Jun 30, 2003

My first scavenger hunt
Yup, my first. The list was posted today at 26 things and I'm ready for it. I plan on carrying my list and my camera with me every day. This should be fun.
Gone but not forgotten
I was sad to hear of Katherine Hepburn's passing. I truly admire her as an actress and as an individual. The first movie I ever saw with her was "The African Queen"; I think I'll rent a movie tonight. It's so strange how you can feel a connection with someone you've never met. Someone who has in one way or another touched your life, and when they die you truly feel an emptiness. I have only felt this way twice before. I guess all I can say is I love her work and am sad she's gone.

Here's a little piece of her:
Beauty Tips
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands;
one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.
Monday Mission
When was the last time you said or were told the following, and more importantly, how did it feel to be you at that moment:
1. "It's not you, it's me." I've never been told "it's not me". The last time I said it to someone I knew it sounded like a cliche, but it really was me.
2. "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." Nope. Never heard that one either. That's how I felt about my last boyfriend (before J), but I didn't have the heart to say that to him.
3. "You just don't get it!" Oh, that one I've heard. My old ex, Rob, used to say it to me all the time; he made me feel so stupid I can't believe I stayed with him so long.
4. "Do I look fat..." I hear it every time I see Anna. I get very annoyed when she's trying to squeeze into clothes two sizes too small because she swears she is not a size 12.
5. "I hate you!" Nobody has ever said that to me, and I hope never to hear those words. I have never used them either.
6. "If you really loved me..." Nope, never heard those either. And if I ever do, I'll be doing a 180 and walking out that door.
7. "Not tonight..." This one I've heard, and my feelings were hurt. He wasn't so blunt, it was more like "mmm, we're so comfy just cuddled up like this... we'll have lots of energy in the morning". I was shocked when he I heard that, because no one had ever told me no. I'm over it now.

BONUS: If we can solve any problem, then why do we lose so many tears? Along with the ability to reason (analize and solve problems), God gave us emotions. It's not a bad thing, not all tears are sad.

Jun 29, 2003

Pat's Pics
I got the photo album set up, and some pictures uploaded already. I'm excited about having my own album and will be posting a photo a week (at least, I hope). The 26 things scavenger hunt is starting in two days, so I'll be adding an album for that too.

I've always been interested in photography and with my new digital camera I'm hoping to make this a new hobby.

Jun 28, 2003

Photo anyone?
I got a Scrapblog Album and started uploading some pics. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but hadn't found the right place. I can't wait to get it going so Chuck and Nena can check out some nice pics.

Jun 26, 2003

Dates to Remember
Next Monday @ 3pm... appointment with Dr. Baez
The Thursday Threesome
::Rings, things and fine array::
Onesome: Rings- Hmmm.. How are you about jewelry? Do you wear any? ...none? What is your day to day complement. ...and what one particular piece do you save for special occasions? I love jewelry and have a lot of it, but usually wear the same items. That would be a choice of three pair of earrings (two were gifts from J), my everyday Fossil watch, my mother's cross on a chain and also her wedding band. Everything else I take out on special occasions.
Twosome: Things- Ah, and how about those 'things' about the place? You know, the ones that you cannot throw out, but don't seem to really have a place of their own... Where do they end up? ...in The Drawer? ...or do you have a better place for those bits of randomness that just seem to show up now and again? Things usually end up in one of the drawers in my dresser or on the computer desk until I get sick of looking at them and find a "reasonable" place to store them. When that space runs out I clean out what I can.
Threesome: and fine array- Okay, so Summer's here (except in the Land Down Under)... What is your "fine array" to clothe yourself in for the next few months? Do you still maintain? ...or do you 'go native' with vengence? Hmmmm??? I love summer dresses and skirts. The place where I'm working has a dress code that requires a jacket or sweater (which is kind of annoying in the summer). But as long as I get to wear light fabrics and great shoes, I'm happy.
It was not a good morning
Today was a good day, inspite of the way it started. By the time I left home for work at 8:45am it was already somewhere in the 80's (I think) and the humidity was suffocating. I am not complaining about the weather, it's just that I had an asthma attack this morning while on my way to work. It was the worse one I've had in a year, I was a little nervous. I had my pump with me (as always), but even after I was at work my chest felt tight. Like I said, it was not a good morning.

