Dec 30, 2008

Comment ca va?

Ca va bien.

How's that for my first attempt at writing in French? That's right, I am taking French lessons... I never thought I would do this. I found some podcasts which are quite fun and easy to follow and so I am trying to learn a new language. A fourth language.... wow, I feel so smart! :) The only drawback is that since they are podcasts, I am only listening to the lessons. They offer a Premium Membership which includes visuals, so you can see the vocabulary, phrases and so on, but ofcourse you have to pay for this and right now that doesn't fit in the budget. But hey, training the ear and learning the pronunciation is hard enough for now. It's a start.

Merci, Coffee Break French et Radio Lingua Network. A la prochaine!!

Dec 16, 2008

Another one gone

It's a sad day... I just found out a couple of hours ago that my aunt passed away. She's been sick for a while so it's not a complete shock, but it's a loss. And again, I am here in NY and can't go and be with my family back home. I'm so sorry I can't be there for them and with them...

I will miss her.

Dec 2, 2008

Family visit

So my dad, my brother and my niece just spent a week here with us. It went by fast, especially since I don't have too much free time, but we had so much fun!! My niece is now 6 and she is amazing... I wish they didn't live so far away, I feel like I'm missing out in so much.