Mar 7, 2003

Well, I got my pictures from my brother's wedding yesterday and I started posting them on my site. I'm so excited that I can do all this stuff, I feel so smart.. hehehe. This morning I called the IRS about my payment plan and had them reinstate it (I got bumped by some mistake), so now I get to skip my March payment. I'm glad I can keep that $$$ this month. I need money!!! Anyway, I went to my dermatologist yesterday about some black marks I've been getting but she said the best thing is to do a biopsy when they are irritated, so I have to keep an eye on them and go see her the moment they become irritated. She did a biopsy of my mole on my arm which has been bothering me for a couple of years. I've had it since I was a little girl, but three years ago it started changing shape and now it has a heart shape. I have to go back to her office in three weeks for the results of the biopsy... let's hope it's nothing.

The Friday 5:

1. What was the last song you heard?
Yesterday I was in the mood for some latin music, so I put on my Best of Niche CD. The last song I heard was Una Aventura. Don't ask me why, but I've been in the mood for Colombian music all week, maybe because it's lent (the lent season reminds me so much of my childhood in Colombia that I get very home sick).

2. What were the last two movies you saw? I don't go to the movies as much as I used to when I was younger, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I feel like I've been robbed after I pay. I think the last two movies I went to were Spiderman and Scooby-Doo. I went with Joseph and the kids both times which is always a blast, because little Joseph gets into the movies and starts singing along and imitating the characters (he just turned 6 in December).

3. What were the last three things you purchased? Groceries (I forgot to buy tuna... grrrr), paid to have my Arizona pics developed (does that count as a purchase?) and a pair of very comfy shoes.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend? I need to wash my kitchen floor... desperately! I also need to do laundry, call my dad (I had a bad dream about him last night... yikes) and spend some time with my honey.

5. Who are the last five people you talked to? That would be my b/f (every mornig and every night and a few times during the day too), Anna who is still thinking of a last minute mini-vacation, about 4 different people at Federated Stores while trying to find out where is my W-2, and trying to have them correct my social security #. I also spoke to my land lady which is always fun. She's just 6 years older than me, so we love to chit chat. And I spoke to my friendly pharmacyst Steve. He's great, always checking up on me about my asthma and stuff.

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