Since I don't know what happened with the HumpDayHump, I decided to try something new. Here is:
Twenty Questions - Mixture
1. What's the toiletry product you wouldn't be without? Daily moisturizer, currently Neutrogena.
2. Do you take vitamins? If so which ones? Yes, Kirkland Premium Multivitamin with Herbs.
3. What do you do if you can't sleep? Watch tv.
4. If you're ill, is there a 'comfort food' you like to have? Twinkies. Or sometimes vegetable soup.
5. Which childhood illnesses did you have ( e.g. measles )? I don't think I had any, I'll have to ask my dad.
6. Have you ever taken a sick day from work when you weren't ill? Hasn't everyone?
7. Have you ever broken a bone? Never. But I've had several bad cuts and burns.
8. Do you trust 'alternative' remedies? I believe in homeopathic medicine.
9. What career did you want to have when you were a child? I had no idea what I wanted to be when I was a child.
10. What religion are you? Roman Catholic.
11. Is there a luxury item you'd like for your house? A curio cabinet to put my porcelain dolls in.
12. What's the latest computer program you bought? None. But the last computer game I bought was The Sims Online. *cool*
13. What's the last book you bought? King Lear by William Shakespeare. (I don't buy many books, but I go to the library a lot. The last book I read was The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, and am currently reading Emma by Jane Austen.
14. What would be your ideal day out? A warm sunny day in the country walking in the woods and sitting by a lake. I love nature.
15. Do you vote? If so, which party? No.
16. How many meals do you eat a day? Two.
17. Which drink do you drink most often? Water.
18. What sort of cola do you prefer ( e.g. Pepsi )? I don't drink soda. But on a rare occasion I'll have a coke.
19. When were you last ill? What with? Four weeks ago, I got a throat infection and ended up losing my voice. I was like that for 5 days.
20. Do you take any medication regularly? If so what? Unfortunately yes, proventil and flovent for my asthma and vioxx for bursitis on my shoulder.
Apr 30, 2003
Six Feet Under's on.... I love that show and I love watching it with J. He's so homophobic it's not even funny, and when this show comes on he finds things to do in order not to sit with me and watch David & his guy. I get a kick out of J. Me, I don't care... it's on, later.
I had the best sandwich for lunch today... pepperoni & provolone, with roasted peppers, lettuce/tomato, oil/vinegar on a buttered roll. mmmm.... I love food and I hadn't had a sandwich in so long that this one tasted like heaven. I even had a glass of coke. Now, that's special considering I (almost) never drink soda.
Plant update: my house plants are certainly enjoying the lovely weather we're having in NYC. Specially the basil. It's grown so much since last week I'm going to have to start drying some of it. I love making sauce with fresh tomatos and fresh basil, but I freeze or dry my basil for the winter. I may have to start early this year.
My begonias need pruning... again. They are the most beautiful when I put them by a window, and given the sunny days we've had they have bloomed with lovely bright pink flowers. They grow so much sometimes that they get top-heavy.
The big shamrock is the only one that's not doing especially well. It's very green which is good, but it's not blooming. I'm a little concerned because I consider my shamrock my good luck charm. As long as my shamrock is blooming, things seem to go well. Yes, I am a little supperstitious, but not much. Like we say in Colombia: "las brujas no existen, pero que las hay... las hay".
My rubber tree's growing and has four new leaves. That's a lot of new leaves to have at the same time. It needs cleaning though, I think this weekend I will treat it to a nice shower and draining.
All the others are doing well, but need cleaning and a little pruning.
I love my plants.... J says they're like my babies. To me, they're another link to my mom. I remember when I was growing up she always kept beautiful plants in every house we lived. The reason I have a rubber tree is because she had one for many years, and I was always amazed at how resilient that tree was. Mine's not as big as my mom's, but it certainly is a tough little guy. (It stands a sturdy 3½ feet tall).
I wish I could post pictures and show everyone my lovely plants. I'm proud of them because I know not everyone has a green-thumb, and mine is sooo green. :)
Plant update: my house plants are certainly enjoying the lovely weather we're having in NYC. Specially the basil. It's grown so much since last week I'm going to have to start drying some of it. I love making sauce with fresh tomatos and fresh basil, but I freeze or dry my basil for the winter. I may have to start early this year.
My begonias need pruning... again. They are the most beautiful when I put them by a window, and given the sunny days we've had they have bloomed with lovely bright pink flowers. They grow so much sometimes that they get top-heavy.
The big shamrock is the only one that's not doing especially well. It's very green which is good, but it's not blooming. I'm a little concerned because I consider my shamrock my good luck charm. As long as my shamrock is blooming, things seem to go well. Yes, I am a little supperstitious, but not much. Like we say in Colombia: "las brujas no existen, pero que las hay... las hay".
My rubber tree's growing and has four new leaves. That's a lot of new leaves to have at the same time. It needs cleaning though, I think this weekend I will treat it to a nice shower and draining.
All the others are doing well, but need cleaning and a little pruning.
I love my plants.... J says they're like my babies. To me, they're another link to my mom. I remember when I was growing up she always kept beautiful plants in every house we lived. The reason I have a rubber tree is because she had one for many years, and I was always amazed at how resilient that tree was. Mine's not as big as my mom's, but it certainly is a tough little guy. (It stands a sturdy 3½ feet tall).
I wish I could post pictures and show everyone my lovely plants. I'm proud of them because I know not everyone has a green-thumb, and mine is sooo green. :)
Apr 29, 2003
It's only Tuesday, let's do This-or-That, The *Take Comfort* Edition:
Which is more comforting for you...
1. Lying down on the couch, or stretching out on a recliner? Lying down on the couch. Recliners are great to watch tv.
2. Going barefoot or wearing soft slippers? Wearing soft slippers. I never go barefoot. *eekk, germs*
3. Eating ice cream, or pizza? Most of the time, eating pizza.
4. Watching on TV...a classic movie or a reality show? Classic movie... never reality tv. *yuck*
5. Wearing: blue jeans or sweat pants? Blue jeans.
6. A long, soothing bubble bath or a quick, invigorating shower? A quick invigorating shower.
7. Furniture: leather, or something more on the fuzzy side? Something on the fuzzy side. Leather squeeks and sticks to your skin. *yuck*
8. Soft, classical music, or upbeat rock & roll? Most of the time upbeat rock&roll.
9. Darkness or light? Light, light, light.....
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You get married, or otherwise begin cohabitating with a significant other. S/he moves into your place, but brings with them the UGLIEST chair you have ever seen! You really don't want this thing in your home, but SO says it is the most comfy chair s/he has ever sat in, and no way will they part with it. Do you: grin and bear it, or scheme to get rid of the montrosity somehow? I'd scheme to get rid of it. I like to keep a beautiful, neat, clean house and if my man wants to share my home with me, he has to learn that real quick. I'm not selfish, just a perfectionist and always want things to look good.
Which is more comforting for you...
