Feb 7, 2009

It's 2009

Already, 2009. I'm hoping this year I will post more often than in the past, but I can't promise anything. Let's start with a recap of January:
  • I've been poking around in Facebook a lot.
  • I connected with a cousin I haven't seen since childhood, although I get updates on her life from an aunt.
  • I started looking into leaving New York and moving to Phoenix. It's time to leave and start something new; hopefully something better.
  • I'm looking for a new job. I'm not happy in the company where I work, and I'm in desperate need for a change.
  • I've continued my French lessons and I am enjoying them very much. I feel I'm learning a lot and those 20-30 minutes I spend listening to the podcasts give me a break from the things that worry me and keep me stressed.
  • My lovelife has taken a turn for the worse; I don't think there's fixing it this time ::sigh::

I guess that's what's going on in a nutshell. As usual, not a whole lot but then again, my job doesn't allow me a whole lot of time for myself. But that's going to change.

1 comment:

  1. You say that's not a whole lot, but remember, quality (or substance) matters more than quantity. And these events you describe are turning points in life; that's some pretty heavy stuff!

    Take care.
