Mar 31, 2003

Monday Mission
1. How old will you be on your next birthday? Thirty six, but where did the years go?

2. One of the presents I was given for my birthday was a "George Foreman Grill." I've always joked about them, so it was kind of a joke gift. But it turns out, it is a really neat little grill. Then it hit me, this is a gadget, except it is for the kitchen. Then I thought about it and realized that "gadgets" aren't just techno-toys, gadgets are everywhere. What is your favorite gadget? Does my remote control count as a gadget? I'm a tv addict.

3. Tell me about someone that you lost touch with several years ago. Would you like to get back in touch with them again? What caused the separation? Has enough time passed? Would you still get along? My good friend Silvana. We went to high school together, and she was a very mature and together young woman. She moved back to Italy about 9 years ago and I always wondered why she didn't call to say she was moving. I would love to get in touch with her, but I don't know if we'd still get along, 9 years is a long time, and people change.

4. I've not met many online friends in real-life (I.R.L.), but I've always assumed we'd get along great if we met. But then again, if we would since my online personality (brash, outgoing) seems so different from how I see my RL offline version (introverted). Is there a difference between your online personality and your real-life version? Or are you pretty much the same person either way? I'm quiet and introverted in real llife, so I guess there is a difference.

5. Being the quiet type, I have often felt like the online world has given me a greater chance to meet people I'd never meet IRL. In fact, I would bet that I would have never met any of you IRL if we had been in the same bookstore or coffee shop. So in that sense, I think the Internet has helped inter-personal communication for many people. Can you think of any ways that the Internet hinders person-to-person communication? What could we do to change things? When my boyfriend calls me and gets a busy signal because I'm on-line has deffinitely hindered our relationship. Just kidding. But there is something we lose out on while on-line and that is the human element, the eye contact, body language, even the casual touch make a great impact on the way we relate to people.

6. Last night, about 1AM I was overcome with this amazing sense of inner peace. I hadn't prayed, or done anything spiritual, yet, I felt like life was truly good and things could only get better. It seemed like I was given a mental "nudge" as if to say, "You're doing great kid, stay with it and everything will keep getting better." When was the last time you felt truly happy, or had that sense of perfect inner-peace? What does it take to get that feeling back when you need it? When I went to visit my brother in Arizona last month, seeing him with his wife and baby helped remind me that there are good things in life, and when I need to get back that feeling I look at the baby's pictures. She gives me joy and hope.

7. There are times when I just want to tell someone off. I don't usually, since I have to work with them. Sometimes it is a family member and that would be even worse on down the road if I cut loose. If you could just verbally let loose on someone and be able to say anything you want, without repercussions, who would you say it to and what would you say? That would be my dad, and the list of things to say is a bit long.

BONUS: Are we alive or just a dying planet? Definitely alive.
It's Monday again. I hope this will be a better week. It's so cold but at least the sun's out; I wish it was out yesterday. I went to the Bay Ridge Irish Parade yesterday with J. and little J., K. was on the parade again with her dance school. But it was a rainy, windy, cold, miserable day... brrrr. I want warm weather already.

But one good thing is happening today.... Opening day at Shea Stadium! yey! I hope this will be a better season, but then again, it's the Mets.

Mar 29, 2003

J. & I went to the movies last night... what a waste of $35. We saw Dreamcatcher, but I wish we'd stayed home catching some zzz's instead. I'm a fan of Stephen King books, but the movies based on his books never seem to work. I really wanted to see Chicago, but he got caught in traffic and didn't make it on time. In any case, I was very dissappointed, as was he; we hadn't been to the movies since last summer and he invited me mostly to try to ease things between us. I wish he hadn't spent his money that way. I'd rather spend it in pizza and beer.

Mar 28, 2003

Well, it's been a bad week, but I knew it would be since Monday. J. will be coming by tonight to "talk about us". I just hope it's not another night of us sitting here not talking to each other.

And what's up with ER? Do I have to wait for sweeps week in May for a new episode? I love the show and watch it every Thursday but I want a new episode. It's the only hour of the week when I can ask everyone to leave me alone. Maybe I should start watching the Mets' games. That'll take my mind off things.
The Friday Five

1. What was your most memorable moment from the last week? Can't think of any... it wasn't a very good week.
2. What one person touched your life this week? Anna. Although I haven't told her why I've been depressed, she has been calling me and taking me out and trying to keep me smiling.
3. How have you helped someone this week? Sadly, I have to say no one. It's been all about me.
4. What one thing do you need to get done by this time next week? Make a decision about J.
5. What one thing will you do over the next seven days to make your world a better place? Start going out and feeling better about myself.

