I went to the movies with Joseph and the kids last night. We saw Spy Kids 3-D, and I must say I was happy that it was a real "movie for kids". I'm quite old fashioned when it comes to raising kids and don't think it's necessary to throw in adult content in what's suppossed to be a kid's movie, eg: Scooby Doo. And the excuse that "you have to make it likeable or appealing to adults too" doesn't wash.
This movie keeps them entertained, has no real violence, absolutely no sex (except Juni starts to like a girl, I thought that was cute). They should make more movies like this one. If I had a rating system, I'd give it a 4 out of 5, just because those 3D glasses leave me cross-eyed.
Jul 28, 2003
To begin with...
Earlier today I spoke to the man who offered me that job last week. I'm trying to get a little more money (which is still far from the salary I had at the Club three years ago). He asked me to call him back tomorrow morning to see what he can work out with his boss; I hope he can will agree to what I asked for, which really isn't a lot of money. The good thing is that I would will be working on commission, so that will supplement my weekly salary.
Honestly, I'm a little nervous about the commission part of the job. I'm going to have to go in there hungry if I want to make money, I just don't know if I have it in me. Then again, they set sales goals for their sales people, so that's a way to be sure I'll have to hussle.
I have my fingers crossed.
Honestly, I'm a little nervous about the commission part of the job. I'm going to have to go in there hungry if I want to make money, I just don't know if I have it in me. Then again, they set sales goals for their sales people, so that's a way to be sure I'll have to hussle.
I have my fingers crossed.
Jul 21, 2003
Old black & white
And here we are.... we must have been 3 & 8 years old or something like that. Weren't we cute?
Happy Birthday, Chuck!
My brother celebrated his 31st birthday yesterday; and now I'm starting to feel old. How could I have a 31 year old "little brother"? Really, to me he is still my little brother... I could still pick on him (if I wanted to), I still worry about him and want to look out for him. I know that's Cara's job now, but I can't help myself.
Now I'm thinking, my birthday in only 2½ months away.... I'll be 36 *gasp*. I'm not sure I want to celebrate this year. Specially when I think about the one goal I had set for myself during my 35th year, and I didn't accomplish it. My only hope is that my financial situation changes very soon and I can start thinking about it again.
Now I'm thinking, my birthday in only 2½ months away.... I'll be 36 *gasp*. I'm not sure I want to celebrate this year. Specially when I think about the one goal I had set for myself during my 35th year, and I didn't accomplish it. My only hope is that my financial situation changes very soon and I can start thinking about it again.
Could I be so lucky?
So I went to work on Saturday and my foot felt ok, apparently there are no broken bones. That's the good news.... now the exciting news is that I was incredibly busy and in the middle of the hazzle and buzzle a man approached me and tried to recruit me, practicly offered me a job at a well known diamond store. Apparently he had been watching me and was very impressed with me....*grin&blush*. I took his business card and rushed to call Joseph and tell him what happened; needless to say I was so excited I couldn't wait for Monday morning to make the call. So I called this morning and got myself an interview for tomorrow. Could it be that my luck is finally changing?
I'm so excited I keep can't stop smiling.
I'm so excited I keep can't stop smiling.
Jul 18, 2003
It happened today again, I hurt my foot at work. This time it was the right foot. Just as I was walking towards the elevators to the cafeteria to have my lunch, one of the tradesmen working in the building collided with me. Yes, we didn't bumpt into eachother, he collided with me. If I hadn't tried to avoid bumping into him I probably would have bounced. You see, he hit me like a brick wall and kicked the top of my right foot. Although it was an accident, I got really pissed (about an hour later when the pain started to go away a bit). It hurt so bad I had to file an accident report and left work three hours early. Much as I need the money, I couldn't imagine staying at work where I have to be on my feet and walk back and forth behind my counter. The only good thing is that I have already accumulated 3½ hours overtime so far this week and I won't be short on next week's check.
The last time I had a "stupid foot accident" was at the Club (my last job) about three years ago. I left my office and started to walk down the stairs when I slipped and twisted my foot in a way that I landed on the tip of my toes (the left foot that time). I hurt my big toe and the one next to it so bad that I had to take a cab home. I couldn't even get my boot back on my foot. Although I didn't break anything my toes never healed properly, and they still hurt sometimes.
So tonight I laid on my couch with an icepack on my elevated foot and am hoping to feel better tomorrow.
