Dec 23, 2003

My feelings exactly

Dear Lord, I pray for:
Wisdom, To understand a man
Love, To forgive him and
Patience, For his moods
Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength
I'll just beat him to death.

Via Partial to the bean

Secret Santa

I received my blog secret santa tonight. I'm so excited, I think I'm going to open it right now...... yey!

It's almost over

Yes, the crazy x-mas season is almost over and I survived. With my crazy work schedule I haven't had time to be worried about x-mas this year (thank God). Unfortunately I am one of those unfortunate souls that become depressed this time of year. Right now I'm just looking forward to spending x-mas day in bed watching tv; resting and catching up on some sleep will be my gift to my self.

Dec 14, 2003


I stayed up tonight and played with my blog. I like these colors, although I started "chrismassy". Now I just have to figure out how to blog from my cell, hopefully I'll do it in a day or two.

Can you hear me now?

Yeah, baby!! I got my cell phone a couple of days ago. I am so happy I am finally coming out of this rut I've been in. I'm starting to get my hands on enough money that I can do little things for my self.

Life is good.

Dec 1, 2003

It's been a long time

Seriously, I haven't had time to blog in a month. I'm just too tired from work, and too worried about money. What else is new, right?....

Thanksgiving was ok. I went to Joseph's to have dinner with his family..... I was very stressed. They're just so different; I love Joseph, but they're so different from us, from my family.... I couldn't wait to leave. Afterwards we went to my dad's and we had lots of fun, until Joseph and Juan started on the second bottle and it all went to hell. Joseph got drunk and I felt like I wanted to run out of the house. I was so embarrassed......

And it's not over.... Christmas is coming.

God help me.