Mar 26, 2003

Anna wants me to come out to Long Island tonight, and last night said ok. But now I don't feel like it. These mood swings are going to be the death of me.

Chuck told me a couple of days ago that our dad will be going to visit for the baby's first birthday. At least that's what he's saying now... we'll see what happens between now and then. I can't believe I haven't talked to my dad in a couple of months... but the funny thing is I don't feel guilty. I'm sure I'll get over it soon enough.

Mar 25, 2003

Wow, these are some great questions.... I had a little difficulty choosing but I did my best.

This or That

1. Poetry or prose? humm. If I had to choose I might say poetry.
2. Funky modern art or the older, "classic" variety? Nothing better than the classics. My favorites... Monet & Michael Angelo.
3. Sculptures or paintings? Paintings.
4. Theatre: exuberant musical or serious drama? Serious drama.
5. Ballet or modern dance? Hands down, ballet.
6. Movies: major studio or indie? Major studio.
7. Authors: Shakespeare or Dr. Seuss? Shakespeare.
8. TV: PBS or A&E? I love both, but PBS is my first choice.
9. Music: Beethoven or Beatles? Beethoven.
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You are a contributing member of your favorite art museum, and visit on a regular basis. They announce a new, temporary special exhibit by an artist surrounded by controversy...this person's work and/or political views offend you. Do you stop supporting the museum, or just stay away during the time the exhibit is there? I would continue to support the museum, but if I feel the artist's work offends me, I simply won't go to see it. I support the arts, even when it's something I don't like.
I'm sitting here with Anna looking at the baby's website and we're having a blast. Anna hadn't seen her pictures and is just about to explode... hahaha. I just wish Chuck had posted some recent ones so she could see the baby's teeth and everything...

Mar 24, 2003

Please, enough about death, and enough about the war... I can't turn on the tv without hearing about it, and quite frankly I am saturated. It's not that I don't think it's important or I don't want to be informed, but it's not necessary to have 24 hour coverage. The mind and the soul need time to rest and recuperate.

And on top of everything I'm having boyfriend problems. *sigh* If today is any indication of what my week is going to be like, let me crawl into bed, hide under my covers, and come get me on Sunday.
Monday Mission

1. Since we've covered the standard "where do you go when you die" question, let's get a little deeper. When you do die, would you like to be able to watch your funeral? I don't thinks so, I'm an extremely emotional person and would be too upset to see the people I love suffering.

2. Catholics must have the longest funeral services ever. I think there is a lot to be said for the traditions that they keep, but it was just so depressing. I'd like my funeral to be much more upbeat, like those I've seen in New Orleans. What type of funeral would you plan for yourself? Traditional Catholic. I was raised with a very strong sence of religion.

3. As a child, when I was angry sometimes I would wish that a parent or teacher would die. Thank goodness wishes like those are never granted. I think it probably takes the loss of someone important before you learn the value of life. When did you first realize that life was so fragile? I guess I always knew, but it hit me hard when my mom died 9 years ago. Totally healthy at 48 one day woke up with a lump on her neck and a few days later a doctor was telling me she had cancer and there was nothing they could do. She stayed with us for 8 months and then I knew... the only requirement for death, is to be alive.

4. When we said our final respects to Grandma H. today, I though about her impact on the world. No, she didn't cure cancer or make sweeping changes to society. But she did leave a legacy of four sons and a daughter, who in turn have children and grandchildren. And maybe that was her purpose, to launch future generations that will accomplish great things. Some of us are here to make a huge splash in the pond of life, others are here to direct the ripples in the water. Of the people you've known personally who have passed away, what sort of legacy, impact, mark or achievement did they leave behind? They all left me wonderful gifts that I remember and experience every day of my life.

5. One thing that struck me at the funeral, was that there were so many men were dressed in casual clothes. I was brought up to believe that men should always wear a suit to a funeral, as a show of respect. Maybe these men were never taught that. Maybe they just don't own suits. Maybe that I am just old fashioned and not hip to the times. Do you think there is an "appropriate" way to dress for attending a funeral? Or is it even important? It is very important. There is a time and a place for everything, and although our manner of dress speaks to our freedom as individuals, there are times when "old fashioned" values need to be upheld.