I must feel better.... I can't miss work.
The last time I had a "stupid foot accident" was at the Club (my last job) about three years ago. I left my office and started to walk down the stairs when I slipped and twisted my foot in a way that I landed on the tip of my toes (the left foot that time). I hurt my big toe and the one next to it so bad that I had to take a cab home. I couldn't even get my boot back on my foot. Although I didn't break anything my toes never healed properly, and they still hurt sometimes.
So tonight I laid on my couch with an icepack on my elevated foot and am hoping to feel better tomorrow.
I must feel better.... I can't miss work.
Jul 17, 2003
No se ni donde estoy parada
Hay dias en que no tengo pasiencia ni para escuchar la voz de mi novio. No se si quiero continuar en esta situacion, sin tener ninguna seguridad; tan solo una promesa, igual a tantas que he escuchado antes y que nunca se hicieron realidad. Estoy cansada y decepcionada, pero al mismo tiempo indecisa.
Jul 14, 2003
She stood me up!
She did it again; my crazy aunt stood me up today. Call me crazy, but I don't understand how a 50 year old has no sence of time. To her there's no difference between showing up 10 minutes or 1 hour late. And then she wonders why I lose my patience with her. grrrr.....
Jul 13, 2003
Hear the wheels turning
I guess I woke up feeling creative today, because I got online and decided to make some changes to my virtual-home. It's not everyday that I'm up to poking around trying to figure out where to go and what to do, but today was a good day.... I even found a cute font for my title.
Productive blog-time? Yeah, I would say so.
Productive blog-time? Yeah, I would say so.
Jul 11, 2003
I just stopped by the 26 things page (just in case there are any news), and I noticed the page has had 42,666 hits. Yikes! I wonder what percentage of people will actually go back in August and post their "26 things"? For the May Day Project they had over 400 entries.... interesting....
Like water thru the fingers
That's how money behaves when it touches my hands. *sigh* It takes me longer to earn it, than for it to be spent. Imagine, I got paid today and after taking care of a couple of necessities, I am left with the grand sum of $20 for the week. I really need to get my hands on some real money; actually what I need is a real job with real money.
Jul 10, 2003
Dedicacion a los Colombianos
RAZONES Para Luchar por Colombia:
~Oh Gloria Inmarcesible, Oh Jubilo inmortal...
~Por los lunes festivos.
~Por la tienda de la esquina.
~Por cantar Tutaina Tuturumaina en navidad.
~Por los chitos, la colombiana, el tamarindo Lux, y los jugos en agua o en leche.
~Por el pan con salchichón y gaseosa,
~Por el olor a tierra caliente cuando se viaja (viajaba?) por carretera,
~Por el mirador de las Palmas,
~Por los paseos de olla,
~Por el sancocho y la bandeja paisa, hasta en el Amazonas.
~Por el Divino Niño y la Virgen del Carmen.
~Por el tamal tolimense.
~Por los algodones rosados con azúcar,
~Por el equipo del alma (LA MECHITA!!)
~Por el patacón y el plátano maduro,
~Por el mercado de las pulgas, los buñuelos, y la arepita con queso,
~Por la fritanga.
~Porque "se acabo el año"
~Cuando vamos por la calle al oÃr "cambio botellas.... papel..." o " se arregla la olla de presión...! o se arregla la de presión"
~Por el bocadillo con queso, por la arepa de huevo, por las fresas con crema,
~Por la costeñita, aguila, la club Colombia, y cristal oro.
~Por el rebuscador que en el bus te dice: "Esta bolsita de manà tiene un costo u valor de 300 pesos, para mayor economÃa, puede oler la bolsita sin compromiso."
~Por una siesta en hamaca,
~Por el manÃmoto y el Bom Bom Bum.
~Por la papa sala', carne asa', y el ajà picante.
~Por el aguacate, la uchuva, el mamoncillo, la sandia, la guama...
~Rin rin renacuajo salió esta mañana muy tieso y muy majo...
~El guaro con agua y una coquita con ensalada en la mesa.
~Por los " Eh AvemarÃa", o los " dele, dele, dele" y los "mira ve"...
~hay hombeeee!!!!
~Por que siempre habrá alguien que le ayude a encontrar una dirección, y se despida con una sonrisa.
~Por ir a cine con 3000 pesos.
~Por el copito de nieve o el raspado de pueblo con lechera.
