Mar 6, 2004

Ohhh... the pain

Did I mention that I joined a gym last week? That's right, once again I'll be making time to get in shape and feel better about myself. I love going to the gym and working out, it totally energyzes me and motivates me. Plus I love the way I look after a while.

The only thing is that at this moment I am immobile. That's right: i m m o b i l e . I took a body toning class on Thursday night, but the instructor focused only on legs and a little bit on abs. After I left the gym I was in so much pain, I considered calling my boss and telling him I couldn't come to work the next morning. But I didn't do that, instead I went to work yesterday and was miserable not being able to walk or move comfortably all day. I just thank God that today's my day off.

All in all I must admit...... I love the pain. Go figure.

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