1. Lying down on the couch, or stretching out on a recliner? Lying down on the couch. Recliners are great to watch tv.
2. Going barefoot or wearing soft slippers? Wearing soft slippers. I never go barefoot. *eekk, germs*
3. Eating ice cream, or pizza? Most of the time, eating pizza.
4. Watching on TV...a classic movie or a reality show? Classic movie... never reality tv. *yuck*
5. Wearing: blue jeans or sweat pants? Blue jeans.
6. A long, soothing bubble bath or a quick, invigorating shower? A quick invigorating shower.
7. Furniture: leather, or something more on the fuzzy side? Something on the fuzzy side. Leather squeeks and sticks to your skin. *yuck*
8. Soft, classical music, or upbeat rock & roll? Most of the time upbeat rock&roll.
9. Darkness or light? Light, light, light.....
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You get married, or otherwise begin cohabitating with a significant other. S/he moves into your place, but brings with them the UGLIEST chair you have ever seen! You really don't want this thing in your home, but SO says it is the most comfy chair s/he has ever sat in, and no way will they part with it. Do you: grin and bear it, or scheme to get rid of the montrosity somehow? I'd scheme to get rid of it. I like to keep a beautiful, neat, clean house and if my man wants to share my home with me, he has to learn that real quick. I'm not selfish, just a perfectionist and always want things to look good.
Apr 28, 2003
I just read this update on a story which actually happened in my neighborhood. The avenue adjacent to where I live is so dangerous, I can't believe a 10 year old has to be killed before the city decides to do something about controlling the speed and traffic on it.
I was very relieved last summer when a light got put up on my corner. Unfortunatelly, Astoria has always been a neighborhood where the kids drive like maniacs and feel because daddy keeps them in brand new cars, they don't have to respect traffic laws or speed limits. And it only got worse after they closed Shore Drive at the Astoria Park. That was the place where everyone hanged out, and raced along the long strip by the river. Now they race up and down Ditmars Blvd. like there's no tomorrow.
This morning I happened to go by the corner where the kid was killed and it made me very sad to think that his mother has to walk by and probably stands at that exact place every day. The spot is adjacent to the bus stop.
I was very relieved last summer when a light got put up on my corner. Unfortunatelly, Astoria has always been a neighborhood where the kids drive like maniacs and feel because daddy keeps them in brand new cars, they don't have to respect traffic laws or speed limits. And it only got worse after they closed Shore Drive at the Astoria Park. That was the place where everyone hanged out, and raced along the long strip by the river. Now they race up and down Ditmars Blvd. like there's no tomorrow.
This morning I happened to go by the corner where the kid was killed and it made me very sad to think that his mother has to walk by and probably stands at that exact place every day. The spot is adjacent to the bus stop.
I removed that ugly Gear calendar I had. I'm looking for something pretty and small, but the one I tried didn't work too well. I'll keep looking.
I just got back from an evening with Anna... and I'm pooped. I can't hear her complaint about her man any more.
I should have done this earlier today, but here's the Monday Mission:
1. Postmodernism (a popular philosophy of the current day) indicates that there are as many "truths" as there are people; nothing is absolute (however, by its very nature, even the word 'Postmodernism" resists definition). For yourself, what truths are absolute? Are there any absolute truths in the Universe? What?, I'm too tired to think right now. All I can say is the only things we can count on in this life are death and taxes.
2. Do you believe that you are still "teachable?" I think I am. At least I am always looking for something new to learn.
3. To do something well, in most situations, requires study and practice. What's the most recent thing that you have done well as a result of study and practice. My blog. I didn't know the first thing about building a page or html or any of that, but I'm managing ok, and looking forward to learning much more.
4. If you had the time/money, what do you want to lean how to do more than anything? Embroidery. I love sewing, crochet, knitting, but I never learned to do embroidery and would love to make little clothes for my baby niece.
5. Those around us may often try to intervene, but ultimately each individual is responsible for the choices they make in life. Tell me about a recent situation where you had a decision to make, and those around you tried to influence or direct you. Were they successful? Was that "help" welcomed? I got an opportunity to work part time at a night club in Long Island. I wasn't thrilled about it, but I need the money so I took it eventhough my boyfriend is totally against it. He tried to convince me not to take it, but finally had to agree that since the money is good, I would do it.
6. Things are much easier to accept when they are given by invitation rather than being forced upon us. When was the last time you rejected something because it was forced on you? How did it happen? Did you hold a grudge about it? Was it ever resolved? lol This will sound silly, but my when my aunt comes to visit, she always wants to bring me fruit eventhough I am not big on any fruit. But she insists that "I'll like the oranges this time", or "these bananas are really special". I always get pissed off because I won't eat them, and end up giving them to my landlady. But I can't hold a grudge. My aunt is just a little crazy, that's all.
7. Are you the sort of person who questions everything, or are you able to accept things without someone providing you tangible proof? I question everything, and trust no one.
I should have done this earlier today, but here's the Monday Mission:
1. Postmodernism (a popular philosophy of the current day) indicates that there are as many "truths" as there are people; nothing is absolute (however, by its very nature, even the word 'Postmodernism" resists definition). For yourself, what truths are absolute? Are there any absolute truths in the Universe? What?, I'm too tired to think right now. All I can say is the only things we can count on in this life are death and taxes.
2. Do you believe that you are still "teachable?" I think I am. At least I am always looking for something new to learn.
3. To do something well, in most situations, requires study and practice. What's the most recent thing that you have done well as a result of study and practice. My blog. I didn't know the first thing about building a page or html or any of that, but I'm managing ok, and looking forward to learning much more.
4. If you had the time/money, what do you want to lean how to do more than anything? Embroidery. I love sewing, crochet, knitting, but I never learned to do embroidery and would love to make little clothes for my baby niece.
5. Those around us may often try to intervene, but ultimately each individual is responsible for the choices they make in life. Tell me about a recent situation where you had a decision to make, and those around you tried to influence or direct you. Were they successful? Was that "help" welcomed? I got an opportunity to work part time at a night club in Long Island. I wasn't thrilled about it, but I need the money so I took it eventhough my boyfriend is totally against it. He tried to convince me not to take it, but finally had to agree that since the money is good, I would do it.
6. Things are much easier to accept when they are given by invitation rather than being forced upon us. When was the last time you rejected something because it was forced on you? How did it happen? Did you hold a grudge about it? Was it ever resolved? lol This will sound silly, but my when my aunt comes to visit, she always wants to bring me fruit eventhough I am not big on any fruit. But she insists that "I'll like the oranges this time", or "these bananas are really special". I always get pissed off because I won't eat them, and end up giving them to my landlady. But I can't hold a grudge. My aunt is just a little crazy, that's all.
7. Are you the sort of person who questions everything, or are you able to accept things without someone providing you tangible proof? I question everything, and trust no one.
What a beautiful day. It is 77° in NYC right now and I am loving it!!! This is my kind of weather: sunny and warm, the perfect day.
And I need it to be a good day today, I am so tired from last night. I went to work at the club; it was the first Sunday night we're open and it was horrible. There was no one there.... excuse me, there were four people there. wow. Gerard had told me that they'd been promoting the club, that they were advertising for Sunday and Monday and we should expect a small crowd, but four people is hardly a crowd. In any case, I made a little money and came home at 2am instead of 4am. I hope it will be better tonight, but I guess I have to wait and see. I know next weekend will be very busy because there's a party booked already, so I have next Sunday to look forward to. *sigh*
And I need it to be a good day today, I am so tired from last night. I went to work at the club; it was the first Sunday night we're open and it was horrible. There was no one there.... excuse me, there were four people there. wow. Gerard had told me that they'd been promoting the club, that they were advertising for Sunday and Monday and we should expect a small crowd, but four people is hardly a crowd. In any case, I made a little money and came home at 2am instead of 4am. I hope it will be better tonight, but I guess I have to wait and see. I know next weekend will be very busy because there's a party booked already, so I have next Sunday to look forward to. *sigh*
I found these playing cards at Nicole's. What do you think, when are they going to be arrested?... hehehe
Apr 25, 2003
I'm a little late, but here's the Friday Five:
1. What was the last TV show you watched? Tonight I watched Law & Order on TNT. I love watching those re-runs.
2. What was the last thing you complained about? How much my hand hurts. *ouchy*
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say? J's mom. I saw her this morning on the way to church (she was going to church at 8:30am) and I complimented her on the lovely hat she was wearing.
