~hay hombeeee!!!!
~Por que siempre habrá alguien que le ayude a encontrar una dirección, y se despida con una sonrisa.
~Por ir a cine con 3000 pesos.
~Por el copito de nieve o el raspado de pueblo con lechera.
~Por Cartagena, el BoletÃn del Consumidor, y el Minuto de Dios (en tus manos colocamos este dÃa que ya paso y la noche que llega)
~Por pagar promesas al Divino Niño.
~Por Sábados Felices.
~Por las frunas, por las milhojas, por las chocolatinas, por el masato.
~Por la ciclovÃa, los domingos y festivos.
~Por la mazorca con mantequilla y sal.
~Por las tÃas cariñosas.
~Por que los vendedores en Colombia parecen culebreros.
~Por la lechona tolimense.
~Por los caramelos de las chocolatinas jet.
~Por que el frÃo de Bogotá contrasta con el calorcito de Melgar.
~Por los reinados.
~Por comer crispetas en las plazas de los pueblos.
~Por la cantidad de mujeres lindas.
~Por la verdura fresca y barata todo el año.
~Por que aquà se toma el mejor tinto y el más baratico.
~Por las empanadas de iglesia (con carne de zancudo)
~Por el Metro de MedellÃn.
~Por la feria de CalÃ.
~Por la feria de las flores (Vivan los silleteros hijueputa! ) y su frase celebre: Cuando pasan los silleteros es Antioquia la que pasa...
~Por las serenatas.
~Por la cuajada con melado.
~Por jugar cartas hasta la madrugada en los paseos.
~Por sentarse a tomar una cerveza en un bulto de papa.
~Por el jugo de nÃspero en el parque de Tolú.
~Por la agupanela para la gripa y el frÃo.
~Por la subida al alto de Minas en bicicleta.
~Por las cometas en enero.
~Por Discos Fuentes que nos hacen bailar todo el año con sus 14 cañonazos.
~Por los 50 de Joselito!
~Por el show de Jorge Barón.
~Por embolar los zapatos por 1000 pesos.
~Por que en la tienda de la esquina le fÃan (si es buena paga)
~Por " Es la negra soledad la que goza mi cumbia..."
~Por el chocorramo.
~Por una taza de chocolate con queso.
~Por el paseo en chiva.
~Por la papa chorriada.
~Por el fútbol (los mejores!!)
~Por Juan Pablo Montoya (ese si gana)
~Por las guascas, las obleas y el arequipe.
~Por la ruana.
~Por el sanjuanero (En mi tierra todo es gloria cuando se canta el joropo, cuando se canta el joropo)
~Por las rumbas.
~Por el " Dulce Jesús mio mi niño adorado, ven a nuestras almas..."
~Por las novenas bailables con el Combo de las Estrellas.
~Por las cabalgatas.
~Por los campesinos.
~Por los paros.
~Por que la gente te mira a la cara cuando vas por la calle.
~Por que cuando vas al campo la gente que pasa por ahÃ, dice: Bueeenas??
~Por que no se sabe que clima va hacer en dos semanas.
~Por que uno no para de sorprenderse.
~Por que la gente aplaude cuando aterriza el avión.
~Por que la gente hace chiste de todo.
~Por que siempre se ven montañas.
~Por que se pueden comprar cigarrillos sueltos.
~Por los alumbrados de diciembre.
~Por los músicos de los buses.
~Por las modelos made in Colombia (MAMIIIITASSS!!!!!)
~Por viajar por los pueblos.
~Por el kumis y la mantecada.
~Por la parranda del 31 y la quemada del muñeco: Feliz año, feliz año!
~Por MarÃa Isabel Urrutia.
~Por Juanes, Shakira y el Binomio de Oro....
~Por Botero.
~Por las Islas del Rosario.
~Por que se pueden pedir serenatas a cualquier hora.
~Por los años viejos y la pólvora.
~Por que todavÃa se ven R-4, R-6 y R-12 andando.
~Por que aquà se habla el mejor español del mundo.
~Por Manuel Elkin Patarroyo.
~Por la ponymalta con pan de caseta.
~Por los caramelitos de mil y de panela.
~Por que los Colombianos NUNCA nos rendimos.
~Por que siempre le encontramos "la comba al palo".
~Por ustedes (nosotros), que llevan(mos) consigo al extranjero y a cualquier lugar todas estas cosa y muchas más.
~Por que son (somos) el mejor producto de este paÃs y le demuestran (demostramos) al mundo todos los dÃas que por cada criminal hay millones de Colombianos que trabajan , estudian y se esfuerzan por progresar y sacar a Colombia adelante.
Despues de leer todo esto me dieron ganas de llorar, por tanto que extraño y tanto que nunca recuperaré. Gracias por enviarmelo, Nena.
The Thursday Threesome
::From the Summer Picnic Basket!::
Onesome- Honey: Hey there! Not that you personally need any sweetening, but just in case: what goes in your summer drinks to sweeten things up? Honey? Sugar? Artificial sweetener? ...or are your taking things straight up this time 'round? My drink of choice all year round is water. I only put honey on the iced tea, but I don't drink it, my boyfriend does. I don't really used sugar, and never use artificial sweeteners. The one thing I love is the caramel makiata from Starbucks.... I always ask them to be generous with the caramel.
Twosome- Mustard: Okay, what condiment has to come to the table for that burger or hotdog? Ketchup? Mustard? Salt? Pepper? Just what is it you 'relish'? Must have ketchup on burgers, ketchup and mustard on hotdogs.
Threesome- Sauce: ...and along with that, which sauce do you simply have to have around? BBQ? A-1? That special sauce you learned to make when you worked fast food at the mall? How about it? You brought those napkins along for a reason! I love A-1 steak sauce. But the only thing I must always have at home is ketchup.
Onesome- Honey: Hey there! Not that you personally need any sweetening, but just in case: what goes in your summer drinks to sweeten things up? Honey? Sugar? Artificial sweetener? ...or are your taking things straight up this time 'round? My drink of choice all year round is water. I only put honey on the iced tea, but I don't drink it, my boyfriend does. I don't really used sugar, and never use artificial sweeteners. The one thing I love is the caramel makiata from Starbucks.... I always ask them to be generous with the caramel.
Twosome- Mustard: Okay, what condiment has to come to the table for that burger or hotdog? Ketchup? Mustard? Salt? Pepper? Just what is it you 'relish'? Must have ketchup on burgers, ketchup and mustard on hotdogs.
Threesome- Sauce: ...and along with that, which sauce do you simply have to have around? BBQ? A-1? That special sauce you learned to make when you worked fast food at the mall? How about it? You brought those napkins along for a reason! I love A-1 steak sauce. But the only thing I must always have at home is ketchup.
I hate taking tests
So Joseph calls me and tells me he got the answer key for the Bridge & Tunnel Officer test we took last month and starts to read it to me over the phone. But all my answers are wrong. *yikes* When he finishes reading me the answer key, I was ready to cry.... I couldn't imagine that I only got 10 questions right, so we talked about it a bit, and came to the conclusion that there must be more than one answer key. Sure enough, I get online and there are three answer keys: one for the morning session (Joseph), one for the afternoon session (me) and one for sabbath session. *sigh of relief*
Wanna know how I really did???.....
I got 85 out of 100 right!!! I'm so excited. I called him back and left him a very happy message. I feel smart*
Wanna know how I really did???.....
I got 85 out of 100 right!!! I'm so excited. I called him back and left him a very happy message. I feel smart*
Jul 8, 2003
This or that:
Summer Potpourri
1. Strawberries or blueberries? Strawberries.
2. "Legally Blonde 2" or "Terminator 3"? T3.
3. Hamburgers or hot dogs? Hamburgers.
4. Boating or hiking? Hiking. Except I have asthma, and NY weather doesn't help.
5. Suntan lotion or sunblock? Sunblock.
6. "Big Brother" or "The Amazing Race"? Yikes, not my kind of shows but if I must choose one, it is "The Amazing Race".
7. Beach Boys or Jimmy Buffett? Beach Boys.
8. Grow your own produce or buy from supermarket/greengrocer/farm stand? Buy from greengrocer, although I grow my own tomatoes and basil.
9. Drive with car windows/top down, or with air-conditioning on? A/C on. I'm getting too old for my hair to be whipping on the wind.
10. Go away for vacation, or stay at home? Go away, but when?...
1. Strawberries or blueberries? Strawberries.
2. "Legally Blonde 2" or "Terminator 3"? T3.
3. Hamburgers or hot dogs? Hamburgers.
4. Boating or hiking? Hiking. Except I have asthma, and NY weather doesn't help.
5. Suntan lotion or sunblock? Sunblock.
6. "Big Brother" or "The Amazing Race"? Yikes, not my kind of shows but if I must choose one, it is "The Amazing Race".
7. Beach Boys or Jimmy Buffett? Beach Boys.
8. Grow your own produce or buy from supermarket/greengrocer/farm stand? Buy from greengrocer, although I grow my own tomatoes and basil.
9. Drive with car windows/top down, or with air-conditioning on? A/C on. I'm getting too old for my hair to be whipping on the wind.
10. Go away for vacation, or stay at home? Go away, but when?...
Moving up in the blog
I'm so thrilled, I registered for beta testing of TypePad last night. Yey!! Now I've got my weekly and Page Turner to work with. Now I'm going to have to make time for blogging, I really want to be able to keep both of them going. Wish me luck!
Jul 7, 2003
Not the usual
So let me tell you about Friday. Joseph picked me up at work (late, but never mind that) at 6:30 and we walked on 34th to the East side, along with all the tourists and mobs of people hoping to see the fireworks that night. His sister met us at the corner of 2nd & 34th and from there she "escorted" us to the family designated area (she's with the NYPD). We were right by the water on 34th, and it was the best place to be. We had the barges that do the fireworks display right in front of us in the river. We sat right in front of the command post, so every time they opened the van we got a cool blast of A/C. The show started late but we didn't care, we were having too much fun telling jokes and playing with some of the kids there. But when they finally started.... let me tell you: the fireworks display was fantastic, and the fact that we had such a great view just made it that much better.
After the show, we decided to stay out and went to Saporo Due in the village. There we met a friend and hanged out for a while. The bartender made us some cool drinks, but my favorite was the Red White & Blue Martini. It was sweet and yummy. It sort of opened my apetite to drink, because after Joseph and I got home I still wanted a drink. Not to say that I drank a lot at the bar, I only had two drinks; the thing is that I'm usually buzzed and happy with just one.
It was a different 4th of July for me. I worked, didn't have any bbq, no beach.... just the fireworks and martinis. I kind of like it. Maybe I'll try the same again next year.
After the show, we decided to stay out and went to Saporo Due in the village. There we met a friend and hanged out for a while. The bartender made us some cool drinks, but my favorite was the Red White & Blue Martini. It was sweet and yummy. It sort of opened my apetite to drink, because after Joseph and I got home I still wanted a drink. Not to say that I drank a lot at the bar, I only had two drinks; the thing is that I'm usually buzzed and happy with just one.
It was a different 4th of July for me. I worked, didn't have any bbq, no beach.... just the fireworks and martinis. I kind of like it. Maybe I'll try the same again next year.
Isn't it wonderful to get news of someone going back to school? I just got mail from my brother letting me know today's his first day back at school since.... UB. I'm so happy for him, this is something he has been talking about for a while and he's finally getting the chance to do it.
I've also thought about going back to school but I can't afford it. I guess ultimately, I'm just afraid to go back now. It was so hard for me when I was young, imagine now... Maybe now that Chuck has taken the step, I'll get the courage to do it too.
Congratulations Chuck! I'm proud of you.
I've also thought about going back to school but I can't afford it. I guess ultimately, I'm just afraid to go back now. It was so hard for me when I was young, imagine now... Maybe now that Chuck has taken the step, I'll get the courage to do it too.
Congratulations Chuck! I'm proud of you.
Jul 3, 2003 tired
And what I'm tired of is refering to my boyfriend as J. So I've made a decision, no more J. And if you don't like it, Joseph, you'll just have to learn to live with it.
You know I love you, baby..... muuuaaa!
You know I love you, baby..... muuuaaa!
Happy 4th of July
I can't post pics on this blog, other wise I'd have one of Old Glory. And I won't be here tomorrow 'till late.... so I want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July. Be smart and keep the kiddies away from the sparklies.... you don't want to spend your day in an ER. I will be working tomorrow until 5:30 and then J is picking me up and we're going to see the fireworks somewhere around 23rd street. Apparently we'll be getting some "choice family" seats, care of the NYPD. Family connections are the best!
