Apr 23, 2007

Rain, rain, go away

It's been raining for three days in San Juan. Bummer. I just hope that the rain will be over by Friday, since I'm taking Friday and Saturday off. I'm so excited to have two consecutive days off! I think we should go out and shop for some furniture and then hit the beach. I think we may go to the rainforest on Saturday with Heath... that will be fun (eventhough it will be my 5th or 6th trip up the mountain).

I have to remember to call Emile on Saturday to wish her a happy birthday. She's having a birthday party that night... ::sigh:: I wish I could go to NY and go out with her, she's so much fun. I also have to make time to call Louis; he called me last week and I still haven't called him back, yickes!

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