6. Grandma H. was far enough along in life to have been able to plan ahead for her funeral, even down to the tiny details such as song selections. It was nice to finally attend a funeral where they didn't play "Amazing Grace!" My choices would be "Ode to Joy" and "I'll Fly Away." What are some of the more memorable songs you've heard played at funerals? Can't think of any. But I must explain, I have not attended many funerals in my life.

7. I've been craving some home-made pickles for years now. Not just any, but the kind my dear Great Grandmother made. It's been over 20 years since she died, but I can still remember just how her dill pickles taste. No one in the family has even attempted to make them since. Today at the funeral I overheard someone wishing that they had asked Grandma H. for her home-made noodle recipe but now it was too late. Do you have any favorite foods that only one relative made, and the recipe died with them? Oh, yeah. My grandma made the most exquisit fruit preserves... my favorite was her peaches in syrup. Also one traditional Colombian soup that I know I will never enjoy again. I really wish I had learned to make it. ~ Malaya un dulce de durazno, y una mazamorra bogotana....mmmm ~

BONUS: Is it true, all of those things that they say about you? Most things but not all. For some reason people allways think I am a very motivated person, and I really am not.

Today's Comment Question: Do you like pickles? If so, what kind? I do, mildly seasoned pickles are great. Also sweet pickles.

Mar 23, 2003

What a beautiful day, spring has arrived in NY. It is a delicious 58 degrees and I feel alive. J. should be coming by soon; we got into a little argument last night, because he didn't show up. I was very upset... me dejo con los crespos hechos! grrrr....

Anyway, I'll be going to the Astoria Park for a while and I guess I'll do a little shopping on my way home. And of course, the obligatory Sunday NYTimes. *sigh* I just hope this week the Job Market section is a little fat. ~wishful thinking~

Mar 22, 2003

Oh, I forgot.... Happy Spring everyone.... I'm so happy spring is here, I don't want anymore snow. No more wind. No more temperatures below 50. Good bye my coat and hat and gloves.... I want sunshine, and warmth, and flowers, and birds. That reminds me, I saw the first Cardinal last weekend. OHHH Spring, how lowng I've waited.
Wow, what a day!! I was at the March for Peace on Broadway today. I am dead tired, but at the same time full of energy... It was the first time I attend a rally or protest and am happy I did. I was there for 4 1/2 hours and came back to Queens. Although I want to be a part of the peace movement, I'm not entirely comfortable being in large crowds like that. There are always people who instigate fights, and the innocent ones are the ones who pay the price. So I came home and found a message from J. asking me if I'm in the mood to go to the movies tonight? I'm so tired, but I don't want to stay home, so it'll be either Chicago at 11:50 or Dreamcatcher at 11:00... and of course, the obligatory stop at the bar before the movies, yey!

Mar 21, 2003

The Friday 5

1. If you had the chance to meet someone you've never met, from the past or present, who would it be? Maybe Christopher Columbus, to understand his motivation and to know more about the person he was.

2. If you had to live in a different century, past or future, which would it be? It would have to be during the Renaissance.

3. If you had to move anywhere else on Earth, where would it be? I would like to live in Italy for a while... imagine the great food, the fun loving, energetic people, Florence, Rome..... and I already speak the language so, when are we leaving??? :)

4. If you had to be a fictional character, who would it be? Spiderman... I love spidy. But seriously, I just read Jane Eyre about a month ago, and absolutely loved it.

5. If you had to live with having someone else's face as your own for the rest of your life, whose would it be? No one's. I'm very happy with my self to want to look like someone else, but if I must I would say my mom's. We look a lot alike already anyway.

Mar 20, 2003

There is a large anti-war protest taking place right now at Times Square. There are over 10 thousand people assembled in the pouring rain on Broadway. I'll be attending the March for Peace on Saturday, so I'll be busy printing posters tonight. I just hope it won't rain and it won't be too cold. And I hope I won't run into J's sister... with her being a cop, it would be a bit strange running into her.

Thursday Threesome

::Mountain Spring Water::

Mountain: Hey, summer's on the way! If you can get away, is it to the mountains or to the beaches? ...and even if you cannot: if you could, which would you go for?
Living in NYC, I prefer the mountains. The clean air, the quiet sounds of nature... I love it.