4. What was the last thing you threw away? Empty pizza box from Dominoes.
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited? My nice's photo site.
1. What was the last TV show you watched? Tonight I watched Law & Order on TNT. I love watching those re-runs.
2. What was the last thing you complained about? How much my hand hurts. *ouchy*
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say? J's mom. I saw her this morning on the way to church (she was going to church at 8:30am) and I complimented her on the lovely hat she was wearing.
4. What was the last thing you threw away? Empty pizza box from Dominoes.
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited? My nice's photo site.
TGIF. I'm glad I don't have to be up at 5am tomorrow and I get to stay in my neighborhood.
I had a rough day in Brooklyn today. I guess I was so tired by the afternoon that I started banging myself against things, you know how when you're tired you get clumsy... well that was me. First I went out for a slice of pizza at 2pm and on the way back tripped and fell on my hands and knees. I fell so hard that I ripped my jeans on the knees and got a relly bad scrape on my right hand. And of course, I'm right handed. *ouchy*. (but I saved the pizza hahaha). Then about an hour later I was cleaning up something on the bathroom floor and banged my head on the sink counter when I got up. I got a monster bump on my head. I'm in pain and uncomfortable... and taking a shower when I got home was just horrible. I'm so glad it's Friday and don't have to go back to Brooklyn until Wednesday. Yey!
I had a rough day in Brooklyn today. I guess I was so tired by the afternoon that I started banging myself against things, you know how when you're tired you get clumsy... well that was me. First I went out for a slice of pizza at 2pm and on the way back tripped and fell on my hands and knees. I fell so hard that I ripped my jeans on the knees and got a relly bad scrape on my right hand. And of course, I'm right handed. *ouchy*. (but I saved the pizza hahaha). Then about an hour later I was cleaning up something on the bathroom floor and banged my head on the sink counter when I got up. I got a monster bump on my head. I'm in pain and uncomfortable... and taking a shower when I got home was just horrible. I'm so glad it's Friday and don't have to go back to Brooklyn until Wednesday. Yey!
Apr 24, 2003
I had a long day, and will be going to bed soon. Tomorrow will be a long day again, since J. wants me to stay in Brooklyn and go to the zoo with him and the kids after we get back from work (that remodeling project we're working on). I love spending time with his kids, I just hope I'll have the energy to keep up with them tomorrow. My body aches and I feel sooo tired. *pout*
Since I missed there was no HumpDayHump yesterday, let me do theThursday Threesome now:
::View From Afar::
Onesome: View- What is your favorite scenic site, either around your place, where you've traveled, or just that one special picture (like that Ansel Adams "Half Dome" shot)? That would be The Grand Tetons and Jenny Lake... I was there about 10 years ago and have always wanted to go back. One day I will.
Twosome: From- How far is it from home to work? Are you a long distance commuter or do you just schlep on into the dining room/office? Since I don't have a steady job right now, my commute varies from 45 minutes to 2 hours... depending on what I'm doing that day.
Threesome: Afar- for the travelers out there, just how far have you gone? I mean, is the trip to Grandma's about it? ...or have you made it farther abroad? The farthest I've been is the Italian Alps... another place I want to go back to.
Since I missed there was no HumpDayHump yesterday, let me do theThursday Threesome now:
::View From Afar::
Onesome: View- What is your favorite scenic site, either around your place, where you've traveled, or just that one special picture (like that Ansel Adams "Half Dome" shot)? That would be The Grand Tetons and Jenny Lake... I was there about 10 years ago and have always wanted to go back. One day I will.
Twosome: From- How far is it from home to work? Are you a long distance commuter or do you just schlep on into the dining room/office? Since I don't have a steady job right now, my commute varies from 45 minutes to 2 hours... depending on what I'm doing that day.
Threesome: Afar- for the travelers out there, just how far have you gone? I mean, is the trip to Grandma's about it? ...or have you made it farther abroad? The farthest I've been is the Italian Alps... another place I want to go back to.
Apr 23, 2003
Did you hear about TypePad, a new blog publishing service by Movable Type? It was announced today, and will be launched in May. I can't wait to find out more about it. I hope it's a free service, because I really want to switch from Blogger. It's so funny that I was talking about switching to MT just the other day. hmmm...
info via Brendoman.
info via Brendoman.
I'm beat! I went to Brooklyn today to help J with a house he's remodeling for a friend, and am afraid I may not be able to move tomorrow. I don't mean to complain, after all I'm getting paid...... $18hr. Can you say "cha-ching"!!! Woo hoo. I'll be there again tomorrow and on Friday. By the time Saturday comes, I'll have a little cash in my pocket and will be so tired I don't think I'll go out of the house 'till sunday night.
Apr 22, 2003
It is a small world...
Poking around I came upon a Colombian site. I got curious and after surfing a bit, I found a hotel called Platypus Hotel. The name peaked my curiosity and what do you know.... it's located about two doors down from the house where my dad grew up as a child. The hotel used to be the home of one of our family friends, who now splits her year between NYC and Bogotá. I can't tell you how emotional I became when I saw the address and pictures and recognized the old neighborhood. I could feel myself walking up that steep hill to Clementina's bakery, walking up to that door to see if Doña Cecilia was home. My God..... I felt nine years old all over again. Tomorrow I'll ask my dad about the old house's address just to be sure my memory isn't failing me; and I'm sure when he checks the page for the hotel, my dad will be even more overcome than I am now.
It is such a small world... *sigh*
Poking around I came upon a Colombian site. I got curious and after surfing a bit, I found a hotel called Platypus Hotel. The name peaked my curiosity and what do you know.... it's located about two doors down from the house where my dad grew up as a child. The hotel used to be the home of one of our family friends, who now splits her year between NYC and Bogotá. I can't tell you how emotional I became when I saw the address and pictures and recognized the old neighborhood. I could feel myself walking up that steep hill to Clementina's bakery, walking up to that door to see if Doña Cecilia was home. My God..... I felt nine years old all over again. Tomorrow I'll ask my dad about the old house's address just to be sure my memory isn't failing me; and I'm sure when he checks the page for the hotel, my dad will be even more overcome than I am now.
