Passed out***
Can you believe that after that beer last night I passed out on my couch? I only had one and I stretched on my couch to watch a little tv, and next thing I know it's morning. Wow! I feel good though. I woke up hungry, made myself some scrambled eggs & bacon w/oj and watched the news.
How do you spell...
I wanted to go to Barnes&Noble to look at some dictionaries, just compare some of them and decide which one I want, but it's cold, gray and windy outside. I think I'll do it tomorrow instead. I tried looking for one online, but that's just an item I have to have in my hand to look thru it and make sure it's the right one for me. I've been complaining that I need a dictionary for the longest time (actually I need three: English, Spanish and Eng/Span-Span/Eng) and I need to make sure I get a good one.
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