Spring: Enough is enough! Are you ready for Spring yet? ...or are you one of the lucky ones who are aleady smelling the roses? Oh, yeah!! I'm sooo ready for spring. I noticed my neighbor's garden sprouting the first signs of spring two days ago and it made me smile.

Water: Domestic or bottled? Are you one of those who just cannot drink tap water and absolutely has to have bottled? ...or does any source that has some chlorine in it to okay with you? I love drinking water, and don't mind tap water at all, except when I travel. New York has some of the cleanest and best treated water in the country, but I don't know about the water in other places, so when I'm away... I bottle it baby!

Mar 19, 2003

So the president has given the order, and now we are at war... How proud George Bush must be to see his son, George W., picking up right where he left off 12 years ago.

At that time, I worried about all those young men that were putting their lives on the line, looking at my brother, knowing he could be one of them. Today, I worry about J's nephew who actually is one of those young men, away from home for so long, and now taking part of this war. I pray to God for his safety, and for the safe return of all our uniformed men and women.

How dissappointed I feel when I see the leaders of this nation fighting for their interests at any cost, mascarading the real reasons with such "noble" phrases as the liberation of "an oppressed people". Last night when the president spoke of the reasons we come to Iraq, he said "we have no ambition in Iraq...". Those who accept these type of statements without question certainly need to take the initiative to educate themselves and to not limit themselves to the headlines as their sole source of information.
Happy Birthday, Faye!!

I almost missed it... but better late than never. *sigh of relief*

Act VIII Scene I:
*You have come over with pizza for the kids and yummy veggies and a salad for us (weight watchers and all).*
Quiet on the set!! Roll tape..... and....ACTION!!

Christy: Wow! Today has been a fast paced day. I have been a basket case all day. My hubby had his UPP surgery today. It is supposed to help his sleep apnea. Have you ever had a major surgery? What was it for?

You: Yes, and it was not fun. I don't want to get into it, but it was... girl trouble. It was scary because I almost died, it was terribly painful and the recuperation period seemed like an eternity.
Christy: I was checking the procedure out on the internet this morning and got fairly freaked out about it. He is going to be in so much pain over the next three weeks! Yikes! I think I was sort of freaking him out about it. His motto is to know only as much as is necessary and gut it out. I like to be overinformed and prepared for the worst so that anything better than I expect is icing! What would you rather do?
You: I rather know what awaits me, eventhough I'm very squeamish.
Christy: The kids are overtired from being out all day (hospital, library during surgery, etc.). We don't have family in town and conflicts in schedules made dropping them at a friend's house too complicated. Do you live close to family? Who do you call on to help you out when the going gets tough?
You: No, I don't exactly live close to family, but I don't have kids either so my time is my own. I guess it's easy for me.
Christy: I love watching the surgery channel and Discovery Health Channel and Life in the ER so it's easy to say that not much makes me squeamish. However, this whole procedure has my skin crawling. I can say why. I think it's because it is happening to someone I know and love. Are you squeamish?
You: I am when someone is talking to me about something that they went thru. But I have no problem talking about it with a doctor or watching shows like the ones you describe, in fact I enjoy them. I like to be informed.
Christy: I am scheduled for my breast reduction surgery on April 30th, btw. Who would you think has the ideal chest (man or woman)?
You: I think the female body is beautiful. But everything is relative, a chest that is proportionate and "healthy" is ideal.
Christy: I lost 1.6 pounds last week! Woohoo! My aunt and grandmother and I have a deal. When we each lose 20 pounds we are headed to Ireland. Would you like to visit there? Have you ever visited there before?
You: I would love to go to Ireland. My boyfriend is Irish, and I enjoy visiting with his family here in NY very much. I know Ireland is beautiful and it would be wonderful to visit. Maybe one day we will go.
Christy: What is your biggest concern regarding the imminent war with Iraq?
You: OH!! Don't even get me started. On a very personal level, I am concerned about the president's lack of effor to cut down the unemployment rate in this country (read my previous posting), yet he is very much "worried" about the conditions of the Iraqui people. Some days I wonder how I'm going to buy my groceries, and how I'm going to pay for my train fare to get me to a job interview. He should be worried about the conditions "I" am living in. And by "I", I mean the millions of unemployed people in this country.
Christy: See you next week!
You: Great talking to you again, see you next week. Maybe we'll have dessert next time :)