It is such a small world... *sigh*
I saw this on Martie's blog last week and I just saw it at BeaLog again. So here's my three things:
01 | Spiders (bugs)
02 | Death
03 | Pain
01 | Joseph
02 | Chuck
03 | Anna
01 | Life
02 | Food
03 | Nature
01 | Dishonesty
02 | Unfairness
03 | Politics
01 | Why bad things happen to good people
02 | Why men are afraid of commitment
03 | Why my mom had to die so young
01 | Lyndt chocolate truffles
02 | The Sims game
03 | Dictionary
01 | Watching the news on NY1
02 | Eating chocolate truffles
03 | Reading blogs
01 | Visit Florence
02 | Have children
03 | Learn a 4th language
01 | Grow healthy plants
02 | Install/set up electronics (vcr, dvd, stereo, anything with wiring)
03 | Forgive
01 | I am caring
02 | I am loyal
03 | I am sincere
01 | Sing
02 | Walk on my hands
03 | Draw
01 | Your parents
02 | Your instincts
03 | Mozart
01 | TV preachers
02 | Negativity
03 | Howard Stern
01 | Colombian
02 | Italian
03 | Ice cream
01 | To play an instrument
02 | Feng Shui
03 | To be more assertive
01 | Water
02 | Fruit drinks (from real fruit, ala Colombia)
03 | Water
01 | Sesame Street (Plaza Sesamo)
02 | The six million dollar man
03 | Naturalia
01 | Spiders (bugs)
02 | Death
03 | Pain
01 | Joseph
02 | Chuck
03 | Anna
01 | Life
02 | Food
03 | Nature
01 | Dishonesty
02 | Unfairness
03 | Politics
01 | Why bad things happen to good people
02 | Why men are afraid of commitment
03 | Why my mom had to die so young
01 | Lyndt chocolate truffles
02 | The Sims game
03 | Dictionary
01 | Watching the news on NY1
02 | Eating chocolate truffles
03 | Reading blogs
01 | Visit Florence
02 | Have children
03 | Learn a 4th language
01 | Grow healthy plants
02 | Install/set up electronics (vcr, dvd, stereo, anything with wiring)
03 | Forgive
01 | I am caring
02 | I am loyal
03 | I am sincere
01 | Sing
02 | Walk on my hands
03 | Draw
01 | Your parents
02 | Your instincts
03 | Mozart
01 | TV preachers
02 | Negativity
03 | Howard Stern
01 | Colombian
02 | Italian
03 | Ice cream
01 | To play an instrument
02 | Feng Shui
03 | To be more assertive
01 | Water
02 | Fruit drinks (from real fruit, ala Colombia)
03 | Water
01 | Sesame Street (Plaza Sesamo)
02 | The six million dollar man
03 | Naturalia
And now This or That, The *What Is* Edition:
What Is...
1. Yummier: Chocolate ice cream or strawberry cheesecake? Strawberry cheesecake, but I prefer strawberry shortcake.
2. Better to watch on TV: Movies or sports? Movies.
3. A better web browser: MSIE or Netscape (or tell us your own favorite!) MSIE since I've never used Netscape.
4. A better way to travel: Automobile or bus/train? Automobile, except in Manhattan... then it's the subway.
5. Your preferred camera: Digital or film? Digital. I can't wait to get my own.
6. A Cooler Vehicle: Motorcycle or sports car? Sports car all the way.
7. More fun: Video games or board games? I love board games, but none of my friends do. Even J's kids prefer video games.
8. Sexier: A perfect body or an intelligent mind? I can't decide. Sometimes the body, sometimes the mind.
9. A stinkier smell: Skunk or gasoline (petrol)? I never smelled a skunk, but I know gasoline makes me nauseous.
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: What is more important to you: making a ton of money and being at the top of your field, or finding your soulmate and living a comfortable but not wealthy life? Finding my soulmate and living comfortably. Family is more important than money.
What Is...
1. Yummier: Chocolate ice cream or strawberry cheesecake? Strawberry cheesecake, but I prefer strawberry shortcake.
2. Better to watch on TV: Movies or sports? Movies.
3. A better web browser: MSIE or Netscape (or tell us your own favorite!) MSIE since I've never used Netscape.
4. A better way to travel: Automobile or bus/train? Automobile, except in Manhattan... then it's the subway.
5. Your preferred camera: Digital or film? Digital. I can't wait to get my own.
6. A Cooler Vehicle: Motorcycle or sports car? Sports car all the way.
7. More fun: Video games or board games? I love board games, but none of my friends do. Even J's kids prefer video games.
8. Sexier: A perfect body or an intelligent mind? I can't decide. Sometimes the body, sometimes the mind.
9. A stinkier smell: Skunk or gasoline (petrol)? I never smelled a skunk, but I know gasoline makes me nauseous.
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: What is more important to you: making a ton of money and being at the top of your field, or finding your soulmate and living a comfortable but not wealthy life? Finding my soulmate and living comfortably. Family is more important than money.
Happy Earth Day!! What? You don't celebrate it? You think it's dumb, too difficult, useless? Come on, don't you want this lovely sphere we call home to be as beautiful if not more for your kids and grandkids? I know I do. I know I can make a difference... and so can you. It's easy:
Use less water:
~Don't let the water run while shaving or brushing teeth.
~Take short showers instead of tub baths.
~Keep drinking water in the refrigerator instead of letting the faucet run until the water is cool.
~Scrape, rather than rinse, dishes before loading into the dishwasher; wash only full loads.
~Repair all leaks (a leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons a day).
~Water the lawn or garden during the coolest part of the day (early morning is best).
~Keep your yard healthy - dethatch, use mulch, etc.
~Sweep outside instead of using a hose.
It's that easy. And once you get used to the little things like not running the water while brushing your teeth, you'll want to do more.
Use less water:
~Don't let the water run while shaving or brushing teeth.
~Take short showers instead of tub baths.
~Keep drinking water in the refrigerator instead of letting the faucet run until the water is cool.
~Scrape, rather than rinse, dishes before loading into the dishwasher; wash only full loads.
~Repair all leaks (a leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons a day).
~Water the lawn or garden during the coolest part of the day (early morning is best).
~Keep your yard healthy - dethatch, use mulch, etc.
~Sweep outside instead of using a hose.
It's that easy. And once you get used to the little things like not running the water while brushing your teeth, you'll want to do more.
Apr 21, 2003
And now the Monday Mission:
1. Now that the weather (in America, that is) is getting nice and warm, what have you been looking forward to doing the most? I'm looking forward to spring sandals and shoes, going to the kid's t-ball and softball games, and just warm weather in general.
2. On Easter, I had to run around all day visiting family. It turned what was supposed to be a special day and turned me into one big stress-ball. Do you enjoy spending time with your family (parents, siblings, etc.) or do you prefer to see them now and then? I love spending time with my family since it's only my dad and my brother. But holidays at my boyfriend's house is stressful. Being Irish, they're not a family... they're a clan. And there's never a moment's peace.
3. Did your parents play along with the whole "Easter Bunny" legend? Did you eventually figure it out or did someone tell you? How did that make you feel?I was raised in Colombia, South America and we don't have the "Easter Bunny". Being a Catholic country, our Holy Week and Easter Sunday are really about our religion and spiritual reflection. To this day I don't know what's the legend of the "Easter Bunny".
4. This isn't necessarily a religious question (although it certainly can be if you'd like), but what does "Easter" mean to you personally? Easter is a time when I reflect on my religion and reaffim my faith in Christ. I'm not a wacko religious person, but I was raised with a strong sence of what it means to be Catholic and my faith is the one thing that I know I can count on in life.
5. When I was a kid, we didn't have plastic Easter Eggs (except for those that came with Mom's L'eggs pantyhose), so we always hid real eggs. One Easter I remember I threw away a broken egg in my bedroom trash can and it took me weeks before I realized why my room smelled like something died in there. Do you have any funny or memorable Easter stories? Nope. I never did the "egg" thing.
6. I currently watch way, way too many TV shows. In fact, I feel some relief that some are being cancelled or are ending because I just can't give any of them up. Is there anything you do too much of and just can't stop? Dito. I watch way too much tv, but I've been working on that and have cut on my tv time. Other than that, I spend too much time online.
7. Long ago, I took a leadership seminar. At one point the leader gave his philosphy on life: the three things that matter most in life are "your family, your religion and your job, and what they mean to you." Would you agree? What are the three things that matter most in life? I sort of agree. I believe the three most important things in my life are my family, my faith and my health. Without these you can't accomplish or overcome anything in life.
