Nov 2, 2008

It's November already

How time flies... We came back to New York in May, and so many things have happened since then. The most exciting thing of all is that I finally went back home. After 11 years I went home and spent two weeks in Colombia. It was great seeing my family after such a long time, and it was great just being there. It's an entirely different world, some things better, some not.

I got to eat some great foods, many of which I hadn't eaten in 27 years.... can you even beging to understand what it feels like to experience something that has only lived in your memory for more than half your life? I also got to travel a bit, and see how beautiful my home is. Landscapes that lived in my memory came to life again, and overwhelmed me. I took so many pictures, I don't get tired of looking at them and I want to share them with everyone and anyone who will give me half a chance.

Now I can't wait to plan my next trip, which God willing will be next year. That's right, I want to go back soon, real soon; I miss my family and I miss my home. They say you can't go home again, and it's true. But you can't blame me for trying.

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