Sep 12, 2011

9/11... 10th Anniversary

I didn't have the time, energy or inclination to post anything yesterday. So today, September 12, one day after the 10th Anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center I am writing what's on my mind.

After all these years I'm still in mourning. I feel the pain and the anger just like I felt it on that Tuesday morning and on the days that followed. It's amazing and quite sad that on any given day, I can break into tears when I think of or dare speak of that day; needless to say yesterday was a very difficult day.

I went to the World Trade Center Memorial with Joseph and his family, his mom had been selected as a reader. After the memorial we all went back to Brooklyn and people started to arrive at the house... family members, cousins from out of state, friends, neighbors. Some stayed briefly, others stayed for hours. It was a beautiful gathering, like a celebration filled with joy and love.

As for me, I held it together as I always do although at the same time somewhat removed. Today on the other hand has been especially tough. Back to work, with all these emotions bottled up.

There's not much more I can say right now.

RIP Donald J. Regan. We all miss you...  specially your brother.

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