Well, another depressing and dissappointing day; I got turned down for another job. I don't know where I'm going to end up if this situation doesn't change, but I don't see anything happening in the immediate future. Between the weak economy, our president pushing for war instead of taking charge of the internal problems in this nation, such us UNEMPLOYMENT, and my unfortunate status as a resident alien I don't know what to do. The catering business J. and I started is not exactly blooming (jobs for parties are hard to find in this economy), but we're still trying to make a go of it. I just hope I get my appointment for my citizenship exam soon, once that's done, I will have an opportunity to go after jobs that are out of my reach right now. Like the one I didn't get today. *sigh*

In other news, my boyfriend doesn't like the fact that I started this blog. He's very concerned about all the personal information I'm giving out thru this medium. So, from here on he will be reffered to as J. and the kids will just be the kids. I won't let him tell me what to do, but if he is so concerned, I'll just try not to write about him. -Kind of hard, considering he's my boyfriend and a big part of my life. But I'm not going to argue with him about it.

Mar 18, 2003

This or That

1. Cold frosty ski slopes or warm sandy beach? Warm sandy beach, especiallly after this winter.
2. Chevy or Ford? Chevy.
3. Mac or PC? PC.
4. Dial-up or high speed internet access? High speed internet access, I can't wait to get it...
5. Small *family-only* wedding or large 200+ guest wedding? Small family only wedding.
6. Would you rather be the bridesmaid or the bride? (if you are a guy, substitute best man or groom) I've never been a bridesmaid, but deffinitely want to be the bride.
7. AC/DC or ABBA? Hummm... depends on the day? If I must pick one today it would be ABBA.
8. Roses or daisies? Daisies.
9. Trashy romance novels or classic literature? Classic literature.
10. NEW! Thought-provoking question of the week...If you had to choose one...would you rather be blind or deaf? Why? I think I would rather be deaf. I am a very visual person, can't imagine not being able to see the sunrise again, or my niece's smile.

Mar 17, 2003

Monday Mission

1. Do you have any plans for "Spring Break" this year? Nope.

2. Did you ever have any wild Spring Break experiences? C'mon, tell me the stories! I've never been on spring break. I didn't go to school, so spring break has always been just another work week.

3. What is your most memorable vacation of your youth? My family went on a 4 week vacation out west, we drove thru Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and South Dakota. It was an unforgettable, and super long vacation.

4. What was the best vacation you've ever had as an adult? I was invited to ski the Italian Alps 5 years ago. It was beautiful, exciting, great food, fun people... just amazing.

5. Now, what is that "Dream Vacation" that you have always wanted to take if you had the time & money? I don't think I have a dream vacation, but I do want to visit Florence and Rome. And I would like to go to Hawaii.

6. Have you ever taken, or had the urge to take, a "blog vacation?" That is, just taking some time off from blogging? Are you kidding? I just started blogging this month.

7. You know how you get that creepy "danger" vibe you sometimes get from people you don't know? Has that ever turned out to be right? Or have you ever had a bad feeling about someone or a situation and not listened to that "little voice?"
My intuition never fails me... I've met people and known to stay away, and sure enough... always right.

Wow, I haven't been home in four days. I went to Anna's planning to spend one night and ended up staying until yesterday morning... but I had fun and needed the break from my four walls.

Yesterday was Irish Day in Brooklyn, so I went to see the parade in Park Slope with Joseph and his two sisters. Katie marched in the parade with her Irish dance school and got to dance too. It was very exciting; she was nervous, but she did a wonderful job, and was absolutely beautiful. I was so proud, and Joseph kept telling everyone who would listen, "My daughter's dancing in the parade"... We had a great time, and a wonderful dinner afterwards. It was a good day.

Mar 13, 2003

Joseph is mad at me because he tried calling last night and couldn't get thru. When I called him to say good night, he was livid but I didn't argue with him. I think it's always best to choose your battles. So today I'm going to see Anna and I'll stay over tonight. I'm pretty sure he won't like that either, but I'm not going to just sit here to be available to him when he wants. I'm not looking to pick a fight, I'm just pretty bored here and I know she needs help at her house.

Mar 12, 2003

Wow, I just found out they found Elizabeth Smart, the missing 15 year old who was kidnapped from her bedroom last summer. I am so happy for her and her family; I can't imagine the agony and pain her parents have been living with for the past 9 months. Thank God she's ok.

Act VII Scene IV:
*We are at the movie store trying to find a good flick to watch tonight.*
Quiet on the set!! Roll tape..... and....ACTION!!