~Por Cartagena, el BoletÃn del Consumidor, y el Minuto de Dios (en tus manos colocamos este dÃa que ya paso y la noche que llega)
~Por pagar promesas al Divino Niño.
~Por Sábados Felices.
~Por las frunas, por las milhojas, por las chocolatinas, por el masato.
~Por la ciclovÃa, los domingos y festivos.
~Por la mazorca con mantequilla y sal.
~Por las tÃas cariñosas.
~Por que los vendedores en Colombia parecen culebreros.
~Por la lechona tolimense.
~Por los caramelos de las chocolatinas jet.
~Por que el frÃo de Bogotá contrasta con el calorcito de Melgar.
~Por los reinados.
~Por comer crispetas en las plazas de los pueblos.
~Por la cantidad de mujeres lindas.
~Por la verdura fresca y barata todo el año.
~Por que aquà se toma el mejor tinto y el más baratico.
~Por las empanadas de iglesia (con carne de zancudo)
~Por el Metro de MedellÃn.
~Por la feria de CalÃ.
~Por la feria de las flores (Vivan los silleteros hijueputa! ) y su frase celebre: Cuando pasan los silleteros es Antioquia la que pasa...
~Por las serenatas.
~Por la cuajada con melado.
~Por jugar cartas hasta la madrugada en los paseos.
~Por sentarse a tomar una cerveza en un bulto de papa.
~Por el jugo de nÃspero en el parque de Tolú.
~Por la agupanela para la gripa y el frÃo.
~Por la subida al alto de Minas en bicicleta.
~Por las cometas en enero.
~Por Discos Fuentes que nos hacen bailar todo el año con sus 14 cañonazos.
~Por los 50 de Joselito!
~Por el show de Jorge Barón.
~Por embolar los zapatos por 1000 pesos.
~Por que en la tienda de la esquina le fÃan (si es buena paga)
~Por " Es la negra soledad la que goza mi cumbia..."
~Por el chocorramo.
~Por una taza de chocolate con queso.
~Por el paseo en chiva.
~Por la papa chorriada.
~Por el fútbol (los mejores!!)
~Por Juan Pablo Montoya (ese si gana)
~Por las guascas, las obleas y el arequipe.
~Por la ruana.
~Por el sanjuanero (En mi tierra todo es gloria cuando se canta el joropo, cuando se canta el joropo)
~Por las rumbas.
~Por el " Dulce Jesús mio mi niño adorado, ven a nuestras almas..."
~Por las novenas bailables con el Combo de las Estrellas.
~Por las cabalgatas.
~Por los campesinos.
~Por los paros.
~Por que la gente te mira a la cara cuando vas por la calle.
~Por que cuando vas al campo la gente que pasa por ahÃ, dice: Bueeenas??
~Por que no se sabe que clima va hacer en dos semanas.
~Por que uno no para de sorprenderse.
~Por que la gente aplaude cuando aterriza el avión.
~Por que la gente hace chiste de todo.
~Por que siempre se ven montañas.
~Por que se pueden comprar cigarrillos sueltos.
~Por los alumbrados de diciembre.
~Por los músicos de los buses.
~Por las modelos made in Colombia (MAMIIIITASSS!!!!!)
~Por viajar por los pueblos.
~Por el kumis y la mantecada.
~Por la parranda del 31 y la quemada del muñeco: Feliz año, feliz año!
~Por MarÃa Isabel Urrutia.
~Por Juanes, Shakira y el Binomio de Oro....
~Por Botero.
~Por las Islas del Rosario.
~Por que se pueden pedir serenatas a cualquier hora.
~Por los años viejos y la pólvora.
~Por que todavÃa se ven R-4, R-6 y R-12 andando.
~Por que aquà se habla el mejor español del mundo.
~Por Manuel Elkin Patarroyo.
~Por la ponymalta con pan de caseta.
~Por los caramelitos de mil y de panela.
~Por que los Colombianos NUNCA nos rendimos.
~Por que siempre le encontramos "la comba al palo".
~Por ustedes (nosotros), que llevan(mos) consigo al extranjero y a cualquier lugar todas estas cosa y muchas más.
~Por que son (somos) el mejor producto de este paÃs y le demuestran (demostramos) al mundo todos los dÃas que por cada criminal hay millones de Colombianos que trabajan , estudian y se esfuerzan por progresar y sacar a Colombia adelante.