I'm going to try to take some nice pictures so I can post them. If I'm lucky I'll get someone to take my picture with J. woohoo!
I'm going to try to take some nice pictures so I can post them. If I'm lucky I'll get someone to take my picture with J. woohoo!
Cemetery plots on sale in Tokyo
Apparently dying is just as expensive (if not more) as it is living in Tokyo.
They're taking applications by mail July 2nd thru July 14th for the 50 newly opened spots... And I thought real estate in New York was outrageous.
Tokyo is notorious as the world's most costly city, and through-the-roof real estate prices also register at cemeteries. Smaller plots at Aoyama start at $30,000, with a 40-square-foot lot going for $86,000. "This is a rather reasonable price," city government official Chieko Sugisaki said. "This is a very famous cemetery so we expect a large number of people to apply."
They're taking applications by mail July 2nd thru July 14th for the 50 newly opened spots... And I thought real estate in New York was outrageous.
Quick, serve me a drink
I had a long and stressful afternoon today. It was like all the "crazies" were out shopping. And they came with an attitude too. I wonder sometimes if some people really don't have common sence? For instance, when you're paying for an item you're buying and you are told it comes with a warranty, does it make sence to ask "when does the warranty start?". Duh!! And the funniest thing is that of all the people I work with I am the most patient and accomodating, and the "carazies" had me stressing today. I think everyone walked out of Macy's and went straight down 7th looking for a bar.
Jul 1, 2003
This or That
Summer Fun!
1. Lemonade or Ice Cold Beer? Lemonade
2. Swimming pool or beach? Swimming pool
3. Long weekends here & there, or a 2-week vacation? Long weekends here & there
4. Destination: Acapulco or Hawaii? Hawaii
5. Destination: Mountains or Beach? Mountains
6. Hotel/motel/B&B or camping? Camping
7. Carefully planned vacation, or play it by ear? Carefully planned vacation
8. Sneakers or sandals? Sandals
9. Air-conditioning or fans? A/C, in moderation
10. Concerts in the park or baseball games? I can't decide, I love them both
1. Lemonade or Ice Cold Beer? Lemonade
2. Swimming pool or beach? Swimming pool
3. Long weekends here & there, or a 2-week vacation? Long weekends here & there
4. Destination: Acapulco or Hawaii? Hawaii
5. Destination: Mountains or Beach? Mountains
6. Hotel/motel/B&B or camping? Camping
7. Carefully planned vacation, or play it by ear? Carefully planned vacation
8. Sneakers or sandals? Sandals
9. Air-conditioning or fans? A/C, in moderation
10. Concerts in the park or baseball games? I can't decide, I love them both
Jun 30, 2003
My first scavenger hunt
Yup, my first. The list was posted today at 26 things and I'm ready for it. I plan on carrying my list and my camera with me every day. This should be fun.
Yup, my first. The list was posted today at 26 things and I'm ready for it. I plan on carrying my list and my camera with me every day. This should be fun.
Gone but not forgotten
I was sad to hear of Katherine Hepburn's passing. I truly admire her as an actress and as an individual. The first movie I ever saw with her was "The African Queen"; I think I'll rent a movie tonight. It's so strange how you can feel a connection with someone you've never met. Someone who has in one way or another touched your life, and when they die you truly feel an emptiness. I have only felt this way twice before. I guess all I can say is I love her work and am sad she's gone.
Here's a little piece of her:
Beauty Tips
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands;
one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.
I was sad to hear of Katherine Hepburn's passing. I truly admire her as an actress and as an individual. The first movie I ever saw with her was "The African Queen"; I think I'll rent a movie tonight. It's so strange how you can feel a connection with someone you've never met. Someone who has in one way or another touched your life, and when they die you truly feel an emptiness. I have only felt this way twice before. I guess all I can say is I love her work and am sad she's gone.
Here's a little piece of her:
Beauty Tips
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands;
one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.
Monday Mission
When was the last time you said or were told the following, and more importantly, how did it feel to be you at that moment:
1. "It's not you, it's me." I've never been told "it's not me". The last time I said it to someone I knew it sounded like a cliche, but it really was me.
2. "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." Nope. Never heard that one either. That's how I felt about my last boyfriend (before J), but I didn't have the heart to say that to him.
3. "You just don't get it!" Oh, that one I've heard. My old ex, Rob, used to say it to me all the time; he made me feel so stupid I can't believe I stayed with him so long.
4. "Do I look fat..." I hear it every time I see Anna. I get very annoyed when she's trying to squeeze into clothes two sizes too small because she swears she is not a size 12.
5. "I hate you!" Nobody has ever said that to me, and I hope never to hear those words. I have never used them either.
6. "If you really loved me..." Nope, never heard those either. And if I ever do, I'll be doing a 180 and walking out that door.
7. "Not tonight..." This one I've heard, and my feelings were hurt. He wasn't so blunt, it was more like "mmm, we're so comfy just cuddled up like this... we'll have lots of energy in the morning". I was shocked when he I heard that, because no one had ever told me no. I'm over it now.
BONUS: If we can solve any problem, then why do we lose so many tears? Along with the ability to reason (analize and solve problems), God gave us emotions. It's not a bad thing, not all tears are sad.
When was the last time you said or were told the following, and more importantly, how did it feel to be you at that moment:
1. "It's not you, it's me." I've never been told "it's not me". The last time I said it to someone I knew it sounded like a cliche, but it really was me.
2. "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." Nope. Never heard that one either. That's how I felt about my last boyfriend (before J), but I didn't have the heart to say that to him.
3. "You just don't get it!" Oh, that one I've heard. My old ex, Rob, used to say it to me all the time; he made me feel so stupid I can't believe I stayed with him so long.
4. "Do I look fat..." I hear it every time I see Anna. I get very annoyed when she's trying to squeeze into clothes two sizes too small because she swears she is not a size 12.
5. "I hate you!" Nobody has ever said that to me, and I hope never to hear those words. I have never used them either.
6. "If you really loved me..." Nope, never heard those either. And if I ever do, I'll be doing a 180 and walking out that door.
7. "Not tonight..." This one I've heard, and my feelings were hurt. He wasn't so blunt, it was more like "mmm, we're so comfy just cuddled up like this... we'll have lots of energy in the morning". I was shocked when he I heard that, because no one had ever told me no. I'm over it now.
BONUS: If we can solve any problem, then why do we lose so many tears? Along with the ability to reason (analize and solve problems), God gave us emotions. It's not a bad thing, not all tears are sad.
Jun 29, 2003
Pat's Pics
I got the photo album set up, and some pictures uploaded already. I'm excited about having my own album and will be posting a photo a week (at least, I hope). The 26 things scavenger hunt is starting in two days, so I'll be adding an album for that too.
I've always been interested in photography and with my new digital camera I'm hoping to make this a new hobby.
I got the photo album set up, and some pictures uploaded already. I'm excited about having my own album and will be posting a photo a week (at least, I hope). The 26 things scavenger hunt is starting in two days, so I'll be adding an album for that too.
I've always been interested in photography and with my new digital camera I'm hoping to make this a new hobby.
Jun 28, 2003
Photo anyone?
I got a Scrapblog Album and started uploading some pics. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but hadn't found the right place. I can't wait to get it going so Chuck and Nena can check out some nice pics.
I got a Scrapblog Album and started uploading some pics. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but hadn't found the right place. I can't wait to get it going so Chuck and Nena can check out some nice pics.
Jun 26, 2003
The Thursday Threesome
::Rings, things and fine array::
Onesome: Rings- Hmmm.. How are you about jewelry? Do you wear any? ...none? What is your day to day complement. ...and what one particular piece do you save for special occasions? I love jewelry and have a lot of it, but usually wear the same items. That would be a choice of three pair of earrings (two were gifts from J), my everyday Fossil watch, my mother's cross on a chain and also her wedding band. Everything else I take out on special occasions.
Twosome: Things- Ah, and how about those 'things' about the place? You know, the ones that you cannot throw out, but don't seem to really have a place of their own... Where do they end up? The Drawer? ...or do you have a better place for those bits of randomness that just seem to show up now and again? Things usually end up in one of the drawers in my dresser or on the computer desk until I get sick of looking at them and find a "reasonable" place to store them. When that space runs out I clean out what I can.
Threesome: and fine array- Okay, so Summer's here (except in the Land Down Under)... What is your "fine array" to clothe yourself in for the next few months? Do you still maintain? ...or do you 'go native' with vengence? Hmmmm??? I love summer dresses and skirts. The place where I'm working has a dress code that requires a jacket or sweater (which is kind of annoying in the summer). But as long as I get to wear light fabrics and great shoes, I'm happy.
::Rings, things and fine array::
Onesome: Rings- Hmmm.. How are you about jewelry? Do you wear any? ...none? What is your day to day complement. ...and what one particular piece do you save for special occasions? I love jewelry and have a lot of it, but usually wear the same items. That would be a choice of three pair of earrings (two were gifts from J), my everyday Fossil watch, my mother's cross on a chain and also her wedding band. Everything else I take out on special occasions.
Twosome: Things- Ah, and how about those 'things' about the place? You know, the ones that you cannot throw out, but don't seem to really have a place of their own... Where do they end up? The Drawer? ...or do you have a better place for those bits of randomness that just seem to show up now and again? Things usually end up in one of the drawers in my dresser or on the computer desk until I get sick of looking at them and find a "reasonable" place to store them. When that space runs out I clean out what I can.
Threesome: and fine array- Okay, so Summer's here (except in the Land Down Under)... What is your "fine array" to clothe yourself in for the next few months? Do you still maintain? ...or do you 'go native' with vengence? Hmmmm??? I love summer dresses and skirts. The place where I'm working has a dress code that requires a jacket or sweater (which is kind of annoying in the summer). But as long as I get to wear light fabrics and great shoes, I'm happy.
It was not a good morning
Today was a good day, inspite of the way it started. By the time I left home for work at 8:45am it was already somewhere in the 80's (I think) and the humidity was suffocating. I am not complaining about the weather, it's just that I had an asthma attack this morning while on my way to work. It was the worse one I've had in a year, I was a little nervous. I had my pump with me (as always), but even after I was at work my chest felt tight. Like I said, it was not a good morning.
Today was a good day, inspite of the way it started. By the time I left home for work at 8:45am it was already somewhere in the 80's (I think) and the humidity was suffocating. I am not complaining about the weather, it's just that I had an asthma attack this morning while on my way to work. It was the worse one I've had in a year, I was a little nervous. I had my pump with me (as always), but even after I was at work my chest felt tight. Like I said, it was not a good morning.
Jun 25, 2003
Hump Day Hump
Act IX Scene I: *You are browsing through all the leftover pictures I have from doing my daughter's preschool yearbook.*
Quiet on the set!! Roll tape..... and....ACTION!!
Christy: Man am I ever glad that I am done with that yearbook! What the hell was I thinking when I said I would take that project on?? It does look cool though, if I do say so myself. But a whole yearbook all by myself, I bit off more than I could chew. Have you ever done that? What was the project?You: I got in over my head once at work. It was an Annual meeting of the Board of Governors and every year gifts are given to those retiring or who are celebrating special achievements. My boss didn't tell me until the last minute that the budget for the gifts had been cut that year and now I had to find appropriate gifts for less than half the money I usually had to spend. I was so worried I ended up doing the shopping on my personal time and with my boyfriend driving me around.
Christy: Honestly, it would have been a lot easier if I had not procrastinated on the whole thing or at least had a couple people to delegate events to. But I am a known procratinator and not really the leader type. Are you a procrastinator and/or a leader? You: I am the biggest procrastinator ever. It is a trait I am trying to change in myself but it's not easy. I have never been a leader. Sad, isn't it?
Christy: Really, I am not a follower either. I was always one of those that just sort of did their own thing. My mom always dubbed me "Most likely to Try Out for things" because I was never convinced that I couldn't do something nor was I embarrassed to goof up in front of others. I always have that "Oh well" mentality. I march to the beat of a million drums you could say. What about you? Do you jump feet first into things or are you more the reserved shy type? You: I am very reserved and have always been afraid to embarass myself in front of people. I wouldn't say that I am a follower per se, but I am quiet and discrete.