Christy: I can not keep my eyes open today. I have no idea what the deal is. I went to bed early last night (9pm) and woke up at 11:45pm but went back to sleep about 2am after puttering around a bit. How much sleep do you usually get each night?

You: Plenty, not having to get up early is a small blessing for me.
Christy: Do you think you would benefit from more sleep? Think you could force yourself to an earlier bedtime?
You: I don't need more sleep, but I have tried getting used to an earlier bedtime and it's very hard. Even when I had to get up at 6:30 for work, I could never go to sleep before 12 or 1am.
Christy: There was a time in college that I worked nights (doing inventory and stocking items at Kmart). I remember getting fairly sleepy about 4am. I think, if I had to now, I could manage a nighttime job. I am a total owl. Do you think you could manage a graveyard shift?
You: Definitely. As long as I have something to keep me busy, staying up all night is no problem.
Christy: What would be the coolest late night job to have, in your opinion? I think being a paramedic in the city during the night would never be dull.
You: Probably a bartender or barmaid, they're always busy, meeting people, plus they get tips..... money's always a good thing.
Christy: Well, it has been awhile since we last chatted! Tell me what has been going on in your life? Anything pressing you for all of your attention at the time?
You: I went to my dermatologist a week ago and had a biopsy on a mole, but I'm a little concerned. The incision hasn't healed; a couple of days ago it seemed to be getting infected, and it still hurts. I'm giving it 'till the end of the week to see how it feels.
Christy: If you could devote all of your attention to one thing on your "to-do" list, which one thing would you choose? I would choose to focus on getting my book published and writing a few more (children's books).
You: Making baby clothes for my little niece.
Christy: If you knew that you wouldn't get caught or in trouble with anyone and that your salvation wouldn't be at stake, which sin would you partake in?
You: I guess it would be theft, bank robbery. I need money desperately!!
Christy: See you next week!
You: Alrighty then, till the next one...


Mar 11, 2003

This or That

1. Married or single? Single, in a 2 year relationship.
2. Knit or crochet? Crochet, but love to do both.
3. Homebody or world traveller? Homebody, although I have traveled quite a bit, just not as much as I'd like to.
4. "Star Search" or "American Idol"? Neither. I can think of better ways to waste my time.
5. Dancing or karaoke? Dancing.
6. Elvis Presley or Elvis Costello? Elvis Presley.
7. Bus or train? Train. Living in NYC, I practicly live on the subway.
8. Batman or Superman? Superman.
9. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla.
10. Which came first...the chicken or the egg? The egg. Dinosaurs were oviparous, and some dinosaurs eventually developed into birds, therefore the egg came first.

Mar 10, 2003

What a long day, I've been up since 5:30am because Joseph had to get up early to go to work. I felt so bad when he left because he didn't have a heavy coat here since it was 50 degrees when he came yesterday. This morning it was 19 degrees when we got up, brrrr. Poor thing, he had his fall jacket and no gloves. Just another bright, sunny, bone chilling day in NYC.

I want to go to the library and do a little research on human anatomy. Actually I just want to refresh my memory. I thought about this last night when Joseph and I were watching a show on the History Channel about the finding of the ossuary that is believed to contain the bones of James, Jesus' brother. About 10-15 minutes into the show, the narrator was explaining what an ossuary is. An ossuary is a container where the bones of the deceased were placed a year after the burrial; this was an ancient practice. Well during his description, the narrator gave the dimensions of the ossuary and went on to say that it only measures 20" in length in order to accomodate the tibia which, he said, he believed is the longest bone in the body. When I heard this I thought I heard wrong and asked Joseph to repeat what the narrator had just said. I did not hear wrong. I asked Joseph, how could they make a mistake like that, because the longest bone in the body is the femur, I remember learning that in the 5th or 6th grade. Joseph wasn't sure, so we got on line to find out. And yes, the femur is the longest and strongest bone in the body. Hummm... After this I didn't want to watch the show; if a mistake like that doesn't get cought before the show is aired, I wonder about the credibility of some of the more obscure facts presented. I feel good that I'm educated enough to catch mistakes like that, and that left me thinking about the human anatomy. When I go back to the library to return "Madame Bovary" I'll brush up on some more of my anatomy.

I feel so smart :)

Monday Mission

1. What is the most boring project you have ever had to ?
When I used to work at Elizabeth Arden one of my responsabilities was to keep track of the transients (walk-ins or new clients) and the regulars. I had to keep a detailed log for each hair dresser, each manicurist and total for the floor of how many transients and regulars were seen daily and in total for the week.