Despues de leer todo esto me dieron ganas de llorar, por tanto que extraño y tanto que nunca recuperaré. Gracias por enviarmelo, Nena.
~Oh Gloria Inmarcesible, Oh Jubilo inmortal...
~Por los lunes festivos.
~Por la tienda de la esquina.
~Por cantar Tutaina Tuturumaina en navidad.
~Por los chitos, la colombiana, el tamarindo Lux, y los jugos en agua o en leche.
~Por el pan con salchichón y gaseosa,
~Por el olor a tierra caliente cuando se viaja (viajaba?) por carretera,
~Por el mirador de las Palmas,
~Por los paseos de olla,
~Por el sancocho y la bandeja paisa, hasta en el Amazonas.
~Por el Divino Niño y la Virgen del Carmen.
~Por el tamal tolimense.
~Por los algodones rosados con azúcar,
~Por el equipo del alma (LA MECHITA!!)
~Por el patacón y el plátano maduro,
~Por el mercado de las pulgas, los buñuelos, y la arepita con queso,
~Por la fritanga.
~Porque "se acabo el año"
~Cuando vamos por la calle al oÃr "cambio botellas.... papel..." o " se arregla la olla de presión...! o se arregla la de presión"
~Por el bocadillo con queso, por la arepa de huevo, por las fresas con crema,
~Por la costeñita, aguila, la club Colombia, y cristal oro.
~Por el rebuscador que en el bus te dice: "Esta bolsita de manà tiene un costo u valor de 300 pesos, para mayor economÃa, puede oler la bolsita sin compromiso."
~Por una siesta en hamaca,
~Por el manÃmoto y el Bom Bom Bum.
~Por la papa sala', carne asa', y el ajà picante.
~Por el aguacate, la uchuva, el mamoncillo, la sandia, la guama...
~Rin rin renacuajo salió esta mañana muy tieso y muy majo...
~El guaro con agua y una coquita con ensalada en la mesa.
~Por los " Eh AvemarÃa", o los " dele, dele, dele" y los "mira ve"...
~hay hombeeee!!!!
~Por que siempre habrá alguien que le ayude a encontrar una dirección, y se despida con una sonrisa.
~Por ir a cine con 3000 pesos.
~Por el copito de nieve o el raspado de pueblo con lechera.
~Por Cartagena, el BoletÃn del Consumidor, y el Minuto de Dios (en tus manos colocamos este dÃa que ya paso y la noche que llega)
~Por pagar promesas al Divino Niño.
~Por Sábados Felices.
~Por las frunas, por las milhojas, por las chocolatinas, por el masato.
~Por la ciclovÃa, los domingos y festivos.
~Por la mazorca con mantequilla y sal.
~Por las tÃas cariñosas.
~Por que los vendedores en Colombia parecen culebreros.
~Por la lechona tolimense.
~Por los caramelos de las chocolatinas jet.
~Por que el frÃo de Bogotá contrasta con el calorcito de Melgar.
~Por los reinados.
~Por comer crispetas en las plazas de los pueblos.
~Por la cantidad de mujeres lindas.
~Por la verdura fresca y barata todo el año.
~Por que aquà se toma el mejor tinto y el más baratico.
~Por las empanadas de iglesia (con carne de zancudo)
~Por el Metro de MedellÃn.
~Por la feria de CalÃ.
~Por la feria de las flores (Vivan los silleteros hijueputa! ) y su frase celebre: Cuando pasan los silleteros es Antioquia la que pasa...
~Por las serenatas.
~Por la cuajada con melado.
~Por jugar cartas hasta la madrugada en los paseos.
~Por sentarse a tomar una cerveza en un bulto de papa.
~Por el jugo de nÃspero en el parque de Tolú.
~Por la agupanela para la gripa y el frÃo.
~Por la subida al alto de Minas en bicicleta.
~Por las cometas en enero.
~Por Discos Fuentes que nos hacen bailar todo el año con sus 14 cañonazos.
~Por los 50 de Joselito!
~Por el show de Jorge Barón.
~Por embolar los zapatos por 1000 pesos.
~Por que en la tienda de la esquina le fÃan (si es buena paga)
~Por " Es la negra soledad la que goza mi cumbia..."
~Por el chocorramo.
~Por una taza de chocolate con queso.
~Por el paseo en chiva.
~Por la papa chorriada.
~Por el fútbol (los mejores!!)
