May 5, 2008

Good Bye Puerto Rico

This is our last night in Puerto Rico and I'm very sad. I'm sad to leave this beautiful island, our fabulous apartment, friends and "my beach".

I'm dreading the humid New York summers and icy cold winers. I'm dreading the subways, the filth and the rush and stress of the big city. I'm not looking forward to the "New York minute". But that's where work is, for me and for Joseph; he's only going to do one more trip on the cruises and then he'll be home full time again.

The time has come... I want to get out of the city in the next couple of years. I probably won't come back to Puerto Rico, but well definitelly look for a more peaceful, calmer place to live.

Good Bye Puerto Rico... Its not San Francisco, but I'm leaving a piece of me (of my my heart) here.

Sent from my iPhone

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