Oct 1, 2006

Bienvenidos a Puerto Rico

Welcome to P.R.

That's right, we moved and are now living in San Juan. Amazing how things change. We've been down here for a month and we are loving it. We got an amazing condominium (oceanview and everything), and couldn't be happier.

And yes, this is our pool. We spend one to two hours a day at the pool and Joseph sometimes goes to the beach. I love our beach but I prefer the pool; I say "our" beach, because it's private. It's never crowded. In fact the most people I've seen at our beach was probably last Sunday when there were maybe 15-20 people there. How's that for crowded? Sure beats Jones Beach.

Jul 13, 2006

The Deal is Done

Well, the last phonecall was done on Tuesday, and tomorrow it comes in writing... I'm relocating to Puerto Rico.

I have mixed feelings about the move. Ofcourse I'm so happy about my promotion and the new challange, but I'm also a little nervous about what's to come. All the new responsabilities and closer relationship with the home office make me nervous and excite me at the same time. In fact, last night I cought myself thinking about what could or will be my next step after DM. I chuckled at the thought... I didn't even take over my new Region yet, and I'm already thinking about my next promotion.

My life is going to change drasticly, moving from NYC to Puerto Rico. I've only lived in 3 cities my whole life. I suppose it's time I try something new.

Jun 18, 2006

Soccer Fever

I wish I could skip out of work to catch some of the soccer games. I would love to catch Tuesday's Ecuador-Germany game. Right now I'm waiting for today's Brazil-Australia game. You know I'll be jumping and screaming for Brazil. I just wish we could go to a bar and watch it, but we have the kids today. Unfortunately for them, they have to suffer thru soccer tv today.

Jun 14, 2006

Missing in action

It's been a while since I posted, and a lot has happened to me since.

*May be getting a promotion at work, which translates into $$$. Can you say chaching!!!
*I may be moving due to my promotion.
*My brother and his baby may visit me in July.
*My grandma passed away a couple of weeks ago.
*I'm stressing over big sale at my store this week.
*Spent a week in Puerto Rico.

As usual, my life seems to revolve around work. I have to change that somehow.

Mar 12, 2006

I'm in North Carolina

That's right, I escaped from NY for three days to visit my dad. Joseph was supposed to come also but he got stuck in traffic and couldn't make it to the airport on time. grrr....

I am enjoying my time with dad, although I am terribly exausted after the renovations at my store last week. Who wouldn't be... 12 straight days, the last four of those 14 hour days.

I'm not complaining. I love my new store. I feel very proud and lucky to have achieved what I have in just one year.

That's all for now.... time to rest so I can be up early and have a full day with my dad.

Jan 9, 2006

I'm back

Happy New Year!!

I don't have much leisure time these days, and so I haven't posted in a while.... for now, here's my update: work is going great, right now I'm working towards my free Mexican vacation, courtesy of my company. Things with Joseph are the same as always, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. I started going to the gym again this month, and almost fainted when I weighed myself. 135lbs. That's the heaviest I've ever been; and I know that's not exactly fat, but for my body and compared to my constant 120lbs in the past 5 years, 15lbs is a lot. Now I'm sweating to lose them.

I'll try to keep up with the posts whenever possible. Promise.