BONUS: Were you just being kind, or am I losing my mind? I'm always kind, but I'll let you know when you star to lose it. :)
1. Now that the weather (in America, that is) is getting nice and warm, what have you been looking forward to doing the most? I'm looking forward to spring sandals and shoes, going to the kid's t-ball and softball games, and just warm weather in general.
2. On Easter, I had to run around all day visiting family. It turned what was supposed to be a special day and turned me into one big stress-ball. Do you enjoy spending time with your family (parents, siblings, etc.) or do you prefer to see them now and then? I love spending time with my family since it's only my dad and my brother. But holidays at my boyfriend's house is stressful. Being Irish, they're not a family... they're a clan. And there's never a moment's peace.
3. Did your parents play along with the whole "Easter Bunny" legend? Did you eventually figure it out or did someone tell you? How did that make you feel?I was raised in Colombia, South America and we don't have the "Easter Bunny". Being a Catholic country, our Holy Week and Easter Sunday are really about our religion and spiritual reflection. To this day I don't know what's the legend of the "Easter Bunny".
4. This isn't necessarily a religious question (although it certainly can be if you'd like), but what does "Easter" mean to you personally? Easter is a time when I reflect on my religion and reaffim my faith in Christ. I'm not a wacko religious person, but I was raised with a strong sence of what it means to be Catholic and my faith is the one thing that I know I can count on in life.
5. When I was a kid, we didn't have plastic Easter Eggs (except for those that came with Mom's L'eggs pantyhose), so we always hid real eggs. One Easter I remember I threw away a broken egg in my bedroom trash can and it took me weeks before I realized why my room smelled like something died in there. Do you have any funny or memorable Easter stories? Nope. I never did the "egg" thing.
6. I currently watch way, way too many TV shows. In fact, I feel some relief that some are being cancelled or are ending because I just can't give any of them up. Is there anything you do too much of and just can't stop? Dito. I watch way too much tv, but I've been working on that and have cut on my tv time. Other than that, I spend too much time online.
7. Long ago, I took a leadership seminar. At one point the leader gave his philosphy on life: the three things that matter most in life are "your family, your religion and your job, and what they mean to you." Would you agree? What are the three things that matter most in life? I sort of agree. I believe the three most important things in my life are my family, my faith and my health. Without these you can't accomplish or overcome anything in life.
BONUS: Were you just being kind, or am I losing my mind? I'm always kind, but I'll let you know when you star to lose it. :)
As it is plain to see, I've been playing around with colors. I love spring colors and am in the mood for soft or pastel shades, but am not sure about these. I'd love to get some comments on what I've done... do these colors hurt the eyes? What can I do to make them better? I am so new at this, it is not even funny :)
I wanna know what you think, but please be gentle... I'm still learning.
I wanna know what you think, but please be gentle... I'm still learning.
Apr 17, 2003
And now The Friday Five...
1. Who is your favorite celebrity? That has to be Mel Gibson... I just love his sence of humor, his choice of characters and movies, and those blue eyes...
2. Who is your least favorite? I know there are a few but can only think of Chris Rock right now. I can't stand him.
3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life? I used to work at a very prestigious beauty spa in NYC and met and got to know many celebrities, eg: Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Nastasia Kinsky, Ricky Martin, Fay Wray (King Kong's blond), Arlene Dahl and Lorenzo Lamas (mother and son), The Cuomo family (former NYS Governor), I could go on, and on, and on....
4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not? I don't think so. I am happy with my life and am mature and experienced enough to know that "the grass is always greener on the other side".
5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why? I can't think of any. Except maybe Mel Gibson's wife **wink, wink**
1. Who is your favorite celebrity? That has to be Mel Gibson... I just love his sence of humor, his choice of characters and movies, and those blue eyes...
2. Who is your least favorite? I know there are a few but can only think of Chris Rock right now. I can't stand him.
3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life? I used to work at a very prestigious beauty spa in NYC and met and got to know many celebrities, eg: Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Nastasia Kinsky, Ricky Martin, Fay Wray (King Kong's blond), Arlene Dahl and Lorenzo Lamas (mother and son), The Cuomo family (former NYS Governor), I could go on, and on, and on....
4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not? I don't think so. I am happy with my life and am mature and experienced enough to know that "the grass is always greener on the other side".
5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why? I can't think of any. Except maybe Mel Gibson's wife **wink, wink**
How about some Thursday Threesome:
::Family Waffle & Grill::
Onesome: Family- Hmmm... It seems like this weekend is a get together time for some people. How about you? Do you have a family gig to attend this weekend? Hosting one? ...or are you spending the weekend doing weekend things? No family gatherings this Easter; unless I get a last minute invitation from J's mom. Otherwise, it will be Mass, NYTimes, house work and spending the rest of the day with J.
Twosome: Waffle- Okay, here's the tough one: Waffles or Pancakes? You should hear the discussions in some households! ...and what about those Belgian things? Inquiring minds want to know! I love them both, but pancakes are easier to make. And not for nothing, but I make great pancakes, just ask my boyfriend.
Threesome: & Grill- The outdoor cooking season is close at hand! For those who live large outdoors, are we talking grilling or barbecuing? If you enjoy cooking outside, what is your specialty? ...and for the indoor crowd: do you cook anything reminiscent of outdoor cookery? I live in an apartment, so my indoor summer "b-b-q" consists of corn on the cob and potato salad, other than that it's salads and milk shakes for most of the summer. Unless I go to my dad's house and then it's grilling all the way. Yummy!
::Family Waffle & Grill::
Onesome: Family- Hmmm... It seems like this weekend is a get together time for some people. How about you? Do you have a family gig to attend this weekend? Hosting one? ...or are you spending the weekend doing weekend things? No family gatherings this Easter; unless I get a last minute invitation from J's mom. Otherwise, it will be Mass, NYTimes, house work and spending the rest of the day with J.
Twosome: Waffle- Okay, here's the tough one: Waffles or Pancakes? You should hear the discussions in some households! ...and what about those Belgian things? Inquiring minds want to know! I love them both, but pancakes are easier to make. And not for nothing, but I make great pancakes, just ask my boyfriend.
Threesome: & Grill- The outdoor cooking season is close at hand! For those who live large outdoors, are we talking grilling or barbecuing? If you enjoy cooking outside, what is your specialty? ...and for the indoor crowd: do you cook anything reminiscent of outdoor cookery? I live in an apartment, so my indoor summer "b-b-q" consists of corn on the cob and potato salad, other than that it's salads and milk shakes for most of the summer. Unless I go to my dad's house and then it's grilling all the way. Yummy!
Apr 16, 2003
What a beautiful day. It's 12:30 and 82 degrees, can you believe it? I was out early this morning and it felt so wonderful to have some sun and warmth, finally. The only bad thing is that tomorrow it'll be back to 40 degrees and raining. I don't mind the rain, but I'm tired of the cold temperatures already!
Apr 15, 2003
Well, no HumpDayHump yet and since I missed the Monday Mission, how about a late This or That:
The Money Edition:
1. File taxes as early as possible, or wait until the last possible minute? As early as possible, eventhough this year I was as late as could be.
2. File electronically, or mail paper forms? When I owe, mail paper forms.
3. Prepare your own taxes, or have someone do it for you? I always do my own.
4. Are you a saver or a spender? I'm a spender with a wanna-be saver complex.
5. Do you prefer to carry cash, or pay with plastic (credit/debit cards), or by check? Cash, I'm still paying off credit cards.
