Mar 16, 2008

This or That?

randomness...feed your mind and your blog

Would you rather...

1. Sky dive or bungee jump? Sky dive, eventhough I had an opportunity and talked my self out of it.

2. Eat a hissing cockroach or eat a slug? I'd rather starve.

3. Have lifelong free entry to all theme parks or lifetime free entry to all movie theaters? Although I love theme parks, lifetime free entry to all movie theaters would be awsome. Each time you go you get to see a new movie.

4. Spend one month without books or one month without tv? One month without books. I enjoy reading, but it's not something I do a whole lot. However, I am a tv junkie.

5. Have the ability to fly or be able to become invisible? Hummm... that's a tough one, probably the ability to fly. I think the freedom of movement and oportunity to see things from an entirely different perspective would be cool.

6. To have a personal shopper for life or a personal fitness trainer for life? Deffinitely a personal fitness trainer for life. That way I will always be motivated, and won't be able to make excuses. And by the way, why would I not want to do my own shopping? To me that is such a stress relieving and comforting experience.

7. Be spiderman or be superman? I'm stumped. Both.

8. Be stuck in the 70's or be stuck in the 80's? I lived the 80's and they were pretty wacked, but the 70's are not my cup of tea. Deffinitely the 80's..... love that music!!

Till next time....

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