Jun 25, 2003

Hump Day Hump
Act IX Scene I: *You are browsing through all the leftover pictures I have from doing my daughter's preschool yearbook.*
Quiet on the set!! Roll tape..... and....ACTION!!
Christy: Man am I ever glad that I am done with that yearbook! What the hell was I thinking when I said I would take that project on?? It does look cool though, if I do say so myself. But a whole yearbook all by myself, I bit off more than I could chew. Have you ever done that? What was the project?You: I got in over my head once at work. It was an Annual meeting of the Board of Governors and every year gifts are given to those retiring or who are celebrating special achievements. My boss didn't tell me until the last minute that the budget for the gifts had been cut that year and now I had to find appropriate gifts for less than half the money I usually had to spend. I was so worried I ended up doing the shopping on my personal time and with my boyfriend driving me around.
Christy: Honestly, it would have been a lot easier if I had not procrastinated on the whole thing or at least had a couple people to delegate events to. But I am a known procratinator and not really the leader type. Are you a procrastinator and/or a leader? You: I am the biggest procrastinator ever. It is a trait I am trying to change in myself but it's not easy. I have never been a leader. Sad, isn't it?
Christy: Really, I am not a follower either. I was always one of those that just sort of did their own thing. My mom always dubbed me "Most likely to Try Out for things" because I was never convinced that I couldn't do something nor was I embarrassed to goof up in front of others. I always have that "Oh well" mentality. I march to the beat of a million drums you could say. What about you? Do you jump feet first into things or are you more the reserved shy type? You: I am very reserved and have always been afraid to embarass myself in front of people. I wouldn't say that I am a follower per se, but I am quiet and discrete.
Christy: I love to sing. It's my stress reliever. When I am about to fling myself off a bridge, I can get into my car with some of my favorite CDs and sing out loud and be better in under an hour. Do you like to sing? You: I love to sing and used to sing in my car when I had a car. I usually sing when I'm doing housework. The only problem is I don't have a good singing voice, so it's an activity I enjoy doing alone.
Christy: Singing not your idea of a stress buster, huh? So what do you do when the end of your rope is near? You: Comfort food. I sometimes run to Baskin Robins for a pint of strawberry ice cream, or make a big tub of pop corn. They always make me feel better. I also like to do breathing exercises when I am totally stressed.
Christy: Many times I can see clearly all of the things I have done wrong in my life. It's the good about me that becomes lost in the fog. What is good about you? Tell me as many things as you can think of. You: I am kind and sincere. Always considerate of other people's feelings and tolerant of those whose ideas differ from mine. I am witty and fun loving and have always been able to recognize when I have made a mistake. I am also open minded and open to new experiences.
Christy: What about physical beauty? Who is an amazingly beautiful person in your eyes? You: That would be Mel Gibson. I just love his eyes and there's something about him that I find terribly atractive.
Christy: Good choice! Well, I have to head to get the girl-child from drama camp. This is the beginning of her career, mark my words! See you later on!
You: When she's rich and famous I'll be able to say I knew her mom. See you next week, Christy.
For those of you who may be tired of hearing me complain about how bad and cold the weather has been in NY..... it's summer!! This week our weather has done a 360 and now we're having 80's and 90's and lots of sunshine. I love sunshine. Of course it is humid (it wouldn't be summer in NY if it wasn't humid), but I am glad to be rid of my sweaters and boots.

Thank you mother nature.
It's been so long... and I have missed you
My friend Nena sent me an e-mail last week that totally brightened up my day. We haven't talked in months and haven't seen eachother in over a year, so it was really good to hear from her. There have been many changes in the past few months, but sometimes change is good and necesary. I'm happy I got my friend back.

Jun 22, 2003

Promessing.... promissing???
I'm happy!! I bought my English dictionary last week. Woohoo!!!! I'm glad I finally got that done, the only thing I'm not happy with is that it does not include synonyms but I can live with that.

What's next?... my Spanish dictionary.
When did I move to Seattle?....
I tell you, the way the weather has been in NYC you would think it's Seattle. It rains every day and every night, temperatures in the 60's.... this is ridiculous. This coming week looks promissing with highs in the 80's and 90's and no rain until Friday. Could it be that summer has decided to show up? Because spring never did.

