Jan 19, 2007

Here I am again

Wow, I can't beleive it's been 3 months since I've posted. But I have good reason; work is crazy busy, many times stressful and the little time I have to call my own, I spend in front of the tv to escape the fact that I'm alone.

These past few months have been very tough. Joseph's in Hawaii working and although we talk several times a day and leave eachother messages, I miss him terribly and am starting to feel lonely. I know it's just as hard for him so as always I try to be very positive and comforting.

Today was a particularly bad day. I went crazy cleaning the entire apartment, and as is my routine, I played music super loud to keep me going. The only problem was that since I've been feeling homesick, listening to all that Colombian music just depressed me more. I practically spent the day with Lysol in one hand and Kleenex in the other.... hmmm, sounds funny now that I think about it.

Enough with the sadness; I do have good news. Emile and Matthew are coming to visit next week. Yey! Emile's arriving Wednesday night and leaving Monday afternoon, I am soooo looking forward to her visit. She's so energetic and funny, I know she'll have me feeling better in no time. And ofcourse I'll have someone to go out with, thank God!

Matthew is suppossed to call me sometime next week to let me know when he'll be arriving, which might be next weekend. I'm glad he's coming, he's a nice guy and he'll get me cought up with what's going on at home in Brooklyn. I don't know if he's coming alone (he might be bringing someone along). Imagine.... alone for the past couple of months and now in one week I may have 3 guests.

Ain't life a pisser.

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