~Por Juan Pablo Montoya (ese si gana)
~Por las guascas, las obleas y el arequipe.
~Por la ruana.
~Por el sanjuanero (En mi tierra todo es gloria cuando se canta el joropo, cuando se canta el joropo)
~Por las rumbas.
~Por el " Dulce Jesús mio mi niño adorado, ven a nuestras almas..."
~Por las novenas bailables con el Combo de las Estrellas.
~Por las cabalgatas.
~Por los campesinos.
~Por los paros.
~Por que la gente te mira a la cara cuando vas por la calle.
~Por que cuando vas al campo la gente que pasa por ahÃ, dice: Bueeenas??
~Por que no se sabe que clima va hacer en dos semanas.
~Por que uno no para de sorprenderse.
~Por que la gente aplaude cuando aterriza el avión.
~Por que la gente hace chiste de todo.
~Por que siempre se ven montañas.
~Por que se pueden comprar cigarrillos sueltos.
~Por los alumbrados de diciembre.
~Por los músicos de los buses.
~Por las modelos made in Colombia (MAMIIIITASSS!!!!!)
~Por viajar por los pueblos.
~Por el kumis y la mantecada.
~Por la parranda del 31 y la quemada del muñeco: Feliz año, feliz año!
~Por MarÃa Isabel Urrutia.
~Por Juanes, Shakira y el Binomio de Oro....
~Por Botero.
~Por las Islas del Rosario.
~Por que se pueden pedir serenatas a cualquier hora.
~Por los años viejos y la pólvora.
~Por que todavÃa se ven R-4, R-6 y R-12 andando.
~Por que aquà se habla el mejor español del mundo.
~Por Manuel Elkin Patarroyo.
~Por la ponymalta con pan de caseta.
~Por los caramelitos de mil y de panela.
~Por que los Colombianos NUNCA nos rendimos.
~Por que siempre le encontramos "la comba al palo".
~Por ustedes (nosotros), que llevan(mos) consigo al extranjero y a cualquier lugar todas estas cosa y muchas más.
~Por que son (somos) el mejor producto de este paÃs y le demuestran (demostramos) al mundo todos los dÃas que por cada criminal hay millones de Colombianos que trabajan , estudian y se esfuerzan por progresar y sacar a Colombia adelante.
Despues de leer todo esto me dieron ganas de llorar, por tanto que extraño y tanto que nunca recuperaré. Gracias por enviarmelo, Nena.
The Thursday Threesome
::From the Summer Picnic Basket!::
Onesome- Honey: Hey there! Not that you personally need any sweetening, but just in case: what goes in your summer drinks to sweeten things up? Honey? Sugar? Artificial sweetener? ...or are your taking things straight up this time 'round? My drink of choice all year round is water. I only put honey on the iced tea, but I don't drink it, my boyfriend does. I don't really used sugar, and never use artificial sweeteners. The one thing I love is the caramel makiata from Starbucks.... I always ask them to be generous with the caramel.
Twosome- Mustard: Okay, what condiment has to come to the table for that burger or hotdog? Ketchup? Mustard? Salt? Pepper? Just what is it you 'relish'? Must have ketchup on burgers, ketchup and mustard on hotdogs.
Threesome- Sauce: ...and along with that, which sauce do you simply have to have around? BBQ? A-1? That special sauce you learned to make when you worked fast food at the mall? How about it? You brought those napkins along for a reason! I love A-1 steak sauce. But the only thing I must always have at home is ketchup.
Onesome- Honey: Hey there! Not that you personally need any sweetening, but just in case: what goes in your summer drinks to sweeten things up? Honey? Sugar? Artificial sweetener? ...or are your taking things straight up this time 'round? My drink of choice all year round is water. I only put honey on the iced tea, but I don't drink it, my boyfriend does. I don't really used sugar, and never use artificial sweeteners. The one thing I love is the caramel makiata from Starbucks.... I always ask them to be generous with the caramel.
Twosome- Mustard: Okay, what condiment has to come to the table for that burger or hotdog? Ketchup? Mustard? Salt? Pepper? Just what is it you 'relish'? Must have ketchup on burgers, ketchup and mustard on hotdogs.
Threesome- Sauce: ...and along with that, which sauce do you simply have to have around? BBQ? A-1? That special sauce you learned to make when you worked fast food at the mall? How about it? You brought those napkins along for a reason! I love A-1 steak sauce. But the only thing I must always have at home is ketchup.