Christy: I love to sing. It's my stress reliever. When I am about to fling myself off a bridge, I can get into my car with some of my favorite CDs and sing out loud and be better in under an hour. Do you like to sing? You: I love to sing and used to sing in my car when I had a car. I usually sing when I'm doing housework. The only problem is I don't have a good singing voice, so it's an activity I enjoy doing alone.
Christy: Singing not your idea of a stress buster, huh? So what do you do when the end of your rope is near? You: Comfort food. I sometimes run to Baskin Robins for a pint of strawberry ice cream, or make a big tub of pop corn. They always make me feel better. I also like to do breathing exercises when I am totally stressed.
Christy: Many times I can see clearly all of the things I have done wrong in my life. It's the good about me that becomes lost in the fog. What is good about you? Tell me as many things as you can think of. You: I am kind and sincere. Always considerate of other people's feelings and tolerant of those whose ideas differ from mine. I am witty and fun loving and have always been able to recognize when I have made a mistake. I am also open minded and open to new experiences.
Christy: What about physical beauty? Who is an amazingly beautiful person in your eyes? You: That would be Mel Gibson. I just love his eyes and there's something about him that I find terribly atractive.
Christy: Good choice! Well, I have to head to get the girl-child from drama camp. This is the beginning of her career, mark my words! See you later on!
You: When she's rich and famous I'll be able to say I knew her mom. See you next week, Christy.
Act IX Scene I: *You are browsing through all the leftover pictures I have from doing my daughter's preschool yearbook.*
Quiet on the set!! Roll tape..... and....ACTION!!
Christy: Man am I ever glad that I am done with that yearbook! What the hell was I thinking when I said I would take that project on?? It does look cool though, if I do say so myself. But a whole yearbook all by myself, I bit off more than I could chew. Have you ever done that? What was the project?You: I got in over my head once at work. It was an Annual meeting of the Board of Governors and every year gifts are given to those retiring or who are celebrating special achievements. My boss didn't tell me until the last minute that the budget for the gifts had been cut that year and now I had to find appropriate gifts for less than half the money I usually had to spend. I was so worried I ended up doing the shopping on my personal time and with my boyfriend driving me around.
Christy: Honestly, it would have been a lot easier if I had not procrastinated on the whole thing or at least had a couple people to delegate events to. But I am a known procratinator and not really the leader type. Are you a procrastinator and/or a leader? You: I am the biggest procrastinator ever. It is a trait I am trying to change in myself but it's not easy. I have never been a leader. Sad, isn't it?
Christy: Really, I am not a follower either. I was always one of those that just sort of did their own thing. My mom always dubbed me "Most likely to Try Out for things" because I was never convinced that I couldn't do something nor was I embarrassed to goof up in front of others. I always have that "Oh well" mentality. I march to the beat of a million drums you could say. What about you? Do you jump feet first into things or are you more the reserved shy type? You: I am very reserved and have always been afraid to embarass myself in front of people. I wouldn't say that I am a follower per se, but I am quiet and discrete.
Christy: I love to sing. It's my stress reliever. When I am about to fling myself off a bridge, I can get into my car with some of my favorite CDs and sing out loud and be better in under an hour. Do you like to sing? You: I love to sing and used to sing in my car when I had a car. I usually sing when I'm doing housework. The only problem is I don't have a good singing voice, so it's an activity I enjoy doing alone.
Christy: Singing not your idea of a stress buster, huh? So what do you do when the end of your rope is near? You: Comfort food. I sometimes run to Baskin Robins for a pint of strawberry ice cream, or make a big tub of pop corn. They always make me feel better. I also like to do breathing exercises when I am totally stressed.
Christy: Many times I can see clearly all of the things I have done wrong in my life. It's the good about me that becomes lost in the fog. What is good about you? Tell me as many things as you can think of. You: I am kind and sincere. Always considerate of other people's feelings and tolerant of those whose ideas differ from mine. I am witty and fun loving and have always been able to recognize when I have made a mistake. I am also open minded and open to new experiences.
Christy: What about physical beauty? Who is an amazingly beautiful person in your eyes? You: That would be Mel Gibson. I just love his eyes and there's something about him that I find terribly atractive.
Christy: Good choice! Well, I have to head to get the girl-child from drama camp. This is the beginning of her career, mark my words! See you later on!
You: When she's rich and famous I'll be able to say I knew her mom. See you next week, Christy.
For those of you who may be tired of hearing me complain about how bad and cold the weather has been in NY..... it's summer!! This week our weather has done a 360 and now we're having 80's and 90's and lots of sunshine. I love sunshine. Of course it is humid (it wouldn't be summer in NY if it wasn't humid), but I am glad to be rid of my sweaters and boots.
Thank you mother nature.
For those of you who may be tired of hearing me complain about how bad and cold the weather has been in NY..... it's summer!! This week our weather has done a 360 and now we're having 80's and 90's and lots of sunshine. I love sunshine. Of course it is humid (it wouldn't be summer in NY if it wasn't humid), but I am glad to be rid of my sweaters and boots.
Thank you mother nature.
It's been so long... and I have missed you
My friend Nena sent me an e-mail last week that totally brightened up my day. We haven't talked in months and haven't seen eachother in over a year, so it was really good to hear from her. There have been many changes in the past few months, but sometimes change is good and necesary. I'm happy I got my friend back.
My friend Nena sent me an e-mail last week that totally brightened up my day. We haven't talked in months and haven't seen eachother in over a year, so it was really good to hear from her. There have been many changes in the past few months, but sometimes change is good and necesary. I'm happy I got my friend back.
Jun 22, 2003
When did I move to Seattle?....
I tell you, the way the weather has been in NYC you would think it's Seattle. It rains every day and every night, temperatures in the 60's.... this is ridiculous. This coming week looks promissing with highs in the 80's and 90's and no rain until Friday. Could it be that summer has decided to show up? Because spring never did.
I tell you, the way the weather has been in NYC you would think it's Seattle. It rains every day and every night, temperatures in the 60's.... this is ridiculous. This coming week looks promissing with highs in the 80's and 90's and no rain until Friday. Could it be that summer has decided to show up? Because spring never did.
Jun 17, 2003
This or That
1. Newspapers or magazines? Newspapers.
2. Books-on-tape or regular books? Real books. I love the feel and smell of a new book.
3. Paperback or hardcover? Hardcover.
4. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction.
5. Sci-Fi/Fantasy or romance novels? If I must choose between the two: romance novels.
6. Borrow from library or buy books (either new or used)? Buy new books (except due to my financial situation in the past year, I've been visiting the library a lot).
7. Subscribe to magazines or buy on newsstand? Newstand.
8. Current best-sellers or classic literature? Classic literature.
9. Read books once, or re-read favorites every so often? Re-read favorites.
10. Here in the U.S., we have two hot best-sellers...former First Lady Hillary Clinton's memoirs, and the new Harry Potter book (coming out June 21). If you had to read one, which one...Hillary or Harry? Why? I prefer to read Hillary Clinton's book. I find her interesting and have enjoyed watching her doing interviews while promoting her book. I like the way she expresses herself.
1. Newspapers or magazines? Newspapers.
2. Books-on-tape or regular books? Real books. I love the feel and smell of a new book.
3. Paperback or hardcover? Hardcover.
4. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction.
5. Sci-Fi/Fantasy or romance novels? If I must choose between the two: romance novels.
6. Borrow from library or buy books (either new or used)? Buy new books (except due to my financial situation in the past year, I've been visiting the library a lot).
7. Subscribe to magazines or buy on newsstand? Newstand.
8. Current best-sellers or classic literature? Classic literature.
9. Read books once, or re-read favorites every so often? Re-read favorites.
10. Here in the U.S., we have two hot best-sellers...former First Lady Hillary Clinton's memoirs, and the new Harry Potter book (coming out June 21). If you had to read one, which one...Hillary or Harry? Why? I prefer to read Hillary Clinton's book. I find her interesting and have enjoyed watching her doing interviews while promoting her book. I like the way she expresses herself.
I'm back
I haven't been around in over a week. I've been a little busy with my dad's birthday and father's day. Plus I started working full time at Macy's.... finally. It's not great money, but it pays the rent until I get something better.
I went to visit my dad on Father's Day. I only visited with him for a couple of hours, because he had been invited to a breakfast and I had to be in Brooklyn by 4pm. In those two hours I helped him put together a bbq grill he got for his birthday and we talked a little bit. It was a very short visit, but it's the best I could do that day.
Katie had her dance recital later that afternoon. She looked very beautiful and danced like a princes. I just love her. After her recital we all went back to J's for dinner and as usual, I stuffed myself. He is such a great cook, it's a wonder I'm not fat.
I haven't been around in over a week. I've been a little busy with my dad's birthday and father's day. Plus I started working full time at Macy's.... finally. It's not great money, but it pays the rent until I get something better.
I went to visit my dad on Father's Day. I only visited with him for a couple of hours, because he had been invited to a breakfast and I had to be in Brooklyn by 4pm. In those two hours I helped him put together a bbq grill he got for his birthday and we talked a little bit. It was a very short visit, but it's the best I could do that day.
Katie had her dance recital later that afternoon. She looked very beautiful and danced like a princes. I just love her. After her recital we all went back to J's for dinner and as usual, I stuffed myself. He is such a great cook, it's a wonder I'm not fat.
Jun 6, 2003
Before the day's over
Let's do the Friday Five:
1. How many times have you truly been in love? Twice
2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most? He values me and listens to me. He is kind and is a mature man. I've never had a question about him playing games in this relationship.
3. What qualities should a significant other have? He must make me laugh, be kind, considerate. Be open minded and understanding. And financially responsible. *J*
4. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Yes. Not intentionally.
5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be? That love is unconditional and that we must tell people we love how we feel while they're with us. Never assume they know, always tell them.
Let's do the Friday Five:
1. How many times have you truly been in love? Twice
2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most? He values me and listens to me. He is kind and is a mature man. I've never had a question about him playing games in this relationship.
3. What qualities should a significant other have? He must make me laugh, be kind, considerate. Be open minded and understanding. And financially responsible. *J*
4. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Yes. Not intentionally.
5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be? That love is unconditional and that we must tell people we love how we feel while they're with us. Never assume they know, always tell them.
Teresa, I miss your food
J is coming over for dinner and asked me to make him spaguetti and meatballs. He loves it when I cook Italian food and is just crazy about my sauce. I decided to buy some Italian sausage and add it to the menu.
That reminded me of the wonderful food my aunt* Teresa used to cook. She was Colombian (de Boyaca) but was married to an Italian man for over 25 years. To tell the truth she cooked better Italian than Colombian food. And I can say she made the best sausage and meatballs I have ever eaten. Every time I make meatballs I think of her and remember being in her kitchen watching her and salivating in anticipation of the great food she was going to serve.
I wish I had known her better, I miss her. I know she loved me the most out of all the kids in the family (my brother and two cousins, not her kids) and I never knew why. I just figured it was because I was the oldest.
On the menu tonight.... spaguetti with sausage and meatballs, flavored with a tear of nostalgia.
J is coming over for dinner and asked me to make him spaguetti and meatballs. He loves it when I cook Italian food and is just crazy about my sauce. I decided to buy some Italian sausage and add it to the menu.
That reminded me of the wonderful food my aunt* Teresa used to cook. She was Colombian (de Boyaca) but was married to an Italian man for over 25 years. To tell the truth she cooked better Italian than Colombian food. And I can say she made the best sausage and meatballs I have ever eaten. Every time I make meatballs I think of her and remember being in her kitchen watching her and salivating in anticipation of the great food she was going to serve.
I wish I had known her better, I miss her. I know she loved me the most out of all the kids in the family (my brother and two cousins, not her kids) and I never knew why. I just figured it was because I was the oldest.
On the menu tonight.... spaguetti with sausage and meatballs, flavored with a tear of nostalgia.
Riddle me this... riddle me that
I saw this cool riddle at Melissa's and thought I would share it. I solved it in 30 minutes and enjoyed every second of it. I liked solving those kind of problems when I was a kid. I hope my kids will favor this type of activity instead of being stupefied by "digimon" type cartoons.
I always think about how I will raise my kids whenever I have them. It's not an obsession, I just have a strong maternal instinct. I love kids and hope to have one in the next couple of years.
I saw this cool riddle at Melissa's and thought I would share it. I solved it in 30 minutes and enjoyed every second of it. I liked solving those kind of problems when I was a kid. I hope my kids will favor this type of activity instead of being stupefied by "digimon" type cartoons.
I always think about how I will raise my kids whenever I have them. It's not an obsession, I just have a strong maternal instinct. I love kids and hope to have one in the next couple of years.