Jun 17, 2003

This or That
1. Newspapers or magazines? Newspapers.
2. Books-on-tape or regular books? Real books. I love the feel and smell of a new book.
3. Paperback or hardcover? Hardcover.
4. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction.
5. Sci-Fi/Fantasy or romance novels? If I must choose between the two: romance novels.
6. Borrow from library or buy books (either new or used)? Buy new books (except due to my financial situation in the past year, I've been visiting the library a lot).
7. Subscribe to magazines or buy on newsstand? Newstand.
8. Current best-sellers or classic literature? Classic literature.
9. Read books once, or re-read favorites every so often? Re-read favorites.
10. Here in the U.S., we have two hot best-sellers...former First Lady Hillary Clinton's memoirs, and the new Harry Potter book (coming out June 21). If you had to read one, which one...Hillary or Harry? Why? I prefer to read Hillary Clinton's book. I find her interesting and have enjoyed watching her doing interviews while promoting her book. I like the way she expresses herself.
I'm back
I haven't been around in over a week. I've been a little busy with my dad's birthday and father's day. Plus I started working full time at Macy's.... finally. It's not great money, but it pays the rent until I get something better.

I went to visit my dad on Father's Day. I only visited with him for a couple of hours, because he had been invited to a breakfast and I had to be in Brooklyn by 4pm. In those two hours I helped him put together a bbq grill he got for his birthday and we talked a little bit. It was a very short visit, but it's the best I could do that day.

Katie had her dance recital later that afternoon. She looked very beautiful and danced like a princes. I just love her. After her recital we all went back to J's for dinner and as usual, I stuffed myself. He is such a great cook, it's a wonder I'm not fat.

Jun 6, 2003

Another bite and we'll explode
J and I had a wonderful dinner, but we ate so much we are laughing at eachother because we're so full. He's such a nice boyfriend, he did all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Without me asking. I just love him!
Before the day's over
Let's do the Friday Five:
1. How many times have you truly been in love? Twice
2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most? He values me and listens to me. He is kind and is a mature man. I've never had a question about him playing games in this relationship.
3. What qualities should a significant other have? He must make me laugh, be kind, considerate. Be open minded and understanding. And financially responsible. *J*
4. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Yes. Not intentionally.
5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be? That love is unconditional and that we must tell people we love how we feel while they're with us. Never assume they know, always tell them.
Teresa, I miss your food
J is coming over for dinner and asked me to make him spaguetti and meatballs. He loves it when I cook Italian food and is just crazy about my sauce. I decided to buy some Italian sausage and add it to the menu.

That reminded me of the wonderful food my aunt* Teresa used to cook. She was Colombian (de Boyaca) but was married to an Italian man for over 25 years. To tell the truth she cooked better Italian than Colombian food. And I can say she made the best sausage and meatballs I have ever eaten. Every time I make meatballs I think of her and remember being in her kitchen watching her and salivating in anticipation of the great food she was going to serve.

I wish I had known her better, I miss her. I know she loved me the most out of all the kids in the family (my brother and two cousins, not her kids) and I never knew why. I just figured it was because I was the oldest.

On the menu tonight.... spaguetti with sausage and meatballs, flavored with a tear of nostalgia.
397... 398... 399... 400!!!
Woohoo.... I got my 400th visitor last night, I'm excited! Not that it means anything... but it's good to know a few people are interested in what I have to say or at least are curious about what I may be doing. *grin*
Riddle me this... riddle me that
I saw this cool riddle at Melissa's and thought I would share it. I solved it in 30 minutes and enjoyed every second of it. I liked solving those kind of problems when I was a kid. I hope my kids will favor this type of activity instead of being stupefied by "digimon" type cartoons.

I always think about how I will raise my kids whenever I have them. It's not an obsession, I just have a strong maternal instinct. I love kids and hope to have one in the next couple of years.

Jun 5, 2003

Brooklyn-Queens Day
I know I get New Yorkers coming by every other day via nyc bloggers. Can any of you tell me what exactly is Brooklyn-Queens Day? Why do kids have the day off from school? What is it that is suppossed to be celebrated and how does it relate to schools being closed? J told me it's a union holiday (UFT), but I don't get it. Kids have enough days off during the school year, do they need to "celebrate" B-Q Day? Why do we complain about the low levels of education in this city, yet make up crazy holidays like today?

