In honor of this very gray, cold, rainy day let's start tonight with The Thursday Threesome
::Rain, rain, go away. Come back another day::
Onesome: Rain, rain- Some people love rainy days every once in a while. Are you one of them? Do they make you want to curl up in bed with a good book or going walking through the mist? Or would you rather it just go away? I like rainy days, as long as you can hear the rain falling on the ground or on the roof tops. Misty, gray days are depressing to me, they make me want to crawl under my blankets and not wake up until the sun is back.
Twosome: Go away- If you could go away to just one place, where would you go and why? Right now I'd love to go to a tropical beach where I can feel the sun on my skin and smell the intoxicating aroma of the sea. *Me encantaria estar en San Andres, pero en cambio estoy en un lluvioso New York*.... *sigh*
Threesome: Come back another day- What's the one place you've been to that you would like to go back to another time? There are so many, but right now I would say the Italian Alps.
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