Jun 5, 2003
Brooklyn-Queens Day
I know I get New Yorkers coming by every other day via nyc bloggers. Can any of you tell me what exactly is Brooklyn-Queens Day? Why do kids have the day off from school? What is it that is suppossed to be celebrated and how does it relate to schools being closed? J told me it's a union holiday (UFT), but I don't get it. Kids have enough days off during the school year, do they need to "celebrate" B-Q Day? Why do we complain about the low levels of education in this city, yet make up crazy holidays like today?
Please don't tell me about how teachers are deserving of their union holidays, they work very hard during the school year, take their work home with them, are available for tutoring, for after school programs.... bla,bla,bla. I know all these things and I appreciate those who embark in the business of educating the young. But the thing is, these are the requirements of this particular job. I know it's not a 9-5 job, and it's certainly not stress free, but when someone decides on a career in education, they are well aware of its demands. I have nothing against teachers, just against the level of education in this city.
Here's something: I found out earlier this week that next September the first three days of school are being assigned to teacher training, leaving the kids to start school three days late. However, those three missed days are not being added to the school year anywhere. WHY??? Didn't they just add something like 20 minutes to each school day in an effort to better our children's education? Why are they having three days removed now? Here's an idea: next year let's do away with stupid holidays like Brooklyn-Queens Day and give those days back to the kids.
I know I get New Yorkers coming by every other day via nyc bloggers. Can any of you tell me what exactly is Brooklyn-Queens Day? Why do kids have the day off from school? What is it that is suppossed to be celebrated and how does it relate to schools being closed? J told me it's a union holiday (UFT), but I don't get it. Kids have enough days off during the school year, do they need to "celebrate" B-Q Day? Why do we complain about the low levels of education in this city, yet make up crazy holidays like today?
Please don't tell me about how teachers are deserving of their union holidays, they work very hard during the school year, take their work home with them, are available for tutoring, for after school programs.... bla,bla,bla. I know all these things and I appreciate those who embark in the business of educating the young. But the thing is, these are the requirements of this particular job. I know it's not a 9-5 job, and it's certainly not stress free, but when someone decides on a career in education, they are well aware of its demands. I have nothing against teachers, just against the level of education in this city.
Here's something: I found out earlier this week that next September the first three days of school are being assigned to teacher training, leaving the kids to start school three days late. However, those three missed days are not being added to the school year anywhere. WHY??? Didn't they just add something like 20 minutes to each school day in an effort to better our children's education? Why are they having three days removed now? Here's an idea: next year let's do away with stupid holidays like Brooklyn-Queens Day and give those days back to the kids.
Daily Dose of Meme
The Thursday Threesome ::Rice Krispies Treats::
Onesome: Rice- Okay, what's the preference at your place at dinner time, riceor potatoes? ...or something else? Hmmm? Rice. I must have rice with my meal, and it's not unusual to have rice and potatoes. I know it seems strange to most people (non-latins), but it's how I was raised. Colombian food is just delicious and there is nothing wrong with having two starches on your plate. (This is one of my eternal arguments with J. He says it's not a balanced meal and he says we eat very heavy meals that can't be healthy. But he never has a reply when I mention that the rate of heart disease, cholesterol levels and obesity in my country are incredibly low. Why are we so healthy if our meals are "unhealthy"? Yet, Americans battle with these diseases in alarming rates. hmmmm... People, just because something is different, doesn't make it wrong.
Twosome: Krispies- ...and how about breakfast? If you're a cereal person, what is your favorite? ...or is there something else you'd prefer to start your day with? I'm not a breakfast person. I usually just have a glass of oj (sometimes just a glass of water) but I like good old Kellogs with banana and milk. yummy. For a hot breakfast I like pancakes, but that's just on the occasional Sunday. When I was a kid I loved "changua" (I won't describe it because non-Colombian people will think it's disgusting, but it really is delicious) but as I got older I had to give it up. The hot milk doesn't agree with me anymore.
Threesome: Treats- Has anyone not seen "Finding Nemo"? What treat did you have to buy (or slip in) for it to be a "Theatre Experience"? I haven't. That's because I don't have kids, although I guess I could have taken J's kids to a matinee today since they're off from school.
The Thursday Threesome ::Rice Krispies Treats::
Onesome: Rice- Okay, what's the preference at your place at dinner time, riceor potatoes? ...or something else? Hmmm? Rice. I must have rice with my meal, and it's not unusual to have rice and potatoes. I know it seems strange to most people (non-latins), but it's how I was raised. Colombian food is just delicious and there is nothing wrong with having two starches on your plate. (This is one of my eternal arguments with J. He says it's not a balanced meal and he says we eat very heavy meals that can't be healthy. But he never has a reply when I mention that the rate of heart disease, cholesterol levels and obesity in my country are incredibly low. Why are we so healthy if our meals are "unhealthy"? Yet, Americans battle with these diseases in alarming rates. hmmmm... People, just because something is different, doesn't make it wrong.
Twosome: Krispies- ...and how about breakfast? If you're a cereal person, what is your favorite? ...or is there something else you'd prefer to start your day with? I'm not a breakfast person. I usually just have a glass of oj (sometimes just a glass of water) but I like good old Kellogs with banana and milk. yummy. For a hot breakfast I like pancakes, but that's just on the occasional Sunday. When I was a kid I loved "changua" (I won't describe it because non-Colombian people will think it's disgusting, but it really is delicious) but as I got older I had to give it up. The hot milk doesn't agree with me anymore.
Threesome: Treats- Has anyone not seen "Finding Nemo"? What treat did you have to buy (or slip in) for it to be a "Theatre Experience"? I haven't. That's because I don't have kids, although I guess I could have taken J's kids to a matinee today since they're off from school.
Happy Birthday!!
I am an absent minded blogger. It was my niece's first birthday yesterday and I totally forgot to congratulate her here. Don't get me wrong, I called her and sent her goodies and all. But I feel bad I didn't post on her birthday. In any case, Happy Birthday my sweet angel, and congratulations mommy and daddy on surviving your first year as parents.
I am an absent minded blogger. It was my niece's first birthday yesterday and I totally forgot to congratulate her here. Don't get me wrong, I called her and sent her goodies and all. But I feel bad I didn't post on her birthday. In any case, Happy Birthday my sweet angel, and congratulations mommy and daddy on surviving your first year as parents.
Jun 4, 2003
Chrissy's back!
Yey, let's do the HumpDayHump:
Act VIII Scene IV: *You are helping me finish some projects I have to do then we are going to finish some projects you have to do.*
Quiet on the set!! Roll tape..... and....ACTION!!
Christy: One thing I can't stand is stupid people. Or rather people that do stupid things. I know I have been guilty of it before and I couldn't stand myself then either. Can you think of anything stupid that you have done?
You: Just a few days ago I sent a thank you note to the wrong person for a gift I received but wasn't from her. How's that for ditzy?
Christy: I have been following the Lacy Peterson case. Have you? The one stupid thing her parents did, in my opinion, was go into Lacy and Scott's house and take some of Lacy's things. I mean, I know they want them and should get them but not the way they did it. They could have corrupted important evidence that would have helped find out who killed her. I personally think her husband did it. Have you been following the case? Do you think it was her husband or a satanic cult (Order of the Silver Crescent is alive and kicking in Modesto CA and is the defense's last claim) that killed her?
You: I haven't been following very closely, but I agree with you that her family was abrupt in going into the home and removing some of her possessions. And I also think the husband might have done it. I haven't heard much about the "satanic cult theory", but Peterson's demeanor since her dissappearance makes him an attractive suspect.
Christy: You know, as a mom, I have the wonderful job of raising two well mannered, socially acceptable, intelligent children. This is not an easy task. Lately, I have grappled with the issue of spanking. Part of me says that it just teaches children to hit. Another part of me says it is a necessary evil when it comes to teaching children how to act. I was spanked but not much. Do you believe in spanking children? Were you spanked as a child?
You: I believe in spanking young children to instill in them respect and obedience.If done effectively it shouldn't be needed for their entire childhood. I was spanked as a child and I will also spank my children.
Christy: My husband swears he was made to go out and pick the switch his grandmother would use to smack him with. She swears it isn't so. My mom's weapon of choice was the wooden spoon. Which is also my threating tool (although I can count on one hand how often I have swatted either child with it). Mostly I just show it to them in order to have them shape up just like my mom used to do to my brother and I. What, if any, smacking tool did your parents use to instill the "fear of God" into you?
You: My mother was the disciplinarian in our family, and she used her voice and her hand. One open hand smack on the heiny proved to be effective with us. Now that I'm older and can look back and understand so much more, I realize it wasn't really her hand that became the "spanking tool", but her voice. She would say my name in a stern tone, something in her voice let me know what was coming if I didn't behave. I suppose when I was very young a slap on my heiny came after she called my name in "that way". Eventually all she needed was to say my name "that way". A primitive form of pavlovian training I suppose. Very effective.
Christy: I was looking at someplaces to vacation last night when I woke up at 3am (SHEESH!) and I found two places I really want to go - Mackinac Island, Michigan and Bar Harbor, Maine. What is your favorite state/city to visit? Is that because of a person(s) or because of the town in general?
You: I love going upstate, but no place in particular. Mostly Ulster County. We used to go camping there a lot when I was young and always enjoyed its beauty. If you want to know a place I'd like to visit again, that would be San Andres (Island in the Caribean, off the coast of Colombia), in the US I'd like to go back to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon again. It's just breath taking. -- In case you don't know, I'm a nature lover.
Christy: Sorry about the redundancy of questions among last week's memes. I swear it was completely coincidental. Freaky, but coincidental nonetheless. Have you ever had a freaky coincidence like that? One that seemed only explainable by ESP?
You: I didn't see last week's so I can't comment on that.
Christy: Speaking of weird things. Do you believe in reicarnation? What/who would you like to come back as? What era would you like to return in? Past of future?
You: I don't believe in reincarnation, but if I could come back I would like to come back during the renaissance. Ofcourse in a position that would allow me to experience and enjoy the wonderful art that was developing at that time.
Christy: See you next week!
You: I'll be here. See ya!
Yey, let's do the HumpDayHump:
Act VIII Scene IV: *You are helping me finish some projects I have to do then we are going to finish some projects you have to do.*
Quiet on the set!! Roll tape..... and....ACTION!!
Christy: One thing I can't stand is stupid people. Or rather people that do stupid things. I know I have been guilty of it before and I couldn't stand myself then either. Can you think of anything stupid that you have done?
You: Just a few days ago I sent a thank you note to the wrong person for a gift I received but wasn't from her. How's that for ditzy?
Christy: I have been following the Lacy Peterson case. Have you? The one stupid thing her parents did, in my opinion, was go into Lacy and Scott's house and take some of Lacy's things. I mean, I know they want them and should get them but not the way they did it. They could have corrupted important evidence that would have helped find out who killed her. I personally think her husband did it. Have you been following the case? Do you think it was her husband or a satanic cult (Order of the Silver Crescent is alive and kicking in Modesto CA and is the defense's last claim) that killed her?
You: I haven't been following very closely, but I agree with you that her family was abrupt in going into the home and removing some of her possessions. And I also think the husband might have done it. I haven't heard much about the "satanic cult theory", but Peterson's demeanor since her dissappearance makes him an attractive suspect.
Christy: You know, as a mom, I have the wonderful job of raising two well mannered, socially acceptable, intelligent children. This is not an easy task. Lately, I have grappled with the issue of spanking. Part of me says that it just teaches children to hit. Another part of me says it is a necessary evil when it comes to teaching children how to act. I was spanked but not much. Do you believe in spanking children? Were you spanked as a child?
You: I believe in spanking young children to instill in them respect and obedience.If done effectively it shouldn't be needed for their entire childhood. I was spanked as a child and I will also spank my children.
Christy: My husband swears he was made to go out and pick the switch his grandmother would use to smack him with. She swears it isn't so. My mom's weapon of choice was the wooden spoon. Which is also my threating tool (although I can count on one hand how often I have swatted either child with it). Mostly I just show it to them in order to have them shape up just like my mom used to do to my brother and I. What, if any, smacking tool did your parents use to instill the "fear of God" into you?