6. You're broke and desperately need a job, but the only places that are hiring are retail or fast food places. Which would you pick? I would pick retail. In fact, I have picked retail.
7. Keeping track of your money: are you more meticulous or careless about it? I am very meticulous. I think I have the neatest most organized check book ever.
8. What do you do if you find yourself with a lot of change weighing down your purse/pocket/wallet? Do you try to spend it to *get rid of it*, or do you put it in a jar or a piggy bank? I have a Warner Brothers piggy bank my brother gave me some 5 years ago (I was in a WB kick, don't ask me why). All my change goes in my WB bank and I love cashing it out when it gets full.
9. Which form of fake money do you like better...Monopoly money or those chocolate coins covered with gold foil? I loved Monopoly as a child, and just love the feel of paper in my hands....
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You find a wallet containing $5,000 in cash, as well as several credit cards and the owner's drivers' license. Your rent is due tomorrow and you're short $200. Do you take the money (some or all of it) and mail back the wallet anonymously...or do you return the wallet with all contents intact? I am lucky to have a very good landlord, so if I were short I would give him what I have and ask him to wait a few days for the other $200. I could never take money that didn't belong to me, but I would not send it back anonymously either. Who knows if the owner wouldn't send a buck or two my way not only for recuperating his money, but saving him the trouble of canceling credit cards and getting a new drivers' license. We all know what a pain the DMV can be.
The Money Edition:
1. File taxes as early as possible, or wait until the last possible minute? As early as possible, eventhough this year I was as late as could be.
2. File electronically, or mail paper forms? When I owe, mail paper forms.
3. Prepare your own taxes, or have someone do it for you? I always do my own.
4. Are you a saver or a spender? I'm a spender with a wanna-be saver complex.
5. Do you prefer to carry cash, or pay with plastic (credit/debit cards), or by check? Cash, I'm still paying off credit cards.
6. You're broke and desperately need a job, but the only places that are hiring are retail or fast food places. Which would you pick? I would pick retail. In fact, I have picked retail.
7. Keeping track of your money: are you more meticulous or careless about it? I am very meticulous. I think I have the neatest most organized check book ever.
8. What do you do if you find yourself with a lot of change weighing down your purse/pocket/wallet? Do you try to spend it to *get rid of it*, or do you put it in a jar or a piggy bank? I have a Warner Brothers piggy bank my brother gave me some 5 years ago (I was in a WB kick, don't ask me why). All my change goes in my WB bank and I love cashing it out when it gets full.
9. Which form of fake money do you like better...Monopoly money or those chocolate coins covered with gold foil? I loved Monopoly as a child, and just love the feel of paper in my hands....
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You find a wallet containing $5,000 in cash, as well as several credit cards and the owner's drivers' license. Your rent is due tomorrow and you're short $200. Do you take the money (some or all of it) and mail back the wallet anonymously...or do you return the wallet with all contents intact? I am lucky to have a very good landlord, so if I were short I would give him what I have and ask him to wait a few days for the other $200. I could never take money that didn't belong to me, but I would not send it back anonymously either. Who knows if the owner wouldn't send a buck or two my way not only for recuperating his money, but saving him the trouble of canceling credit cards and getting a new drivers' license. We all know what a pain the DMV can be.
My goodness, did I have to run tonight...
I got home at about 9:30 from a day of errands in the city and dinner w/Anna. J had called, so I returned the call and he wanted to stay on the phone for a while. I talked w/him for a bit and told him, I still have to call the IRS and finish my taxes (I am the world's biggest procrastinator) and as it turns out, I can't do them electronicly after all. So after I talk to J. I call the IRS, get to work finishing my taxes and by 11:20 call a cab to take me to the post office. Luckyly I am not too far from the LIC Main Post Office, so it only takes 15 minutes to get there. I walked into the post office at 11:50pm. There were only two people ahead of me, but ofcourse, the woman in front of me has a bag full of envelops to be weighed and postmarked. By the time a second employee came out to help it was 11:58. Can you believe how close I came to not getting them in on time? My bad.
I got home at about 9:30 from a day of errands in the city and dinner w/Anna. J had called, so I returned the call and he wanted to stay on the phone for a while. I talked w/him for a bit and told him, I still have to call the IRS and finish my taxes (I am the world's biggest procrastinator) and as it turns out, I can't do them electronicly after all. So after I talk to J. I call the IRS, get to work finishing my taxes and by 11:20 call a cab to take me to the post office. Luckyly I am not too far from the LIC Main Post Office, so it only takes 15 minutes to get there. I walked into the post office at 11:50pm. There were only two people ahead of me, but ofcourse, the woman in front of me has a bag full of envelops to be weighed and postmarked. By the time a second employee came out to help it was 11:58. Can you believe how close I came to not getting them in on time? My bad.
Apr 13, 2003
Monday To Do List:
*Go to library, finish taxes.
*Call Dr's office to ask for prescription.
*Go to Brooklyn to pick up prescription.
*Take prescription to pharmacy, then pick up.
*Buy cold cuts, make sandwiches for the evening.
*Go to Anna's to pick up keys.
It's going to be a long day, going back and forth.
*Go to library, finish taxes.
*Call Dr's office to ask for prescription.
*Go to Brooklyn to pick up prescription.
*Take prescription to pharmacy, then pick up.
*Buy cold cuts, make sandwiches for the evening.
*Go to Anna's to pick up keys.
It's going to be a long day, going back and forth.
Well, it turns out I didn't have to go to work tonight; they didn't open the club. How disappointing, I was looking forward to getting some money. *pout* So instead I watched a little tv, a show on A&E about the life of Jesus (I love those shows), and then I remembered I haven't done my taxes.... eekkkkk. I totally forgot about it, and it's the 13th already. So I took out my paperwork, the form the IRS sent me, my calculator and pencil and sat down to do them. Well, I hadn't realized that the form I received was a 1040A which I cannot use, so I had to get online to print the 1040 and look over the instructions. I was doing ok, until I needed the Taxable Income Chart. Guess what, they don't include the charts with the instructions online. What is that about? So I had to stop and now my taxes are only half done. I have to go to the library tomorrow, pick up the instruction book, finish with my forms and then send them. What a drag.
I'm working tonight but I have to go to Anna's to pick up the keys to the locks. What a nuisance to make the trip out to her house, I'm going to waste over 2 hours commuting. grrr..... I just hope tonight the club will be full, that way I can come home with good cash in my pocket.
By the way, if anyone thought I was exagerating about the economy and unemployment situation in New York, check out The New York Times Magazine. There are thousands of stories like this; and I happen to be one of them.
By the way, if anyone thought I was exagerating about the economy and unemployment situation in New York, check out The New York Times Magazine. There are thousands of stories like this; and I happen to be one of them.
Apr 12, 2003
This is so totally me... (except for the possessive part)

-Motherly- You're the motherly type. You love to
take care of the one you love, and generally
you can be a bit overprotective and possessive,
but you know, that isn't always such a bad
thing. At least you'll be a good mom in the
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
-Motherly- You're the motherly type. You love to
take care of the one you love, and generally
you can be a bit overprotective and possessive,
but you know, that isn't always such a bad
thing. At least you'll be a good mom in the
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
By the way, J. didn't take the news of my night job as well as I thought. He's very upset about it, but tells me he understands that I need the money and that's the only reason why I'm doing it. He insisted the other night that I find something else very soon, but the thing is if I could find something else, I wouldn't be in the night club. The job market in NYC is practicly non existent. The NY Times Job Market section is a joke, sometimes there are only 6-8 pages, where that section used to be 20+ pages.