Please don't tell me about how teachers are deserving of their union holidays, they work very hard during the school year, take their work home with them, are available for tutoring, for after school programs.... bla,bla,bla. I know all these things and I appreciate those who embark in the business of educating the young. But the thing is, these are the requirements of this particular job. I know it's not a 9-5 job, and it's certainly not stress free, but when someone decides on a career in education, they are well aware of its demands. I have nothing against teachers, just against the level of education in this city.

Here's something: I found out earlier this week that next September the first three days of school are being assigned to teacher training, leaving the kids to start school three days late. However, those three missed days are not being added to the school year anywhere. WHY??? Didn't they just add something like 20 minutes to each school day in an effort to better our children's education? Why are they having three days removed now? Here's an idea: next year let's do away with stupid holidays like Brooklyn-Queens Day and give those days back to the kids.
Daily Dose of Meme
The Thursday Threesome ::Rice Krispies Treats::
Onesome: Rice- Okay, what's the preference at your place at dinner time, riceor potatoes? ...or something else? Hmmm? Rice. I must have rice with my meal, and it's not unusual to have rice and potatoes. I know it seems strange to most people (non-latins), but it's how I was raised. Colombian food is just delicious and there is nothing wrong with having two starches on your plate. (This is one of my eternal arguments with J. He says it's not a balanced meal and he says we eat very heavy meals that can't be healthy. But he never has a reply when I mention that the rate of heart disease, cholesterol levels and obesity in my country are incredibly low. Why are we so healthy if our meals are "unhealthy"? Yet, Americans battle with these diseases in alarming rates. hmmmm... People, just because something is different, doesn't make it wrong.
Twosome: Krispies- ...and how about breakfast? If you're a cereal person, what is your favorite? ...or is there something else you'd prefer to start your day with? I'm not a breakfast person. I usually just have a glass of oj (sometimes just a glass of water) but I like good old Kellogs with banana and milk. yummy. For a hot breakfast I like pancakes, but that's just on the occasional Sunday. When I was a kid I loved "changua" (I won't describe it because non-Colombian people will think it's disgusting, but it really is delicious) but as I got older I had to give it up. The hot milk doesn't agree with me anymore.
Threesome: Treats- Has anyone not seen "Finding Nemo"? What treat did you have to buy (or slip in) for it to be a "Theatre Experience"? I haven't. That's because I don't have kids, although I guess I could have taken J's kids to a matinee today since they're off from school.
Happy Birthday!!
I am an absent minded blogger. It was my niece's first birthday yesterday and I totally forgot to congratulate her here. Don't get me wrong, I called her and sent her goodies and all. But I feel bad I didn't post on her birthday. In any case, Happy Birthday my sweet angel, and congratulations mommy and daddy on surviving your first year as parents.

Jun 4, 2003

Chrissy's back!
Yey, let's do the HumpDayHump:

Act VIII Scene IV:
*You are helping me finish some projects I have to do then we are going to finish some projects you have to do.*
Quiet on the set!! Roll tape..... and....ACTION!!

Christy: One thing I can't stand is stupid people. Or rather people that do stupid things. I know I have been guilty of it before and I couldn't stand myself then either. Can you think of anything stupid that you have done?
You: Just a few days ago I sent a thank you note to the wrong person for a gift I received but wasn't from her. How's that for ditzy?

Christy: I have been following the Lacy Peterson case. Have you? The one stupid thing her parents did, in my opinion, was go into Lacy and Scott's house and take some of Lacy's things. I mean, I know they want them and should get them but not the way they did it. They could have corrupted important evidence that would have helped find out who killed her. I personally think her husband did it. Have you been following the case? Do you think it was her husband or a satanic cult (Order of the Silver Crescent is alive and kicking in Modesto CA and is the defense's last claim) that killed her?
You: I haven't been following very closely, but I agree with you that her family was abrupt in going into the home and removing some of her possessions. And I also think the husband might have done it. I haven't heard much about the "satanic cult theory", but Peterson's demeanor since her dissappearance makes him an attractive suspect.