You: My mother was the disciplinarian in our family, and she used her voice and her hand. One open hand smack on the heiny proved to be effective with us. Now that I'm older and can look back and understand so much more, I realize it wasn't really her hand that became the "spanking tool", but her voice. She would say my name in a stern tone, something in her voice let me know what was coming if I didn't behave. I suppose when I was very young a slap on my heiny came after she called my name in "that way". Eventually all she needed was to say my name "that way". A primitive form of pavlovian training I suppose. Very effective.
Christy: I was looking at someplaces to vacation last night when I woke up at 3am (SHEESH!) and I found two places I really want to go - Mackinac Island, Michigan and Bar Harbor, Maine. What is your favorite state/city to visit? Is that because of a person(s) or because of the town in general?
You: I love going upstate, but no place in particular. Mostly Ulster County. We used to go camping there a lot when I was young and always enjoyed its beauty. If you want to know a place I'd like to visit again, that would be San Andres (Island in the Caribean, off the coast of Colombia), in the US I'd like to go back to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon again. It's just breath taking. -- In case you don't know, I'm a nature lover.
Christy: Sorry about the redundancy of questions among last week's memes. I swear it was completely coincidental. Freaky, but coincidental nonetheless. Have you ever had a freaky coincidence like that? One that seemed only explainable by ESP?
You: I didn't see last week's so I can't comment on that.
Christy: Speaking of weird things. Do you believe in reicarnation? What/who would you like to come back as? What era would you like to return in? Past of future?
You: I don't believe in reincarnation, but if I could come back I would like to come back during the renaissance. Ofcourse in a position that would allow me to experience and enjoy the wonderful art that was developing at that time.
Christy: See you next week!
You: I'll be here. See ya!
Beauty Tips
I was over at Jeanie's and found a poem Katherine Hepburn wrote. The first time I read it was in the Dear Abby column, and have seen it again a few times. I always enjoy it when I catch it in the newspaper or an article. So I thought I would share it with you:
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands;
one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.
It's beautiful and inspirational. You know how in some quizzes you get a question about "if you could meet anyone you admire, who would it be?" Well, she is the one I would most like to have met. A great woman in so many ways.
I was over at Jeanie's and found a poem Katherine Hepburn wrote. The first time I read it was in the Dear Abby column, and have seen it again a few times. I always enjoy it when I catch it in the newspaper or an article. So I thought I would share it with you:
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands;
one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.
It's beautiful and inspirational. You know how in some quizzes you get a question about "if you could meet anyone you admire, who would it be?" Well, she is the one I would most like to have met. A great woman in so many ways.
The Thunder Opera Company
I went to Katie's school tonight for the presentation of the 4th grade "opera", "The Stolen Secret". She was the stage manager and has been telling me about all the work and responsability she has at this job. She has been very excited about it since they started working on it, and tonight was their presentation for parents and family. It was a nice "opera", and you could tell the kids worked very hard at it. I was excited to know Katie was back there directing the actors, props guys, lighting guys.... I have to say it, I was proud of her. Good work, Katie!
I went to Katie's school tonight for the presentation of the 4th grade "opera", "The Stolen Secret". She was the stage manager and has been telling me about all the work and responsability she has at this job. She has been very excited about it since they started working on it, and tonight was their presentation for parents and family. It was a nice "opera", and you could tell the kids worked very hard at it. I was excited to know Katie was back there directing the actors, props guys, lighting guys.... I have to say it, I was proud of her. Good work, Katie!
Jun 1, 2003
Passed out***
Can you believe that after that beer last night I passed out on my couch? I only had one and I stretched on my couch to watch a little tv, and next thing I know it's morning. Wow! I feel good though. I woke up hungry, made myself some scrambled eggs & bacon w/oj and watched the news.
How do you spell...
I wanted to go to Barnes&Noble to look at some dictionaries, just compare some of them and decide which one I want, but it's cold, gray and windy outside. I think I'll do it tomorrow instead. I tried looking for one online, but that's just an item I have to have in my hand to look thru it and make sure it's the right one for me. I've been complaining that I need a dictionary for the longest time (actually I need three: English, Spanish and Eng/Span-Span/Eng) and I need to make sure I get a good one.
Can you believe that after that beer last night I passed out on my couch? I only had one and I stretched on my couch to watch a little tv, and next thing I know it's morning. Wow! I feel good though. I woke up hungry, made myself some scrambled eggs & bacon w/oj and watched the news.
How do you spell...
I wanted to go to Barnes&Noble to look at some dictionaries, just compare some of them and decide which one I want, but it's cold, gray and windy outside. I think I'll do it tomorrow instead. I tried looking for one online, but that's just an item I have to have in my hand to look thru it and make sure it's the right one for me. I've been complaining that I need a dictionary for the longest time (actually I need three: English, Spanish and Eng/Span-Span/Eng) and I need to make sure I get a good one.
May 31, 2003
Can you say light-weight?
I was looking over Lisa's blog earlier and read the word Corona and got a craving. So I got up, opened one up and enjoyed it. Next thing I know, I'm feeling so happy..... yey, buzz***** If J was here he'd be rolling on the floor. Hard to believe I used to be a party girl only 7 years ago. *sigh* I must be getting old. *pout*
But right now I feel goood!!
I was looking over Lisa's blog earlier and read the word Corona and got a craving. So I got up, opened one up and enjoyed it. Next thing I know, I'm feeling so happy..... yey, buzz***** If J was here he'd be rolling on the floor. Hard to believe I used to be a party girl only 7 years ago. *sigh* I must be getting old. *pout*
But right now I feel goood!!
I just found out about the 26 Things scavenger hunt. A list containing 26 items will be posted on July 1st and the participants will have until July 31st to capture the items in pictures. I like this one and I already signed up. That reminded me, I ordered another camera and I should have it within a couple of weeks. I guess I'll be getting my computer and digital camera around the same time..... how exciting.
What do you think? It's not the same one I ordered two weeks ago, but it's a better camera for a few $$ more. (Not much)
What do you think? It's not the same one I ordered two weeks ago, but it's a better camera for a few $$ more. (Not much)
Ok, are you ready for this? I am the ditziest girl ever!! I sent Kristen a thank you note for the socks I received today, and she answers me and tells me she didn't send them...??... I think I had her name fresh in my mind because the way she spells it (Kristen instead of Kirsten). I am so embarrassed and amused at the same time. And ofcourse, I must apologize to Cindy, how could I confuse her???.... *blushing*
Let's file this under PAT, (Pay AttentionTricia)
Let's file this under PAT, (Pay AttentionTricia)
I just received my first package of socks from the sock it to me ring. They're pretty and femenine, just perfect. I got so excited when I saw the package in my mail box. I knew what it was and felt an excitement much like that of a child anticipating the opening of a birthday or christmas gift. You see, I don't get many surprises. My dad and J always ask me for a wish list which is ok, except you lose the element of surprise. Thanks Kristen, I hope you like the ones I sent you. I think I misspelled your first name on the address label; I'm sorry about that.
May 30, 2003
I found this at Groovy Mom and was at first horrified at the thought of another mother intentionally hurting her child. But as I read it, I understood this is another story about the stupidity of some people and their apparent lack of common sence.
Girl rescued from washing machine:
"A 2-year-old girl was rescued from a locked, running washer at a coin laundry and her mother was arrested after a surveillance tape allegedly showed her putting the child into the machine, police said."
What kind of game was this mother playing?
Girl rescued from washing machine:
"A 2-year-old girl was rescued from a locked, running washer at a coin laundry and her mother was arrested after a surveillance tape allegedly showed her putting the child into the machine, police said."
What kind of game was this mother playing?
Ladies, here's something I received from my sister-in-law's mom as one of those chain e-mails people send, but I kind of liked this one:
Life is a theater...choose your audience carefully. Not everyone is worthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives...Some should move to the balcony. You cannot change the people around you...but you can change the people you are around.
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... old love she can imagine going back to.....
and one who reminds her how far she has come...
...enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to...
...something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
...a youth she's content to leave behind...
...a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age....
...a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... friend who always makes her laugh ... and one who lets her cry...
...a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
...eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored.
...a feeling of control over her destiny...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... to fall in love without losing herself...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship...
...when to try harder ... and when to walk away...
...that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents...
...that her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over...
...what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... to live alone..... even if she doesn't like it...
...whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally...
...where to go... be it to her best friend's kitchen table... or a charming inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing...
...what she can and can't accomplish in a day... a month...and a year...
I want to thank Faye for sending it,and I want to ask if anyone can add anything to the "should know, should have" list?
Life is a theater...choose your audience carefully. Not everyone is worthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives...Some should move to the balcony. You cannot change the people around you...but you can change the people you are around.
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... old love she can imagine going back to.....
and one who reminds her how far she has come...
...enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to...
...something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
...a youth she's content to leave behind...
...a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age....
...a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... friend who always makes her laugh ... and one who lets her cry...
...a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
...eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored.
...a feeling of control over her destiny...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... to fall in love without losing herself...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship...
...when to try harder ... and when to walk away...
...that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents...
...that her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over...
...what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... to live alone..... even if she doesn't like it...
...whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally...
...where to go... be it to her best friend's kitchen table... or a charming inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing...
...what she can and can't accomplish in a day... a month...and a year...
I want to thank Faye for sending it,and I want to ask if anyone can add anything to the "should know, should have" list?
May 29, 2003
10 Layers of Patricia, via Bea:
-- Name: M. Patricia Diaz G.
-- Birth date: September 29. 1967.
-- Birthplace: Bogotá, Colombia.
-- Current Location: New York City.
-- Eye Colour: Dark brown, almost black.
-- Hair Colour: Black by nature, blush blonde (red) by L'Oreal.
-- Height: 5'6.
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty.
-- Zodiac Sign: Libra.
-- Your heritage: Colombian.
-- The shoes you wore today: My yellow flip flops.
-- Your weakness: Colombian food, condensed milk (La Lechera), dancing.
-- Your fears: Losing my dad or brother, spiders, heights.
-- Your perfect pizza: Capricciosa from Forno Italia down the block. It has Artichokes, capers, mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms, anchovies.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Have children and work with children.
-- Your most overused phrase on IM: I think it's "yey".
-- Your thoughts first waking up: "Is the sun out today?"
-- Your best physical feature: My hair.
-- Your most missed memory: 6th, 7th and 8th grade in my old school back home. Nuestra señora de la Presentacion Centro.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke, although I seldom drink soda.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King.
-- Single or group dates: Single dates.
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton, although I don't drink much tea because it makes me very jittety.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Neither. Strawberry for me.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
-- Smoke: Quit after my doctor told me I had asthma.
-- Cuss: No, and can't stand it when J does it.
-- Sing: Only when I'm alone, I don't have a good singing voice.
-- Take a shower everyday: You better believe it.
-- Do you think you've been in love: I have been for the past two and a half years with J. I love you, baby!!
-- Want to go to college: Sometimes I think about going back.
-- Like(d) high school: Nope. I missed out on a lot, especially an education. Sorry, but the level of education in NYC is incredibly low.
-- Want to get married: I do!
-- Believe in yourself: Not always, but I'm working on that.
-- Get motion sickness: Never.
-- Think you're attractive: I know I am. Eventhough I didn't think so for the firs 28 years of my life.
-- Think you're a health freak: Not a health freak, but health conscious.
-- Get along with your parent(s): I do, but when I fight with my dad..... take cover.
-- Like thunderstorms: I love thunderstorms. The louder and brighter the better.
-- Play an instrument: Sorry to say I don't.
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: Nope.
-- Smoked: Nope.
-- Done a drug: Nope.
-- Made Out: Yeah, baby!!?
-- Gone on a date: Nope.
-- Gone to the mall?: Nope. I don't like the mall.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: Hah!!! I ate half a box last week. lol
-- Eaten sushi: Nope.
-- Been on stage: Nope.
-- Been dumped: No way, my baby loves me.
-- Gone skating: Not in years.
-- Made homemade cookies: Not in the last month.
-- Gone skinny dipping: Never, but J keeps promessing to take me to Tahiti to run naked on the beach.... In his dreams!
-- Dyed your hair: Two days ago.
-- Stolen anything: Well, sort of. I went to the nursery today and pinched an african violet leaf.
-- You sound boring: It's more like "she/he must think I'm so boring".
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Never.
-- If so, was it mixed company: Not so.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Errr.... a couple of times.
-- Been caught "doing something": I can't think of anything, I don't think so.
-- Been called a tease: Never.
-- Gotten beaten up: Not beaten up, but got punched on the side of my head when I was 15.
-- Shoplifted: Nope, I'm too afraid someone might see me and I hate getting in trouble.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Never. What you see is what you get.
