The Thursday Threesome ::Pop Quiz!::
Onesome: Ain't- There's a lot of slang floating around out there. Some of it has even found its way into the dictionary. Is there any one word that you find more annoying than others? That you just wish would fall off the face of the planet, never to be heard again? Is whatever considered slang? I just can't stand to hear people use it in a dismissing manner.
Twosome: It- It's/Its, they're/their/there. Just a few of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language. So the question is, when you blog, do you worry about grammar, punctuation and spelling? If you notice a typo do you go back and edit? Or do you shrug it off because everyone makes typos? I pay attention when I blog and make corrections when I catch them. But for the times I've missed them.... my apologies.
Threesome: Purty?- Purty/pretty, crick/creek, warsh/wash. All common pronunciations, whether they sound pretty or not. And one is mispronounced. What's one commonly mispronounced word that just drives you nuts? ASK. Is it so hard to pronounce this very short, easy word correctly? It irks me when I hear people say "can I ax you something?".... If you have a sudden impulse to be a lumberjack, by all means, ax away.
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