This is one of the many reasons why I am so opposed to this war. It may be cold, heartless and selfish of me but I don't see why our President is giving us that bologne story about "freeing and saving the tortured, exploited, poor people of Iraq". He has done nothing to stimulate our economy, he has done nothing about the unemployment rate here. Shouldn't the interests and well being of the American People be his first priority? He was elected President of the United States, he has a job to do here; he works for me, the American People. It is not his job to unilaterally decide he will save and protect people in foreig nations. That is a job for the international community. The $75 million he asked congress for will eventually come out of my pocket. But he doesn't care that my pocket is empty, because I have not had a job in two years. And I'm not the only one. After 9/11 life has been very difficult here in New York. There is nothing I want more than to get a real job, go back to working in an office, on a regular schedule, with a steady salary. But where is that job? Where are the resources to stimulate our economy? When was the last time he even commented on the economy and unemployment rate in this country? Does he even care? I know who I'm not voting for in the next election.
This is one of the many reasons why I am so opposed to this war. It may be cold, heartless and selfish of me but I don't see why our President is giving us that bologne story about "freeing and saving the tortured, exploited, poor people of Iraq". He has done nothing to stimulate our economy, he has done nothing about the unemployment rate here. Shouldn't the interests and well being of the American People be his first priority? He was elected President of the United States, he has a job to do here; he works for me, the American People. It is not his job to unilaterally decide he will save and protect people in foreig nations. That is a job for the international community. The $75 million he asked congress for will eventually come out of my pocket. But he doesn't care that my pocket is empty, because I have not had a job in two years. And I'm not the only one. After 9/11 life has been very difficult here in New York. There is nothing I want more than to get a real job, go back to working in an office, on a regular schedule, with a steady salary. But where is that job? Where are the resources to stimulate our economy? When was the last time he even commented on the economy and unemployment rate in this country? Does he even care? I know who I'm not voting for in the next election.
I went to that job on Wednesday and it wasn't bad. The night went by quickly and I came home with money, yey! I was so happy on Thursday when I counted it and realized what a good night I had. I was able to pay a couple of bills and have money left over for me. It's so good to have a little money in your pocket, I have so much debt I get a headache just thinking about it. Anna has been planning to go away for 10 days since March, but still hasn't decided if she's going to do it. She asked me yesterday if I would be ok working 11 nights in a row, and ofcourse I said yes. The reason I agreed to this job is because I need money and I can get good money there. If she goes away, and I work those 11 days in a row I'll have enough money to take care of rent, bills, groceries and have money left over for the month. I hope she goes away, I need that money.
In other news, J. and I are going to work tonight in our catering business. We have a fund raiser in Brooklyn. We did it last year too, and there were about 125 people then. It's going to be fun doing that tonight, I enjoy our catering business so much. The kids won't be with us, so I won't have to worry about keeping an eye on them; I can devote my entire time to the job.
In other news, J. and I are going to work tonight in our catering business. We have a fund raiser in Brooklyn. We did it last year too, and there were about 125 people then. It's going to be fun doing that tonight, I enjoy our catering business so much. The kids won't be with us, so I won't have to worry about keeping an eye on them; I can devote my entire time to the job.
Apr 9, 2003
Well, I'm leaving in 1/2 hour to meet Anna and go to that night club job and see how it goes. I hope it goes well. J took it very well, but he's worried about me coming home at 4am. I can't say I blame him, but money talks....
hmmm... no Thursday Threesome yet. Oh well, I guess I'll skip it this week.
hmmm... no Thursday Threesome yet. Oh well, I guess I'll skip it this week.
Apr 8, 2003
This or That
The Who Is Edition...Who is:
1. Sexier (female)...Pamela Anderson or Jennifer Garner? Don't laugh, I don't know who Jennifer Garner is, and I think Pamela Anderson is more vulgar than sexy, so my answer is neither one.
2. Sexier (male)...Ben Affleck or Matt Damon? humm... depends on the movie and the hair cut? Maybe Matt.
3. The better piano player...Billy Joel or Elton John? Billy Joel.
4. Funnier...David Letterman or Craig Kilborn? David Letterman
5. The dumber cartoon cat...Stimpy (of *Ren & Stimpy*) or Tom (of *Tom & Jerry*)? Tom, but he's lovable.
6. A better news anchor...Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather? Tom Brokaw, Rather is very bland and always looks uncomfortable.
7. A better TV chef...Emeril Lagasse or Jacques Pepin? Emeril Lagasse, even if J. doesn't like him.
8. The trashier talk show host...Maury Povich or Jerry Springer? Jerry Springer and Maury a very close second.
9. The worse fast food burger joint...McDonald's or Burger King? McDonald's. I love Burger King but the king of fast food is Wendy's. But don't misunderstand me, I only eat fast food maybe once every couple of months. Nothing beats Colombian food.
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: Only a handful of U.S. Presidents have been considered to be *great* Of the following two, which one do you consider to be greater...Franklin D. Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln? Why? I might say Franklin D. Roosevelt, but they were both great Presidents.
The Who Is Edition...Who is:
1. Sexier (female)...Pamela Anderson or Jennifer Garner? Don't laugh, I don't know who Jennifer Garner is, and I think Pamela Anderson is more vulgar than sexy, so my answer is neither one.
2. Sexier (male)...Ben Affleck or Matt Damon? humm... depends on the movie and the hair cut? Maybe Matt.
3. The better piano player...Billy Joel or Elton John? Billy Joel.
4. Funnier...David Letterman or Craig Kilborn? David Letterman
5. The dumber cartoon cat...Stimpy (of *Ren & Stimpy*) or Tom (of *Tom & Jerry*)? Tom, but he's lovable.
6. A better news anchor...Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather? Tom Brokaw, Rather is very bland and always looks uncomfortable.
7. A better TV chef...Emeril Lagasse or Jacques Pepin? Emeril Lagasse, even if J. doesn't like him.
8. The trashier talk show host...Maury Povich or Jerry Springer? Jerry Springer and Maury a very close second.
9. The worse fast food burger joint...McDonald's or Burger King? McDonald's. I love Burger King but the king of fast food is Wendy's. But don't misunderstand me, I only eat fast food maybe once every couple of months. Nothing beats Colombian food.
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: Only a handful of U.S. Presidents have been considered to be *great* Of the following two, which one do you consider to be greater...Franklin D. Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln? Why? I might say Franklin D. Roosevelt, but they were both great Presidents.
Why are we still getting snow in the north east? It's April, it's spring... someone has to tell mother nature and father weather it's time to turn up the heat.
I spent the day with Anna yesterday, shopping for all the stuff she's going to use, or rather sell at her latest "skeem job". And the worse part, is I am going to do it with her, because I need the money and if I can't find an office job, I'll get whatever job I can. So her "skeem job" is at a night club. I don't want to go into it, but I don't know how I'm going to explain it to J. He's not going to like it, but unless he's going to start paying my rent and bills, he'll just have to put up with it. Is that mean?
I spent the day with Anna yesterday, shopping for all the stuff she's going to use, or rather sell at her latest "skeem job". And the worse part, is I am going to do it with her, because I need the money and if I can't find an office job, I'll get whatever job I can. So her "skeem job" is at a night club. I don't want to go into it, but I don't know how I'm going to explain it to J. He's not going to like it, but unless he's going to start paying my rent and bills, he'll just have to put up with it. Is that mean?