-- Age you hope to be married: Next year.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: One child: if a boy he'll be Donny (named after J's brother Donald), but we don't have a name for a girl yet, although I like Katelyn but that wouldn't work since J's girl is Katie.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: J and I in church with my dad, my brother, his mom and his kids. That's it.
-- How do you want to die: In my sleep. I am terrified of pain.
-- Where you want to go to college: I don't know, but I went to Queens College when I was younger.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: I used to say "more like my mom", but lately I feel so much more like her. Maybe I'm growing up.
-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy.
-- Opposite sex or the same? Opposite.
-- Best eye colour? Doesn't matter, but I love my baby's blues.
-- Best hair colour? Blonde.
-- Short or long hair: Short.
-- Best Height? 6 feet and taller. But don't tell my baby, he's not quite there.
-- Best weight: 200lbs.
-- Best articles of clothing: Shoes and ties tell a lot about a man.
-- Best first date location: My best first date was with J, we went to a bar but didn't do much drinking. Instead we talked for hours.
-- Best first kiss location: Front door steps. That's where my baby first kissed me.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: Two.
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: Four.
-- Number of CDs that I own: Around 90 to 100.
-- Number of piercings: Once in each ear.
-- Number of tattoos: None, but haven't given up on the idea.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Once with High School Volleyball team.
-- Number of scars on my body: Too many to count.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Four.
-- Name: M. Patricia Diaz G.
-- Birth date: September 29. 1967.
-- Birthplace: Bogotá, Colombia.
-- Current Location: New York City.
-- Eye Colour: Dark brown, almost black.
-- Hair Colour: Black by nature, blush blonde (red) by L'Oreal.
-- Height: 5'6.
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty.
-- Zodiac Sign: Libra.
-- Your heritage: Colombian.
-- The shoes you wore today: My yellow flip flops.
-- Your weakness: Colombian food, condensed milk (La Lechera), dancing.
-- Your fears: Losing my dad or brother, spiders, heights.
-- Your perfect pizza: Capricciosa from Forno Italia down the block. It has Artichokes, capers, mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms, anchovies.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Have children and work with children.
-- Your most overused phrase on IM: I think it's "yey".
-- Your thoughts first waking up: "Is the sun out today?"
-- Your best physical feature: My hair.
-- Your most missed memory: 6th, 7th and 8th grade in my old school back home. Nuestra señora de la Presentacion Centro.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke, although I seldom drink soda.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King.
-- Single or group dates: Single dates.
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton, although I don't drink much tea because it makes me very jittety.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Neither. Strawberry for me.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
-- Smoke: Quit after my doctor told me I had asthma.
-- Cuss: No, and can't stand it when J does it.
-- Sing: Only when I'm alone, I don't have a good singing voice.
-- Take a shower everyday: You better believe it.
-- Do you think you've been in love: I have been for the past two and a half years with J. I love you, baby!!
-- Want to go to college: Sometimes I think about going back.
-- Like(d) high school: Nope. I missed out on a lot, especially an education. Sorry, but the level of education in NYC is incredibly low.
-- Want to get married: I do!
-- Believe in yourself: Not always, but I'm working on that.
-- Get motion sickness: Never.
-- Think you're attractive: I know I am. Eventhough I didn't think so for the firs 28 years of my life.
-- Think you're a health freak: Not a health freak, but health conscious.
-- Get along with your parent(s): I do, but when I fight with my dad..... take cover.
-- Like thunderstorms: I love thunderstorms. The louder and brighter the better.
-- Play an instrument: Sorry to say I don't.
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: Nope.
-- Smoked: Nope.
-- Done a drug: Nope.
-- Made Out: Yeah, baby!!?
-- Gone on a date: Nope.
-- Gone to the mall?: Nope. I don't like the mall.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: Hah!!! I ate half a box last week. lol
-- Eaten sushi: Nope.
-- Been on stage: Nope.
-- Been dumped: No way, my baby loves me.
-- Gone skating: Not in years.
-- Made homemade cookies: Not in the last month.
-- Gone skinny dipping: Never, but J keeps promessing to take me to Tahiti to run naked on the beach.... In his dreams!
-- Dyed your hair: Two days ago.
-- Stolen anything: Well, sort of. I went to the nursery today and pinched an african violet leaf.
-- You sound boring: It's more like "she/he must think I'm so boring".
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Never.
-- If so, was it mixed company: Not so.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Errr.... a couple of times.
-- Been caught "doing something": I can't think of anything, I don't think so.
-- Been called a tease: Never.
-- Gotten beaten up: Not beaten up, but got punched on the side of my head when I was 15.
-- Shoplifted: Nope, I'm too afraid someone might see me and I hate getting in trouble.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Never. What you see is what you get.
-- Age you hope to be married: Next year.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: One child: if a boy he'll be Donny (named after J's brother Donald), but we don't have a name for a girl yet, although I like Katelyn but that wouldn't work since J's girl is Katie.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: J and I in church with my dad, my brother, his mom and his kids. That's it.
-- How do you want to die: In my sleep. I am terrified of pain.
-- Where you want to go to college: I don't know, but I went to Queens College when I was younger.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: I used to say "more like my mom", but lately I feel so much more like her. Maybe I'm growing up.
-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy.
-- Opposite sex or the same? Opposite.
-- Best eye colour? Doesn't matter, but I love my baby's blues.
-- Best hair colour? Blonde.
-- Short or long hair: Short.
-- Best Height? 6 feet and taller. But don't tell my baby, he's not quite there.
-- Best weight: 200lbs.
-- Best articles of clothing: Shoes and ties tell a lot about a man.
-- Best first date location: My best first date was with J, we went to a bar but didn't do much drinking. Instead we talked for hours.
-- Best first kiss location: Front door steps. That's where my baby first kissed me.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: Two.
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: Four.
-- Number of CDs that I own: Around 90 to 100.
-- Number of piercings: Once in each ear.
-- Number of tattoos: None, but haven't given up on the idea.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Once with High School Volleyball team.
-- Number of scars on my body: Too many to count.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Four.
The Thursday Threesome ::Pop Quiz!::
Onesome: Ain't- There's a lot of slang floating around out there. Some of it has even found its way into the dictionary. Is there any one word that you find more annoying than others? That you just wish would fall off the face of the planet, never to be heard again? Is whatever considered slang? I just can't stand to hear people use it in a dismissing manner.
Twosome: It- It's/Its, they're/their/there. Just a few of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language. So the question is, when you blog, do you worry about grammar, punctuation and spelling? If you notice a typo do you go back and edit? Or do you shrug it off because everyone makes typos? I pay attention when I blog and make corrections when I catch them. But for the times I've missed them.... my apologies.
Threesome: Purty?- Purty/pretty, crick/creek, warsh/wash. All common pronunciations, whether they sound pretty or not. And one is mispronounced. What's one commonly mispronounced word that just drives you nuts? ASK. Is it so hard to pronounce this very short, easy word correctly? It irks me when I hear people say "can I ax you something?".... If you have a sudden impulse to be a lumberjack, by all means, ax away.
Onesome: Ain't- There's a lot of slang floating around out there. Some of it has even found its way into the dictionary. Is there any one word that you find more annoying than others? That you just wish would fall off the face of the planet, never to be heard again? Is whatever considered slang? I just can't stand to hear people use it in a dismissing manner.
Twosome: It- It's/Its, they're/their/there. Just a few of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language. So the question is, when you blog, do you worry about grammar, punctuation and spelling? If you notice a typo do you go back and edit? Or do you shrug it off because everyone makes typos? I pay attention when I blog and make corrections when I catch them. But for the times I've missed them.... my apologies.
Threesome: Purty?- Purty/pretty, crick/creek, warsh/wash. All common pronunciations, whether they sound pretty or not. And one is mispronounced. What's one commonly mispronounced word that just drives you nuts? ASK. Is it so hard to pronounce this very short, easy word correctly? It irks me when I hear people say "can I ax you something?".... If you have a sudden impulse to be a lumberjack, by all means, ax away.
After J came home last night we made dinner and watched The good, the bad and the ugly on AMC. We love that channel, that's where we get our fix of the Duke (J's favorite actor).
Today I fiddled with my plants. I bought a fern yesterday and repotted it today. I was so happy when I saw I could split about 4 plants from the one I bought. They look beautiful and am very excited about having my first ferns. And I got to tell you, it only cost me $4.99 at Target. I love it!
I also repotted my rubber tree, which I've been promessing to do for the longest time. J bought me a lovely planting pot the other day, so today I bought the soil and went to work on it. While I was doing it I decided to measure it again (I measured it last week while talking to Bea about plants) and saw that it had grown one inch in one week. Imagine how much it's going to grow now that it has room at the roots. By the way, my rubber tree stands at 4 feet, 4 inches. Not bad considering when I bought it some 7 or 8 years ago it was 4 skinny branches measuring 12 inches. Wanna see it? This picture is from May 10th.
Today I fiddled with my plants. I bought a fern yesterday and repotted it today. I was so happy when I saw I could split about 4 plants from the one I bought. They look beautiful and am very excited about having my first ferns. And I got to tell you, it only cost me $4.99 at Target. I love it!
I also repotted my rubber tree, which I've been promessing to do for the longest time. J bought me a lovely planting pot the other day, so today I bought the soil and went to work on it. While I was doing it I decided to measure it again (I measured it last week while talking to Bea about plants) and saw that it had grown one inch in one week. Imagine how much it's going to grow now that it has room at the roots. By the way, my rubber tree stands at 4 feet, 4 inches. Not bad considering when I bought it some 7 or 8 years ago it was 4 skinny branches measuring 12 inches. Wanna see it? This picture is from May 10th.
May 28, 2003
Estoy leyendo Vivir Para Contarla de Garcia Marquez y no quiero soltar ese libro por nada. Me encanta su manera de escribir y sus anecdotas me mantienen con un apetito de leer que hace mucho tiempo no lo sentia. Lo gracioso es que lo cargo conmigo y lo leo en el subway, y a ratos sus anecdotas son tan graciosas que me tengo que reir. Mucha gente me ha preguntado que leo y cuando les digo, me contestan con una sonrisa y un afirmativo... "ah, he's a great writer. He's Colombian, right?" Oh yeah!!
J is here... I'll come back later.
J is here... I'll come back later.
I just renewed my membership with peoplepc, and ordered my new computer. It arrives in two weeks and I am thrilled. I can't wait. I'm going to have to tighten the belt a bit, since I am paying it upfront, but it's worth it. Who can beat a new gateway computer and four years of internet access for under a grand? I'm so glad my dad bought me this computer through peoplepc four years ago. Thanks Dad!
May 24, 2003
The ultimate 80's quiz was fun, eventhough I didn't do too well. I got 68 out of 100 right, but if I'd gotten two more questions right, I would have moved to the next category... darn.
May 23, 2003
This one should be filed under "what will they think of next?"... Internet goes dead:
*A new company is broadcasting funerals on the Internet, giving friends and relatives who can't make the service a chance to pay their respects.*
Info via the New York Daily News.
*A new company is broadcasting funerals on the Internet, giving friends and relatives who can't make the service a chance to pay their respects.*
Info via the New York Daily News.
May 22, 2003
Well, he's watching ESPN (waiting to hear the news about Annika), so I'll take this opportunity to do the Friday Five:
1. What brand of toothpaste do you use? Rembrant, I love those perly whites.
2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer? Scott.
3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear? Nine West.
4. What brand of soda do you drink? I don't drink soda, I drink mostly water.
5. What brand of gum do you chew? Bazooka Joe.
1. What brand of toothpaste do you use? Rembrant, I love those perly whites.
2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer? Scott.
3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear? Nine West.
4. What brand of soda do you drink? I don't drink soda, I drink mostly water.
5. What brand of gum do you chew? Bazooka Joe.
In honor of this very gray, cold, rainy day let's start tonight with The Thursday Threesome
::Rain, rain, go away. Come back another day::
Onesome: Rain, rain- Some people love rainy days every once in a while. Are you one of them? Do they make you want to curl up in bed with a good book or going walking through the mist? Or would you rather it just go away? I like rainy days, as long as you can hear the rain falling on the ground or on the roof tops. Misty, gray days are depressing to me, they make me want to crawl under my blankets and not wake up until the sun is back.