Christy: You know, as a mom, I have the wonderful job of raising two well mannered, socially acceptable, intelligent children. This is not an easy task. Lately, I have grappled with the issue of spanking. Part of me says that it just teaches children to hit. Another part of me says it is a necessary evil when it comes to teaching children how to act. I was spanked but not much. Do you believe in spanking children? Were you spanked as a child?
You: I believe in spanking young children to instill in them respect and obedience.If done effectively it shouldn't be needed for their entire childhood. I was spanked as a child and I will also spank my children.

Christy: My husband swears he was made to go out and pick the switch his grandmother would use to smack him with. She swears it isn't so. My mom's weapon of choice was the wooden spoon. Which is also my threating tool (although I can count on one hand how often I have swatted either child with it). Mostly I just show it to them in order to have them shape up just like my mom used to do to my brother and I. What, if any, smacking tool did your parents use to instill the "fear of God" into you?
You: My mother was the disciplinarian in our family, and she used her voice and her hand. One open hand smack on the heiny proved to be effective with us. Now that I'm older and can look back and understand so much more, I realize it wasn't really her hand that became the "spanking tool", but her voice. She would say my name in a stern tone, something in her voice let me know what was coming if I didn't behave. I suppose when I was very young a slap on my heiny came after she called my name in "that way". Eventually all she needed was to say my name "that way". A primitive form of pavlovian training I suppose. Very effective.

Christy: I was looking at someplaces to vacation last night when I woke up at 3am (SHEESH!) and I found two places I really want to go - Mackinac Island, Michigan and Bar Harbor, Maine. What is your favorite state/city to visit? Is that because of a person(s) or because of the town in general?
You: I love going upstate, but no place in particular. Mostly Ulster County. We used to go camping there a lot when I was young and always enjoyed its beauty. If you want to know a place I'd like to visit again, that would be San Andres (Island in the Caribean, off the coast of Colombia), in the US I'd like to go back to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon again. It's just breath taking. -- In case you don't know, I'm a nature lover.

Christy: Sorry about the redundancy of questions among last week's memes. I swear it was completely coincidental. Freaky, but coincidental nonetheless. Have you ever had a freaky coincidence like that? One that seemed only explainable by ESP?
You: I didn't see last week's so I can't comment on that.

Christy: Speaking of weird things. Do you believe in reicarnation? What/who would you like to come back as? What era would you like to return in? Past of future?
You: I don't believe in reincarnation, but if I could come back I would like to come back during the renaissance. Ofcourse in a position that would allow me to experience and enjoy the wonderful art that was developing at that time.

Christy: See you next week!
You: I'll be here. See ya!

Beauty Tips
I was over at Jeanie's and found a poem Katherine Hepburn wrote. The first time I read it was in the Dear Abby column, and have seen it again a few times. I always enjoy it when I catch it in the newspaper or an article. So I thought I would share it with you:

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands;
one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

It's beautiful and inspirational. You know how in some quizzes you get a question about "if you could meet anyone you admire, who would it be?" Well, she is the one I would most like to have met. A great woman in so many ways.
The Thunder Opera Company
I went to Katie's school tonight for the presentation of the 4th grade "opera", "The Stolen Secret". She was the stage manager and has been telling me about all the work and responsability she has at this job. She has been very excited about it since they started working on it, and tonight was their presentation for parents and family. It was a nice "opera", and you could tell the kids worked very hard at it. I was excited to know Katie was back there directing the actors, props guys, lighting guys.... I have to say it, I was proud of her. Good work, Katie!

Jun 1, 2003

Passed out***
Can you believe that after that beer last night I passed out on my couch? I only had one and I stretched on my couch to watch a little tv, and next thing I know it's morning. Wow! I feel good though. I woke up hungry, made myself some scrambled eggs & bacon w/oj and watched the news.

How do you spell...
I wanted to go to Barnes&Noble to look at some dictionaries, just compare some of them and decide which one I want, but it's cold, gray and windy outside. I think I'll do it tomorrow instead. I tried looking for one online, but that's just an item I have to have in my hand to look thru it and make sure it's the right one for me. I've been complaining that I need a dictionary for the longest time (actually I need three: English, Spanish and Eng/Span-Span/Eng) and I need to make sure I get a good one.