I hate taking tests
So Joseph calls me and tells me he got the answer key for the Bridge & Tunnel Officer test we took last month and starts to read it to me over the phone. But all my answers are wrong. *yikes* When he finishes reading me the answer key, I was ready to cry.... I couldn't imagine that I only got 10 questions right, so we talked about it a bit, and came to the conclusion that there must be more than one answer key. Sure enough, I get online and there are three answer keys: one for the morning session (Joseph), one for the afternoon session (me) and one for sabbath session. *sigh of relief*
Wanna know how I really did???.....
I got 85 out of 100 right!!! I'm so excited. I called him back and left him a very happy message. I feel smart*
Wanna know how I really did???.....
I got 85 out of 100 right!!! I'm so excited. I called him back and left him a very happy message. I feel smart*
Jul 8, 2003
This or that:
Summer Potpourri
1. Strawberries or blueberries? Strawberries.
2. "Legally Blonde 2" or "Terminator 3"? T3.
3. Hamburgers or hot dogs? Hamburgers.
4. Boating or hiking? Hiking. Except I have asthma, and NY weather doesn't help.
5. Suntan lotion or sunblock? Sunblock.
6. "Big Brother" or "The Amazing Race"? Yikes, not my kind of shows but if I must choose one, it is "The Amazing Race".
7. Beach Boys or Jimmy Buffett? Beach Boys.
8. Grow your own produce or buy from supermarket/greengrocer/farm stand? Buy from greengrocer, although I grow my own tomatoes and basil.
9. Drive with car windows/top down, or with air-conditioning on? A/C on. I'm getting too old for my hair to be whipping on the wind.
10. Go away for vacation, or stay at home? Go away, but when?...
1. Strawberries or blueberries? Strawberries.
2. "Legally Blonde 2" or "Terminator 3"? T3.
3. Hamburgers or hot dogs? Hamburgers.
4. Boating or hiking? Hiking. Except I have asthma, and NY weather doesn't help.
5. Suntan lotion or sunblock? Sunblock.
6. "Big Brother" or "The Amazing Race"? Yikes, not my kind of shows but if I must choose one, it is "The Amazing Race".
7. Beach Boys or Jimmy Buffett? Beach Boys.
8. Grow your own produce or buy from supermarket/greengrocer/farm stand? Buy from greengrocer, although I grow my own tomatoes and basil.
9. Drive with car windows/top down, or with air-conditioning on? A/C on. I'm getting too old for my hair to be whipping on the wind.
10. Go away for vacation, or stay at home? Go away, but when?...
Moving up in the blog
I'm so thrilled, I registered for beta testing of TypePad last night. Yey!! Now I've got my weekly and Page Turner to work with. Now I'm going to have to make time for blogging, I really want to be able to keep both of them going. Wish me luck!
Jul 7, 2003
Not the usual
So let me tell you about Friday. Joseph picked me up at work (late, but never mind that) at 6:30 and we walked on 34th to the East side, along with all the tourists and mobs of people hoping to see the fireworks that night. His sister met us at the corner of 2nd & 34th and from there she "escorted" us to the family designated area (she's with the NYPD). We were right by the water on 34th, and it was the best place to be. We had the barges that do the fireworks display right in front of us in the river. We sat right in front of the command post, so every time they opened the van we got a cool blast of A/C. The show started late but we didn't care, we were having too much fun telling jokes and playing with some of the kids there. But when they finally started.... let me tell you: the fireworks display was fantastic, and the fact that we had such a great view just made it that much better.
After the show, we decided to stay out and went to Saporo Due in the village. There we met a friend and hanged out for a while. The bartender made us some cool drinks, but my favorite was the Red White & Blue Martini. It was sweet and yummy. It sort of opened my apetite to drink, because after Joseph and I got home I still wanted a drink. Not to say that I drank a lot at the bar, I only had two drinks; the thing is that I'm usually buzzed and happy with just one.
It was a different 4th of July for me. I worked, didn't have any bbq, no beach.... just the fireworks and martinis. I kind of like it. Maybe I'll try the same again next year.
After the show, we decided to stay out and went to Saporo Due in the village. There we met a friend and hanged out for a while. The bartender made us some cool drinks, but my favorite was the Red White & Blue Martini. It was sweet and yummy. It sort of opened my apetite to drink, because after Joseph and I got home I still wanted a drink. Not to say that I drank a lot at the bar, I only had two drinks; the thing is that I'm usually buzzed and happy with just one.