Twosome: Go away- If you could go away to just one place, where would you go and why? Right now I'd love to go to a tropical beach where I can feel the sun on my skin and smell the intoxicating aroma of the sea. *Me encantaria estar en San Andres, pero en cambio estoy en un lluvioso New York*.... *sigh*
Threesome: Come back another day- What's the one place you've been to that you would like to go back to another time? There are so many, but right now I would say the Italian Alps.
::Rain, rain, go away. Come back another day::
Onesome: Rain, rain- Some people love rainy days every once in a while. Are you one of them? Do they make you want to curl up in bed with a good book or going walking through the mist? Or would you rather it just go away? I like rainy days, as long as you can hear the rain falling on the ground or on the roof tops. Misty, gray days are depressing to me, they make me want to crawl under my blankets and not wake up until the sun is back.
Twosome: Go away- If you could go away to just one place, where would you go and why? Right now I'd love to go to a tropical beach where I can feel the sun on my skin and smell the intoxicating aroma of the sea. *Me encantaria estar en San Andres, pero en cambio estoy en un lluvioso New York*.... *sigh*
Threesome: Come back another day- What's the one place you've been to that you would like to go back to another time? There are so many, but right now I would say the Italian Alps.
May 21, 2003
Over one day in may 2003, people all over the world took a photograph an hour to illustrate a day in their life. This is how I spent my May 10th...
Goodness, I'm so late.... I finally posted my mayday project pictures. Unfortunatelly it wasn't a terribly exciting day.... it was house cleaning day. And I forgot to take the camera with me when I went grocery shopping. I took a picture when I was playing the sims, but it didn't come out... oh, well. When I manage to get a digital camera I'll post good pictures, seriously.
Goodness, I'm so late.... I finally posted my mayday project pictures. Unfortunatelly it wasn't a terribly exciting day.... it was house cleaning day. And I forgot to take the camera with me when I went grocery shopping. I took a picture when I was playing the sims, but it didn't come out... oh, well. When I manage to get a digital camera I'll post good pictures, seriously.
I feel bad that I've been away for a week, but since my DSL is a thing of the past, it's not as easy for me to drop by with silly notes and updates. Oh well, I'll try to do it at least once a day, but then again.... remember this is called myweekly; at least I have that excuse, hehehe.
What's new:
1) Like I just mentioned, I cancelled my DSL service but I will get it again when I have a steady paycheck.
2) I finally got a call from Macy's... except it's for an on-call position. grrrr.... I went for training on Monday and Tuesday and orientation today, and I'm ready. I'm pretty sure I'll get called for Memorial Day Weekend (I just hope we'll have good weather, to get people out and spending money). And inventory is coming up in June. Other than that... your guess is as good as mine as to when they'll call me to work. *sigh*
3) I had to cancel my order for my camera. grrrr.... I was upset but I had to do it, I forgot my membership with peoplepc expires at the end of this month, and I can't let that happen. Can't beat under $10 a month for isp. *giggles*
4) I went to work at the club in Long Island on Saturday, and came home with a pocket-full of $$$. Yey! I just wish I could go at least twice a week. I hope they open Sunday, Monday and Tuesday soon, so I can get those three days.
5) I'm still working with J at the house in Brooklyn and I'm glad there's so much work to do in that house. Now the owner asked us to do the wood floor on the second floor. woohoo!!! The owner asked for an estimate from the same guy who did the first floor, but J quoted him a lower price.... and we got it! That's going to be great. Can you say *cha-ching*.
What's new:
1) Like I just mentioned, I cancelled my DSL service but I will get it again when I have a steady paycheck.
2) I finally got a call from Macy's... except it's for an on-call position. grrrr.... I went for training on Monday and Tuesday and orientation today, and I'm ready. I'm pretty sure I'll get called for Memorial Day Weekend (I just hope we'll have good weather, to get people out and spending money). And inventory is coming up in June. Other than that... your guess is as good as mine as to when they'll call me to work. *sigh*
3) I had to cancel my order for my camera. grrrr.... I was upset but I had to do it, I forgot my membership with peoplepc expires at the end of this month, and I can't let that happen. Can't beat under $10 a month for isp. *giggles*
4) I went to work at the club in Long Island on Saturday, and came home with a pocket-full of $$$. Yey! I just wish I could go at least twice a week. I hope they open Sunday, Monday and Tuesday soon, so I can get those three days.
5) I'm still working with J at the house in Brooklyn and I'm glad there's so much work to do in that house. Now the owner asked us to do the wood floor on the second floor. woohoo!!! The owner asked for an estimate from the same guy who did the first floor, but J quoted him a lower price.... and we got it! That's going to be great. Can you say *cha-ching*.
May 15, 2003
What a week... I spent Monday and Tuesday at Anna's running errands with her and watching her "novelas" *grrr*. Yesterday I went to Brooklyn to work with J and then at 5:30 little J had a t-ball game. It's so much fun watching him play because he gets so excited and looks so cute in his oversized t-shirt. I got pizza for Katie and I while we were at the game, and then their mother came to pick them up. I went back to the house with J and didn't get back to Astoria until 10pm. I was so tired I just crashed in my couch and didn't move for over an hour. And today I was up at 6:30 (again to go to Brooklyn), and came straight home after work. I need to rest but more importantly... I need to eat. I am so hungry I could faint. And the steak I got in the broiler is calling my name...
May 11, 2003
Nothing better to fight the blues than shopping...
I just ordered a digital camera at, and I can't wait to get it. I should have ordered it last week, but I just wanted to be sure I could spend the $$$. Actually it's a very inexpensive little camera, just something to take snapshots... nothing fancy; but I'm excited all the same. And the best part is I used the "nickles" money I had saved up... saved me a cool $5. I love it!!
I feel better now.
I just ordered a digital camera at, and I can't wait to get it. I should have ordered it last week, but I just wanted to be sure I could spend the $$$. Actually it's a very inexpensive little camera, just something to take snapshots... nothing fancy; but I'm excited all the same. And the best part is I used the "nickles" money I had saved up... saved me a cool $5. I love it!!
I feel better now.
Good Morning, and Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies. I hope you all enjoy a wonderful day.
I have to call my sister in law later today to wish her a Happy First Mother's Day. I hope Chuck's doing something very special for her today. She's such a nice girl and she takes such good care of him and the baby. I just wish I could be nearer to them.
Right now I'm on my way to Brooklyn, to spend the morning with J and little J, and to visit Alice for Mother's Day. I wish I had a car so I could go visit my mom, but J told me he'll ask to borrow his nephew's car on Tuesday and we'll go then.
I have to call my sister in law later today to wish her a Happy First Mother's Day. I hope Chuck's doing something very special for her today. She's such a nice girl and she takes such good care of him and the baby. I just wish I could be nearer to them.
Right now I'm on my way to Brooklyn, to spend the morning with J and little J, and to visit Alice for Mother's Day. I wish I had a car so I could go visit my mom, but J told me he'll ask to borrow his nephew's car on Tuesday and we'll go then.
May 10, 2003
I am sooo tired, I spent most of the day doing house work. But it feels good to have a clean apartment. I called Ikea to order a few things including a plant pot for my rubber tree, but they didn't have the one I need. I'm going to have to look for one at the garden center by the highway. I hope it won't be too expensive since I need such a big one.
Today's the day for the May Day Project. I've been taking the pictures but I don't know when I'll be posting them. Since I don't have a digital camera, it's going to take a couple of days to have them developed and put on disc. I guess I'll be late for this too. *sigh*
May 9, 2003
Now The Friday Five:
1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not? I can be very organized almost to the point of being compulsive. I would say I'm more of a perfectionist than an organized person. Why? I don't know, I didn't use to be organized when I was younger, maybe I'm becoming more like my mom now that I'm older. That's a good thing. *grin*
2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly? I keep a calendar and it has helped me so much to keep track of things. I used to be really bad about keeping up with bills, until I decided to keep my calendar a few years ago. Now, I put just about everything on my calendar, and never miss even making a phone call.
3. Would you say that your desk is organized right now? Not right now, but it will be tomorrow. Along with the rest of my apartment.
4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter? I alphabetize my CDs. Actually I organize them by type (classical, rock, latin, etc) and alphabetize them within each group. How's that for compulsive?
5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize? Photographs. I have two bagfulls that I still haven't put in an album. The problem is that when I take them out and start going thru them, I get all sad. Mostly because I miss my mom and the life we left back home.
1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not? I can be very organized almost to the point of being compulsive. I would say I'm more of a perfectionist than an organized person. Why? I don't know, I didn't use to be organized when I was younger, maybe I'm becoming more like my mom now that I'm older. That's a good thing. *grin*
2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly? I keep a calendar and it has helped me so much to keep track of things. I used to be really bad about keeping up with bills, until I decided to keep my calendar a few years ago. Now, I put just about everything on my calendar, and never miss even making a phone call.
3. Would you say that your desk is organized right now? Not right now, but it will be tomorrow. Along with the rest of my apartment.
4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter? I alphabetize my CDs. Actually I organize them by type (classical, rock, latin, etc) and alphabetize them within each group. How's that for compulsive?
5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize? Photographs. I have two bagfulls that I still haven't put in an album. The problem is that when I take them out and start going thru them, I get all sad. Mostly because I miss my mom and the life we left back home.
It's good to be home; I miss my bed so much when I'm away. I was in Brooklyn for two days and came back just dying to get in my bed. And I needed to rest. For some reason my back is hurting a lot today but I didn't do anything out of the ordinary yesterday. Who knows why we start to get achy as we get older...
May 7, 2003
May 6, 2003
What's up with the weather? Where is the sun? It's 57° and I'm sooo cold. Last night I had to get up for an extra blanket and buried myself in the covers, I mean I totally wrapped myself up - from head to toe! And on top of it being cold, it's gray. I can't take this weather... it's depressing.
Malaya estar en Cartagena.... *dreaming*
Malaya estar en Cartagena.... *dreaming*
May 5, 2003
I don't know why I'm up this late... I was tired tonight, but now I just can't seem to be able to go to sleep.
Let's take this chance to do This-or-That: *The Media Edition*
1.TV or radio? TV.
2. On the radio: talk or music station? Music station.
3. Actual books or books-on-tape (or e-books)? Actual books.
4. Actual newspaper, or web version? Actual newspaper.
5. Wall Street Journal or National Enquirer? Wall Street Journal.
6. TV channel such as CNN, or your local broadcast news?Local broadcast news.
7. A movie you've been looking forward to seeing gets bad reviews all around. See it anyway, or pass? See it anyway.
8. See movies when they first come out, or wait a few weeks for the lines at the theater to get shorter? If I have to choose I wait a few weeks, but really it doesn't matter to me.
9. TV: cable, satellite dish, or just plain old antenna? Cable.
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: If you had to choose only one form of media to come into your home, which would you choose...print (newspapers, magazines) or electronic (TV, internet)? Why? TV because I am so hooked on tv it isn't even funny. My tv is turned on just about the whole time I am home, wether I'm paying attention or not. I don't need to buy the Daily News when I have NY1.
Let's take this chance to do This-or-That: *The Media Edition*
1.TV or radio? TV.
2. On the radio: talk or music station? Music station.
3. Actual books or books-on-tape (or e-books)? Actual books.
4. Actual newspaper, or web version? Actual newspaper.
5. Wall Street Journal or National Enquirer? Wall Street Journal.
6. TV channel such as CNN, or your local broadcast news?Local broadcast news.
7. A movie you've been looking forward to seeing gets bad reviews all around. See it anyway, or pass? See it anyway.
8. See movies when they first come out, or wait a few weeks for the lines at the theater to get shorter? If I have to choose I wait a few weeks, but really it doesn't matter to me.
9. TV: cable, satellite dish, or just plain old antenna? Cable.
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: If you had to choose only one form of media to come into your home, which would you choose...print (newspapers, magazines) or electronic (TV, internet)? Why? TV because I am so hooked on tv it isn't even funny. My tv is turned on just about the whole time I am home, wether I'm paying attention or not. I don't need to buy the Daily News when I have NY1.
Happy Birthday, Katie.
Kids grow up so fast... when I first met J she was 7 and he showed me a picture of her. What a beautiful angel she was. I met her when she was 8, and today she's turning 10. I look at her and can't believe how much she's grown, and how attached we've become. She's such a good girl, I just love her.
Kids grow up so fast... when I first met J she was 7 and he showed me a picture of her. What a beautiful angel she was. I met her when she was 8, and today she's turning 10. I look at her and can't believe how much she's grown, and how attached we've become. She's such a good girl, I just love her.