2. If you could be anyone or anything you wish, who or what would you want to be? Why? Rich. But seriously, I would like to be better educated. I wish I could have finished my studies back home (I came here in the middle of the sixth grade). I know I would be a better person for it.

3. What is one thing you refuse to ever put in your mouth? Liver, just the smell or the thought of it makes me gag.

4.If you could film a documentary about yourself and have yourself followed for 1 day, what would that day look like? And why? Very boring. I've always been a home body, so you'd have some guy following me around my apartment watching me standing in front of my fridge trying to figure out what's for lunch, somethimes knitting, complaining about the weather... Very boring.

5. What is the longest distance you have ever traveled to meet someone for the first time (blind date, blogger meet-up, etc). Was it worth the trip? Never too far. The farthest was to meet a chatroom friend on the way to a chatroom get together, it was a 1/2 hour subway ride (which is not far at all). It was not worth it because he never showed up and I didn't know where the host's house was. I ended up going back home, getting on line and complaining to the ones who made it about how that guy stood me up. I was upset because everyone else seemed to be having a great time at the party.

6. What do people usually assume about you that isn't true? That I'm from Hawaii or India or some exotic place like that. I am Colombian with a slight accent, but it's not easily identifyiable. People are always asking me about it, and how come I don't sound like all the other spanish people in NY.

7. What are you craving for lunch today? No cravings. But I could go for a chocolate Entenman's doughnut.

Mar 9, 2003

I spoke to Chuck today, he called to let me know he got my e-mail about the wedding pictures. He said they love them, they were thrilled to see their pictures and wants me to e-mail him the others I didn't post. They especially loved the "Wedding Breakfast" picture, and I must agree it is very cute. So that's my to-do for tonight. I also have to e-mail the pictures' link to Faye and Alice, I'm sure they're going to love them. And I know they'll be surprised to hear from me. I'm so bad, I never e-mail them back when they write to me... I feel bad about it. But this will make up for some of my ingratitude. It's not that I don't think about them, I'm just too lazy to write. Anyway, that's two things I have to do tonight.

I did some major cleaning in my apartment today. The only thing I didn't do was the laundry, which needs to get done desperately, but I was just too tired after doing the bathroom, the kitchen, the floors... a woman's work is never done, hehehe. Besides, I got a late start because I was up very late last night fiddling with my web-page. I'm having fun working on it. I just wish my computer wasn't so slow. What I really wish is to have the money to get a new computer in May when my people-pc membership is over. I would love to upgrade, but those $25 a month are gonna be hard to fit in my budget. I hope something good happens soon (money wise).

Mar 8, 2003

Today it was the "International Dinner" at the kid's school, which is also celebrating it's 10th Anniversary. Happy Birthday, The Children's School in Brooklyn!!! Joseph asked me if I wanted to help out, so of course I jumped at the offer (I love to get involved in the kid's activities). I got there at 2pm, Joseph and the kids got there at 2:30, and we didn't leave until 7:30 but it was a great night. I helped out setting up some of the tables and I was also in charge of the buffet, which got a little scary when we saw we were running low on food, and the line of people was amazing. But it all worked out, except we run out of water.... oh, well. Someone went out and got about 8 gallons of water and some extra juice drinks for the kids. Hey, I thought we did pretty good considering there must have been about 300 people there tonight. I know the kids are going to fall asleep the minute their heads hit the pillows, and I think Joseph won't be far behind...

I'm kind of bored with the book I'm reading. So much so that I've been thinking about returning it to the library, I don't care that I didn't finish it. Maybe I'm just too excited about reading War and Peace, which I think will be my next book. That reminds me, I told Joseph yesterday that I want to have a new "less tv rule" in my house. We watch entirely too much tv, and I feel bad about it. I've become so lazy that I don't want to do anything. We don't even go out for walks anymore, which is something we used to do almost every evening after dinner. He wasn't very thrilled when I suggested we keep the tv off and find other things to do, but he agreed in the end. He suggested we read together, which is also something we used to do. I don't know why we stopped??