It was a different 4th of July for me. I worked, didn't have any bbq, no beach.... just the fireworks and martinis. I kind of like it. Maybe I'll try the same again next year.
Isn't it wonderful to get news of someone going back to school? I just got mail from my brother letting me know today's his first day back at school since.... UB. I'm so happy for him, this is something he has been talking about for a while and he's finally getting the chance to do it.
I've also thought about going back to school but I can't afford it. I guess ultimately, I'm just afraid to go back now. It was so hard for me when I was young, imagine now... Maybe now that Chuck has taken the step, I'll get the courage to do it too.
Congratulations Chuck! I'm proud of you.
I've also thought about going back to school but I can't afford it. I guess ultimately, I'm just afraid to go back now. It was so hard for me when I was young, imagine now... Maybe now that Chuck has taken the step, I'll get the courage to do it too.
Congratulations Chuck! I'm proud of you.
Jul 3, 2003
...so tired
And what I'm tired of is refering to my boyfriend as J. So I've made a decision, no more J. And if you don't like it, Joseph, you'll just have to learn to live with it.
You know I love you, baby..... muuuaaa!
You know I love you, baby..... muuuaaa!
Happy 4th of July
I can't post pics on this blog, other wise I'd have one of Old Glory. And I won't be here tomorrow 'till late.... so I want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July. Be smart and keep the kiddies away from the sparklies.... you don't want to spend your day in an ER. I will be working tomorrow until 5:30 and then J is picking me up and we're going to see the fireworks somewhere around 23rd street. Apparently we'll be getting some "choice family" seats, care of the NYPD. Family connections are the best!
I'm going to try to take some nice pictures so I can post them. If I'm lucky I'll get someone to take my picture with J. woohoo!
I'm going to try to take some nice pictures so I can post them. If I'm lucky I'll get someone to take my picture with J. woohoo!
Cemetery plots on sale in Tokyo
Apparently dying is just as expensive (if not more) as it is living in Tokyo.
They're taking applications by mail July 2nd thru July 14th for the 50 newly opened spots... And I thought real estate in New York was outrageous.
Tokyo is notorious as the world's most costly city, and through-the-roof real estate prices also register at cemeteries. Smaller plots at Aoyama start at $30,000, with a 40-square-foot lot going for $86,000. "This is a rather reasonable price," city government official Chieko Sugisaki said. "This is a very famous cemetery so we expect a large number of people to apply."
They're taking applications by mail July 2nd thru July 14th for the 50 newly opened spots... And I thought real estate in New York was outrageous.
Quick, serve me a drink
I had a long and stressful afternoon today. It was like all the "crazies" were out shopping. And they came with an attitude too. I wonder sometimes if some people really don't have common sence? For instance, when you're paying for an item you're buying and you are told it comes with a warranty, does it make sence to ask "when does the warranty start?". Duh!! And the funniest thing is that of all the people I work with I am the most patient and accomodating, and the "carazies" had me stressing today. I think everyone walked out of Macy's and went straight down 7th looking for a bar.
Jul 1, 2003
This or That
Summer Fun!
1. Lemonade or Ice Cold Beer? Lemonade
2. Swimming pool or beach? Swimming pool
3. Long weekends here & there, or a 2-week vacation? Long weekends here & there
4. Destination: Acapulco or Hawaii? Hawaii
5. Destination: Mountains or Beach? Mountains
6. Hotel/motel/B&B or camping? Camping
7. Carefully planned vacation, or play it by ear? Carefully planned vacation
8. Sneakers or sandals? Sandals
9. Air-conditioning or fans? A/C, in moderation
10. Concerts in the park or baseball games? I can't decide, I love them both
1. Lemonade or Ice Cold Beer? Lemonade
2. Swimming pool or beach? Swimming pool
3. Long weekends here & there, or a 2-week vacation? Long weekends here & there
4. Destination: Acapulco or Hawaii? Hawaii
5. Destination: Mountains or Beach? Mountains
6. Hotel/motel/B&B or camping? Camping
7. Carefully planned vacation, or play it by ear? Carefully planned vacation
8. Sneakers or sandals? Sandals
9. Air-conditioning or fans? A/C, in moderation
10. Concerts in the park or baseball games? I can't decide, I love them both
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