May 4, 2003
I'm so tired of parents always making up excuses for their kids' irresponsability and reckless acts. It's so good to hear news of parents being responsible and letting their kids face the consequences for their actions.
"Her mother says she's a "brat." Her dad thinks she's a flight risk. So Kelley Ferguson, 20, remained locked up yesterday in a federal jail in Honolulu on charges she left terroristic notes on her Hawaii-bound cruise ship in an attempt to get the captain to steer the boat back to California...."
Parents cast off cruise suspect, the suspect is their daughter.
"Her mother says she's a "brat." Her dad thinks she's a flight risk. So Kelley Ferguson, 20, remained locked up yesterday in a federal jail in Honolulu on charges she left terroristic notes on her Hawaii-bound cruise ship in an attempt to get the captain to steer the boat back to California...."
Parents cast off cruise suspect, the suspect is their daughter.
May 3, 2003
Today is Childhood Stroke Awareness Day.
I didn't know children could have strokes, even while in utero. Isn't that terrible? I think it's just unfair that an innocent baby or child should have to start life already having to struggle. I know we all have our cross to bear, but that just doesn't seem right.
I didn't know children could have strokes, even while in utero. Isn't that terrible? I think it's just unfair that an innocent baby or child should have to start life already having to struggle. I know we all have our cross to bear, but that just doesn't seem right.
May 2, 2003
I feel like I'm steeling everything from Lisa today.... lol:
ABC's of Me
A- Animals: None right now, but I want to get a fish tank.
B- Best Friend(s): Anna.
C- Cohabitants:None.
D- Desire(s): To get married and raise a family.
E- Eye Color: Very dark brown, almost black.
F- Favourite Foods: Italian, strawberry ice-cream, fresh fruit juice.
G- Games: The Sims, Monopoly.
H- Habits: Watch tv, stay up late.
I- Interests: Gardening, reading, crochet.
J- Job: Administrative Assistant (in between jobs right now).
K- Kitchen...wonder or blunder? Wonder, but I like to cook alone.
L- Languages: English, Spanish, Italian.
M- Most valued possession: My mother's jewelry.
N- Name (named after?): My great grandmother on mom's side.
O- Outfit you love: white mini-skirt with delicate black floral desigh, black top and black sandals.
P- Pizza toppings: Pepperoni.
Q- Question asked to you the most: How's your brother?
R- Relationship: Boyfriend for 2½ years.
S- Sport to watch: Baseball, except the Mets are killing me.
T- Television show(s): ER, Six Feet Under, Will & Grace.
U- Unsavory characteristic: Procrastinator.
V- Video: Singing in the Rain.
W- Webpage: Not my diary, but my weekly...
X- Xylophone (or other instrument): None.
Y- Year born: 1967.
Z- Zodiac Sign: Libra.
ABC's of Me
A- Animals: None right now, but I want to get a fish tank.
B- Best Friend(s): Anna.
C- Cohabitants:None.
D- Desire(s): To get married and raise a family.
E- Eye Color: Very dark brown, almost black.
F- Favourite Foods: Italian, strawberry ice-cream, fresh fruit juice.
G- Games: The Sims, Monopoly.
H- Habits: Watch tv, stay up late.
I- Interests: Gardening, reading, crochet.
J- Job: Administrative Assistant (in between jobs right now).
K- Kitchen...wonder or blunder? Wonder, but I like to cook alone.
L- Languages: English, Spanish, Italian.
M- Most valued possession: My mother's jewelry.
N- Name (named after?): My great grandmother on mom's side.
O- Outfit you love: white mini-skirt with delicate black floral desigh, black top and black sandals.
P- Pizza toppings: Pepperoni.
Q- Question asked to you the most: How's your brother?
R- Relationship: Boyfriend for 2½ years.
S- Sport to watch: Baseball, except the Mets are killing me.
T- Television show(s): ER, Six Feet Under, Will & Grace.
U- Unsavory characteristic: Procrastinator.
V- Video: Singing in the Rain.
W- Webpage: Not my diary, but my weekly...
X- Xylophone (or other instrument): None.
Y- Year born: 1967.
Z- Zodiac Sign: Libra.
Thanks to Lisa for expressing just how I feel about J today:
A Woman's Prayer...
Dear Lord:
I pray for........
Wisdom to understand my man,
Love to forgive him, and
Patience for his moods.
Because Lord, if I pray for Strength,
I'll beat him to death.
A Woman's Prayer...
Dear Lord:
I pray for........
Wisdom to understand my man,
Love to forgive him, and
Patience for his moods.
Because Lord, if I pray for Strength,
I'll beat him to death.
I didn't go to Brooklyn today because my right hand has been hurting since last night. I've had this problem before and am glad it's only one hand this time; sometimes the pain gets so bad I can't even hold a pencil. Right now I'm typing with my left hand, which I've gotten good at because of this hand problem. One time I went to my doctor and she told me it was arthritis, but I try not to think about it. I feel too young to have that word be a part of my life.
This quiz really hit it in the head. What kind of thinker are you:
You are a Spatial Thinker

Spatial Thinkers:
*Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world.
*Think well in three dimensions.
*Have a flair for working with objects.
Other Spatial Thinkers include
Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Careers which suit Spatial Thinkers include
Mechanic, Photographer, Artist, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Set designer.
But that's not all....
You are a Naturalist Thinker
Naturalist Thinkers:
*Like to understand the natural world, and the living beings that inhabit it.
*Have an aptitude for communicating with animals.
*You try to understand patterns of life and natural forces.
Other Naturalist thinkers include
Charles Darwin, Jane Goodall, Johnny Morris, David Attenborough
Careers which suit Naturalist thinkers include
Biologist, Meteorologist, Forester, Farmer, Astronomer, Alternative therapist
That's exactly the kind of thinker I am... I finally found an accurate quiz.
Quiz via Melissa
You are a Spatial Thinker
Spatial Thinkers:
*Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world.
*Think well in three dimensions.
*Have a flair for working with objects.
Other Spatial Thinkers include
Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Careers which suit Spatial Thinkers include
Mechanic, Photographer, Artist, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Set designer.
But that's not all....
You are a Naturalist Thinker
Naturalist Thinkers:
*Like to understand the natural world, and the living beings that inhabit it.
*Have an aptitude for communicating with animals.
*You try to understand patterns of life and natural forces.
Other Naturalist thinkers include
Charles Darwin, Jane Goodall, Johnny Morris, David Attenborough
Careers which suit Naturalist thinkers include
Biologist, Meteorologist, Forester, Farmer, Astronomer, Alternative therapist
That's exactly the kind of thinker I am... I finally found an accurate quiz.
Quiz via Melissa
May 1, 2003
‘Star Wars’ favorites will return for prequel. Yey!! I love those movies and can't wait for the next one to come out.
The Thursday Threesome
:: See Spot Run::
Onesome: See- What do you see when you look out your kitchen window? Just curious... The garages and backs of houses and an alley. Not a very inspiring view.
Twosome: Spot- Okay, pet names... Come on; not everyone has a "Sparky" or a"Fluffy". If you have a pet or two, what did you name them? Hmmm... No pets? How about a 'pet name' for someone close to you? My first pet was a cat called Tigre, my second pet was another cat named Kitty (I still miss him), then there was Lori, a German Shepherd who now lives at my dad's house. And my pet name for my boyfriend is "baby". I love him so.... *sigh*
Threesome: Run- Hey, what's your favorite 'run over to' place? You know, the "Honey,I'll be back in a bit, I need to run over to..." That place! "Trade Fair for ice-cream".... "Trade Fair for donuts".... "Trade Fair for pop-corn"....
:: See Spot Run::
Onesome: See- What do you see when you look out your kitchen window? Just curious... The garages and backs of houses and an alley. Not a very inspiring view.
Twosome: Spot- Okay, pet names... Come on; not everyone has a "Sparky" or a"Fluffy". If you have a pet or two, what did you name them? Hmmm... No pets? How about a 'pet name' for someone close to you? My first pet was a cat called Tigre, my second pet was another cat named Kitty (I still miss him), then there was Lori, a German Shepherd who now lives at my dad's house. And my pet name for my boyfriend is "baby". I love him so.... *sigh*
Threesome: Run- Hey, what's your favorite 'run over to' place? You know, the "Honey,I'll be back in a bit, I need to run over to..." That place! "Trade Fair for ice-cream".... "Trade Fair for donuts".... "Trade Fair for pop-corn"....
Today's May 1st and K's birthday is only four days away. J's taking her and three of her friends to get manicures on Monday after school and I've been asked to join them. That should be interesting. I know J will take a break from them while we're getting our nails done, but I've never had to supervise four 10 year olds. *yikes* More importantly, I still haven't bought her a birthday gift. I'm such a procrastinator....
Apr 30, 2003
Since I don't know what happened with the HumpDayHump, I decided to try something new. Here is:
Twenty Questions - Mixture
1. What's the toiletry product you wouldn't be without? Daily moisturizer, currently Neutrogena.
2. Do you take vitamins? If so which ones? Yes, Kirkland Premium Multivitamin with Herbs.
3. What do you do if you can't sleep? Watch tv.
4. If you're ill, is there a 'comfort food' you like to have? Twinkies. Or sometimes vegetable soup.
5. Which childhood illnesses did you have ( e.g. measles )? I don't think I had any, I'll have to ask my dad.
6. Have you ever taken a sick day from work when you weren't ill? Hasn't everyone?
7. Have you ever broken a bone? Never. But I've had several bad cuts and burns.
8. Do you trust 'alternative' remedies? I believe in homeopathic medicine.
9. What career did you want to have when you were a child? I had no idea what I wanted to be when I was a child.
10. What religion are you? Roman Catholic.
11. Is there a luxury item you'd like for your house? A curio cabinet to put my porcelain dolls in.
12. What's the latest computer program you bought? None. But the last computer game I bought was The Sims Online. *cool*
13. What's the last book you bought? King Lear by William Shakespeare. (I don't buy many books, but I go to the library a lot. The last book I read was The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, and am currently reading Emma by Jane Austen.
14. What would be your ideal day out? A warm sunny day in the country walking in the woods and sitting by a lake. I love nature.
15. Do you vote? If so, which party? No.
16. How many meals do you eat a day? Two.
17. Which drink do you drink most often? Water.
18. What sort of cola do you prefer ( e.g. Pepsi )? I don't drink soda. But on a rare occasion I'll have a coke.
19. When were you last ill? What with? Four weeks ago, I got a throat infection and ended up losing my voice. I was like that for 5 days.
20. Do you take any medication regularly? If so what? Unfortunately yes, proventil and flovent for my asthma and vioxx for bursitis on my shoulder.
Twenty Questions - Mixture
1. What's the toiletry product you wouldn't be without? Daily moisturizer, currently Neutrogena.
2. Do you take vitamins? If so which ones? Yes, Kirkland Premium Multivitamin with Herbs.
3. What do you do if you can't sleep? Watch tv.
4. If you're ill, is there a 'comfort food' you like to have? Twinkies. Or sometimes vegetable soup.
5. Which childhood illnesses did you have ( e.g. measles )? I don't think I had any, I'll have to ask my dad.
6. Have you ever taken a sick day from work when you weren't ill? Hasn't everyone?
7. Have you ever broken a bone? Never. But I've had several bad cuts and burns.
8. Do you trust 'alternative' remedies? I believe in homeopathic medicine.
9. What career did you want to have when you were a child? I had no idea what I wanted to be when I was a child.
10. What religion are you? Roman Catholic.
11. Is there a luxury item you'd like for your house? A curio cabinet to put my porcelain dolls in.
12. What's the latest computer program you bought? None. But the last computer game I bought was The Sims Online. *cool*
13. What's the last book you bought? King Lear by William Shakespeare. (I don't buy many books, but I go to the library a lot. The last book I read was The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, and am currently reading Emma by Jane Austen.
14. What would be your ideal day out? A warm sunny day in the country walking in the woods and sitting by a lake. I love nature.
15. Do you vote? If so, which party? No.
16. How many meals do you eat a day? Two.
17. Which drink do you drink most often? Water.
18. What sort of cola do you prefer ( e.g. Pepsi )? I don't drink soda. But on a rare occasion I'll have a coke.
19. When were you last ill? What with? Four weeks ago, I got a throat infection and ended up losing my voice. I was like that for 5 days.
20. Do you take any medication regularly? If so what? Unfortunately yes, proventil and flovent for my asthma and vioxx for bursitis on my shoulder.
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