But to be honest, my main motivation to limit our tv time are the kids. I know they watch too much tv at home, and I can't say I would approve of the shows they watch if they were my kids. But I can't do anything about that. What I can do is take control of the tv in my house, and try to expose them to more educational and meaningful tv. I guess I've been thinking about it a lot since Mr. Rogers' death. I was too old for that show when I came to this country, so I can't say I feel the loss, but I grew up with Sesame Street and Kermit the frog, and I have to say I was very upset when Jim Henson died. But I remember fondly the lessons learned sitting in front of that black and white tv, and I wonder, who will the kids remember as their "teachers" outside the home when they're grown up? Pokemon?? That's a scary thought. Anyway, I know I worry too much. I'm sure they'll be ok, but I also know it'll be different with my kids.

Mar 7, 2003

Well, I got my pictures from my brother's wedding yesterday and I started posting them on my site. I'm so excited that I can do all this stuff, I feel so smart.. hehehe. This morning I called the IRS about my payment plan and had them reinstate it (I got bumped by some mistake), so now I get to skip my March payment. I'm glad I can keep that $$$ this month. I need money!!! Anyway, I went to my dermatologist yesterday about some black marks I've been getting but she said the best thing is to do a biopsy when they are irritated, so I have to keep an eye on them and go see her the moment they become irritated. She did a biopsy of my mole on my arm which has been bothering me for a couple of years. I've had it since I was a little girl, but three years ago it started changing shape and now it has a heart shape. I have to go back to her office in three weeks for the results of the biopsy... let's hope it's nothing.

The Friday 5:

1. What was the last song you heard?
Yesterday I was in the mood for some latin music, so I put on my Best of Niche CD. The last song I heard was Una Aventura. Don't ask me why, but I've been in the mood for Colombian music all week, maybe because it's lent (the lent season reminds me so much of my childhood in Colombia that I get very home sick).

2. What were the last two movies you saw? I don't go to the movies as much as I used to when I was younger, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I feel like I've been robbed after I pay. I think the last two movies I went to were Spiderman and Scooby-Doo. I went with Joseph and the kids both times which is always a blast, because little Joseph gets into the movies and starts singing along and imitating the characters (he just turned 6 in December).

3. What were the last three things you purchased? Groceries (I forgot to buy tuna... grrrr), paid to have my Arizona pics developed (does that count as a purchase?) and a pair of very comfy shoes.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend? I need to wash my kitchen floor... desperately! I also need to do laundry, call my dad (I had a bad dream about him last night... yikes) and spend some time with my honey.

5. Who are the last five people you talked to? That would be my b/f (every mornig and every night and a few times during the day too), Anna who is still thinking of a last minute mini-vacation, about 4 different people at Federated Stores while trying to find out where is my W-2, and trying to have them correct my social security #. I also spoke to my land lady which is always fun. She's just 6 years older than me, so we love to chit chat. And I spoke to my friendly pharmacyst Steve. He's great, always checking up on me about my asthma and stuff.

Mar 6, 2003

Thursday Threesome

Onesome: Cold Are you a cold weather person and just deal with it or do you prefer temperatures closer to the century mark? I am deffinitely not a cold weather person, but living in the northeast I've learned to deal with it. But this winter I have dreamt everyday of being in the caribean, lying on a white sandy beach, with the sun on my skin, a soft breeze, and some tropical drinks at hand.... after the storm we had a couple of weeks ago, all I have to get me through another month is my imagination.

Twosome: and Misty What makes you misty-eyed? Do you cry at Hallmark commercials or get all sentimental when you hear a specific song? You can tell us, we won't laugh ;) I am a very sentimental person. I can cry at almost anything, but my soft spot is a song: Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order. It was a popular song when my brother was finishing high school, so he played it all the time at home. When he went away to college, my mom would sometimes play that song really loud and sing and dance. She missed him so much, but she refused to be sad, instead she would smile and dance. Now when I hear that song, I can see my mom dancing and singing and smiling... and I cry because she was beautiful, and because I miss her.

Threesome: Morning Mornings? ...or evenings? Which is your time of the day? Are you up with the sun or do you help the moon keep the night lit? I am not a morning person. I have such difficulty getting up early, but staying up late has never a problem. I just can't function in the morning, I need to take my time waking up and getting ready. It's actually kind of weird, because growing up, everyone was up at the crack of dawn... except me.

Mar 5, 2003

I have tried to keep journals over the years, but I could never keep up with them. Except for the one I kept for about four years; the only problem with that one was that I only made entries every few months instead of every day (or at least every few days). I'll do my best to keep up with this one, but I can't make any promises. I'll try to link this to the page I'm building, if I can figure out how to do it that is. Well, here i go...