Mar 30, 2004

Lazy days

That's right. I've been experiencing the worse case of lazyness ever. On my days off I just don't have the energy or the interest to go out or do much. I need to get out of this funk and get moving again. The good thing though, is that I am doing well at work, and things with Joseph are going well.


Mar 6, 2004

Ohhh... the pain

Did I mention that I joined a gym last week? That's right, once again I'll be making time to get in shape and feel better about myself. I love going to the gym and working out, it totally energyzes me and motivates me. Plus I love the way I look after a while.

The only thing is that at this moment I am immobile. That's right: i m m o b i l e . I took a body toning class on Thursday night, but the instructor focused only on legs and a little bit on abs. After I left the gym I was in so much pain, I considered calling my boss and telling him I couldn't come to work the next morning. But I didn't do that, instead I went to work yesterday and was miserable not being able to walk or move comfortably all day. I just thank God that today's my day off.

All in all I must admit...... I love the pain. Go figure.

Myweekly turns one

That's right, I started posting on myweekly a year ago today. Happy First Birthday to Myweekly!!

Although I don't post as often as I should would like to, I'm happy that I managed to keep it up for a full year. And that leaves me thinking.... what's next for myweekly? Maybe it's time to start moving away from the basic Blogger, and start getting a little more technical.

We'll see.

Mar 1, 2004

Sad day

My dad called this morning to tell me my uncle passed away yesterday. He had cancer and had gone back to Colombia a few weeks ago, after the doctors said there was nothing more to do for him. At least he spent his last days with his children and grandaughter.

I'll miss him.