Apr 4, 2003
Hummm... here's something interesting: how is the money being spent on war, reconstruction and humanitarian aid to Iraq being distributed? I mentioned to J. last week about the 100 million Colombia is getting for voicing its support of the US, and he nearly passed out..... why should Colombia be getting any money out of the 75 billion that eventually will come out of our (US taxpayers) pockets, he said. I guess he thought the entire 75 billion were to pay for the war and humanitarian aid. Hah, fat chance!!
Info via Mercurial
Info via Mercurial
The Friday 5
1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life? I think 11 different houses, there maybe one or two more I don't know about from when I was a baby.
2. Which was your favorite and why? The one I'm in now, because it's mine.
3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why? It's exciting, I don't mind the preparation and the work involved, I have fun anticipating my new digs.
4. What's more important, location or price? Both, but mostly price.
5. What features does your dream house have (pool, spa bath, big yard, etc.)? A big yard for the dog, a big garden for me and a fabulous kitchen for my boyfriend.(what chef doesn't dream of the perfect kitchen at home?)
1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life? I think 11 different houses, there maybe one or two more I don't know about from when I was a baby.
2. Which was your favorite and why? The one I'm in now, because it's mine.
3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why? It's exciting, I don't mind the preparation and the work involved, I have fun anticipating my new digs.
4. What's more important, location or price? Both, but mostly price.
5. What features does your dream house have (pool, spa bath, big yard, etc.)? A big yard for the dog, a big garden for me and a fabulous kitchen for my boyfriend.(what chef doesn't dream of the perfect kitchen at home?)
I'm upset now, I was just reading on another blog that ER's episode was really great last night..... and I missed it!! grrrr. I got home and forgot to set my vcr since I had to be in bed early (up at 4:45am today). This is very upsetting, I was just complaining the other day about not getting any new episodes..... *sigh* oh, well.
Well, I went to take the post office exam this morning and I did very well, except for the memory part, on that I was just ok. And there were only 240 people, I wonder if maybe they had two exam rooms? Now I just have to wait to get my results and get placed on the call back list. I know they're hiring here in Queens, so if I got a high score I know I'll be towards the top of the list and hopefully won't have to wait a year to be hired. ~I need to keep a positive attitude for the next three weeks~
Apr 3, 2003
The Thursday Threesome
::April Showers Bring May Flowers::
Onesome: April Showers- What the heck? Snow again in the East (and other places) over the weekend? How the heck are we supposed to get out into the garden? What's the forecast for this weekend where you are? It's spring weather, mid 50's-low 60's and early showers on Saturday. It should be a good one.
Twosome: Bring- Bring in the clowns! Yeah, do you get any help around the garden (house/apartment)? ...or when it comes to flowers, are you the Lone Arranger? I am the Lone Arranger, and I like it that way.
Threesome: May Flowers- Ah, yes, posies and pretties for everyone to enjoy... How about you? What is your favorite flower? ...and not only to receive: what do you enjoy growing at your place? I have 2 begonia plants, 3 shamrocks and one miniature rose (And they all bloom year round). When I buy flowers I like to get Iris, Lillys and Orchids, and I like to receive any flowers. I also have a potted rubber tree, one baby's tears, one aloe, one basil plant and three ivy plants. The ivy's came from one small plant I got as a gift about 20 years ago, so I take good care of it. In case you didn't get it, I love houseplants and gardening, and I have a green thumb. yey!
::April Showers Bring May Flowers::
Onesome: April Showers- What the heck? Snow again in the East (and other places) over the weekend? How the heck are we supposed to get out into the garden? What's the forecast for this weekend where you are? It's spring weather, mid 50's-low 60's and early showers on Saturday. It should be a good one.
Twosome: Bring- Bring in the clowns! Yeah, do you get any help around the garden (house/apartment)? ...or when it comes to flowers, are you the Lone Arranger? I am the Lone Arranger, and I like it that way.
Threesome: May Flowers- Ah, yes, posies and pretties for everyone to enjoy... How about you? What is your favorite flower? ...and not only to receive: what do you enjoy growing at your place? I have 2 begonia plants, 3 shamrocks and one miniature rose (And they all bloom year round). When I buy flowers I like to get Iris, Lillys and Orchids, and I like to receive any flowers. I also have a potted rubber tree, one baby's tears, one aloe, one basil plant and three ivy plants. The ivy's came from one small plant I got as a gift about 20 years ago, so I take good care of it. In case you didn't get it, I love houseplants and gardening, and I have a green thumb. yey!
Things to do today:
~Meet Anna at the Dr.'s office, then go with her to her lawyer's office.
~Look in the map to see how to get to the post office exam tomorrow.
~Call dad. (maybe)
~Upload Arizona pictures.
~Translate 50 Things About Colombia into Spanish.
~ER @ 10pm.
~Go to sleep early. I need to be rested for tomorrow morning.
I had so much fun last night at Alice's birthday party; we ended up leaving at around 10 pm. And we were stuffed, J. prepared such a wonderful meal, as always... he's such a good chef and I'm so lucky he always wants to cook for me.hehehe So Billy came by with Jean, Mathew came with Christina, Maureen invited Tamara, and a couple of Alice's church friends came over. We were about 13 people altogether, and there was not a morsel of food left. That's how good it was. I was sad the kids couldn't stay for dinner and cake, but their mom wanted to take them home and it's best not to argue with her. We didn't need a scene in the middle of a birthday party.
~Meet Anna at the Dr.'s office, then go with her to her lawyer's office.
~Look in the map to see how to get to the post office exam tomorrow.
~Call dad. (maybe)
~Upload Arizona pictures.
~Translate 50 Things About Colombia into Spanish.
~ER @ 10pm.
~Go to sleep early. I need to be rested for tomorrow morning.
I had so much fun last night at Alice's birthday party; we ended up leaving at around 10 pm. And we were stuffed, J. prepared such a wonderful meal, as always... he's such a good chef and I'm so lucky he always wants to cook for me.hehehe So Billy came by with Jean, Mathew came with Christina, Maureen invited Tamara, and a couple of Alice's church friends came over. We were about 13 people altogether, and there was not a morsel of food left. That's how good it was. I was sad the kids couldn't stay for dinner and cake, but their mom wanted to take them home and it's best not to argue with her. We didn't need a scene in the middle of a birthday party.
Apr 2, 2003
Today's Alice's birthday, so I have to meet J. at 3pm in front of the kids' school. It's going to be a long day, since everyone's suppossed to be there for dinner. I don't know if the kids are staying with J. or if their mom's picking them up, so depending on what happens with them, J. may or may not come to Queens with me tonight. I have to pick up some bread and flowers on my way to Brooklyn; I just wish I could have bought her the cookies she loves so much, but they're from Costco and I don't know anyone who's got a Costco card. I'm amazed at Alice, she's turning 81 today and she's incredibly active and independant. I hope my body can keep up with me the same way when I'm that age. Most of all I hope I can make it to that age.
Things are better with J. We talked last night and I think we made progress. I'll know how serious he is about this if he gives me my claddagh ring back on Friday like he promissed. I hope things get better, because I really do love him; like I told him, I don't want to end this, but I'm not going to sit and wait for something that may or may not happen. I know what I want, I already told him, so now it's up to him to show me how committed he is to this relationship.
Things are better with J. We talked last night and I think we made progress. I'll know how serious he is about this if he gives me my claddagh ring back on Friday like he promissed. I hope things get better, because I really do love him; like I told him, I don't want to end this, but I'm not going to sit and wait for something that may or may not happen. I know what I want, I already told him, so now it's up to him to show me how committed he is to this relationship.
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